Development of an IDEAL Framework to Standardise Cytoreductive Surgery for Colorectal Peritoneal...
Colorectal Cancer MetastaticPeritoneal MetastasesCytoreduction surgery (CRS) followed by hyperthermic intra-operative peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) is a relatively new treatment for selected patients with peritoneal metastases of colorectal origin (PMCR). Data from outside of trials suggest that CRS and HIPEC improves survival compared with the current standard care (chemotherapy). The big challenge is to do trials in this setting - as the intervention is complex, and there are wide variations in the process and recording of outcomes. If trials can confirm the findings from non-randomised studies there are an estimated 1000 to 2000 patients who may benefit from this intervention in the UK each year. The aim of this study is to develop a framework which can be used to undertake a randomised trial in patients with PMCR suitable for CRS with or without HIPEC. The investigators will address this using the principles of the IDEAL (Idea, Development, Evaluation, Assessment & Long term study) framework. Here, a pre-trial feasibility study will be performed between the two national peritoneal tumour treatment centres (Manchester and Basingstoke). This study is designed as such that it will take place over the following four stages: Stage 1. Comparing the treatment data from 100 operations from each of the two centres to identify which of the key components of the intervention differ as well as testing for differences in overall survival and recurrence free survival. Stage 2. Identifying sources of these differences by selecting up to 25 patients and investigating the variation in the way surgeons score key aspects of the procedure Stage 3. Development of a 'trial manual' with standardised definitions (to minimise any differences) Stage 4. Test how well people follow the manual in practice. After this study is complete, it will be possible to use the resulting trial manual to design future randomised trials to test the most suitable clinical question.

Telemedicine Clinic for Prostate Cancer Patients
CancerTreatment-RelatedThis randomized, open label study will evaluate a nurse and pharmacist led clinic conducted remotely from Grand River Regional Cancer Centre at Grand River Hospital (GRRCC/GRH) using OTN teleconferencing as a platform for patients with prostate cancer receiving oral chemotherapy agents.

BNT162b2 Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA) Covid-19 Vaccine in Cancer Patients on Active Treatment...
NeoplasmsCancer1 moreIn this Italian observational study the antibody titer reactogenicity to Pfizer Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) - Coronavirus (CoV-2) RNA vaccine in cancer patients under active antitumor treatment will be evaluated at 21 and 42 days and after 6 months. Furthermore patients safety will be monitored. Factors affecting immunogenicity (or lack of), including cancer treatment, will be the primary aim of the study.

Pancreatic Cyst Ablation With a Monopolar Radiofrequency Ablation Probe
Treatment Related CancerPancreatic cysts (A cyst is a thin walled cavity containing fluid) were rarely reported previously, but have been on a rise due to advanced imaging for evaluating pancreatic lesions or other medical reasons has increased detection of pancreatic cysts. Study shows transformation of pancreatic cysts to be 10.8 for every 100,000 women and 13.8 for every 100,000 men. Pancreatic cysts are divided in two groups; serous and mucinous. Serous cysts are thin walled cysts and are not associated with precancer. On the other hand, mucinous cysts have a tendency to progress to pancreatic cancer. Radio frequency ablation (RFA) is an alternative method used for patients who could not or decided to not undergo surgical removal of the cyst. This study is a standard of care study and no changes in regards to the procedure scheduled with the physician will be changed.

Abbreviated Breast MRI for Second Breast Cancer Detection in Women With BRCA Mutation Testing
Breast CancerBRCA1 Mutation3 moreStudy Purpose: A multicenter prospective study to evaluate the outcome of second breast cancer surveillance with abbreviated breast MR (AB-MR) or ultrasound (US) in addition to annual mammography in women with BRCA1/2 mutation testing Study Scheme: AB-MR, US, and digital mammography will be performed on the same day and interpreted independently at baseline and then after 1 year. After completion of study, patients are followed-up for at least 1 year.

Circulating Tumor DNA as Marker for Response to Antineoplastic Treatment of Metastatic Cancer (FLUIDO)...
Metastatic CancerEarly monitoring of antineoplastic treatment benefit is a central medical need. Radiologic assessment for documentation of response is done after several months of treatment usually. This implies that patients not responding are exposed to unnecessary toxicity. According to several reports showing the correlation of the amount of circulating tumour DNA with tumour burden we aim to investigate its early dynamic change at the beginning and during antineoplastic treament until radiologic response assessment. Blood samples necessary for that are taken within the scope of clinical routine care. We hypothesize that the changes of circulating tumour DNA correlate with the radiological findings.

The Clinical Outcome and the Exploration of Related Biomarkers of Target Therapy in Metastasis Colorectal...
NeoplasmsTherapy-AssociatedThrough clinical observation and data statistics, conclude the clinical outcome of target therapy in metastasis colorectal cancer and explore some biomarkers that relate to target therapy.