PD2i Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Competitive Sports
Autonomic DysfunctionThis is a double blind observational analysis of changes in heart rate variability using PD2i analyser in competitive athletes during strenuous exercise and competition.

Dysautonomia in Patients Post COVID-19 Infection
Covid19The aim for this study is further to elucidate the presence of dysautonomia in post-covid-19 patients, by evaluating heart rate variability.

Could HRV be a Valuable Predictor for CPAP Adherence?
OSAAutonomic Dysfunction3 moreThis study aim to evaluate if the improvement of heart rate variability for the continuous positive airway pressure titration night can predict the short and long term continuous positive airway pressure adherence for patients with moderate to severe OSA.

Electrocardiographic Autonomic Function Measures in Mechanically Ventilated Patients
Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous SystemCardiovascular Abnormalities1 moreThis research proposal has two main objectives. The first is to increase understanding of the underlying physiological interactions that occur between the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and ANS during transition between positive pressure mechanical ventilation (MV) and spontaneous breathing. The second is to determine if heart rate variability, (HRV) a reflection of autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity, and autonomic information flow (AIF), a set of nonlinear measures derived from HRV, both measured in the intensive care unit (ICU) can predict patient outcomes including successful weaning and in-hospital recovery time after an episode of cardiopulmonary compromise requiring MV. Hypothesis 1. Transitions between mechanically supported ventilation and spontaneous breathing will disturb cardiovascular synchrony, altering the relationship of HRV, AIF, respiratory rate, and blood pressure; Hypothesis 2. More normal HRV and AIF values, measured during baseline MV and sedation awakening (a period immediately prior to SBT when sedative medications are discontinued) will be associated with easier weaning, and shorter intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital lengths of stay; more abnormal measurements will be associated with longer lengths of stay; Hypothesis 3. AIF is a more sensitive predictor of successful weaning from MV than HRV.

fMRI in Blood Phobia Syncope
SyncopeBlood Injury Phobia1 moreWe plan to study patient who faint in response to the sight of blood and compare them to healthy subjects who do not. We are going to use a special type of MRI scan (functional MRI) to determine if there are differences in brain activation in response to seeing bloody or gory pictures that occur before the fainting occurs.

Autonomic Cardiovascular Neuropathy in Recently Diagnosed DM2 Patients (ACNDM2)
DysautonomiaThe investigators are studying the initial autonomic alterations in participants recently diagnosed with DM2 and in those patients classified as Pre-Diabetes, mainly focused on the baroreceptor sensitivity and on the peripheral sympathetic innervation.

Autonomic Regulation in Prader-Willi Syndrome
Autonomic DysfunctionTo evaluate autonomic regulation in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome with sleep-disordered breathing.

Dysautonomic Phenotype in Male Patients With MECP2 Mutation
MECP2-Related Severe Neonatal EncephalopathyDysautonomia1 moreDysautonomic signs are well known among girls with a Rett Syndrom. Rett syndrom is caused by a MECP2 mutation in 95% of cases. We want to search dysautonomic signs among boys with a MECP2 mutations because they are less studied than the girls and they have more varied phenotypes.

Prognostic Significance of the Baroreflex Sensitivity Changes After Acute Ischemic Stroke
Cerebrovascular AccidentBaroreflexes1 moreAfter acute stroke, baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) is impaired. This impaired acute stage BRS has been reported to be predictive of worsen outcome years after stroke in general. However, it is not very clear if the impaired acute stroke BRS would actually persist months after the acute stage. It is also not clear that such change, if any, would correlate with the functional outcome or prognosis after stroke. The trial is to investigate the longitudinal time course of BRS after ischemic stroke up to the 6th month post stroke and to see if there is any correlation of the changes in BRS with the functional outcome parameters using NIHSS and mRS scores throughout this period.

ME/CFS: Activity Patterns and Autonomic Dysfunction
Chronic Fatigue SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to identify daily activity patterns, negative life events and autonomic abnormalities that may be related to non-improvement in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). For both naturalistic studies and behavioral intervention trials, roughly 50% of patients report worsening or unchanged illness. The proposed four year study would be the first to look at the relation between illness non-improvement, patient activities at home and autonomic function. Our long-range goal is to identify physiological signals and activity patterns that predict non-improvement and relapse and develop a self-management program that prescribes improvement-linked behaviors and discourages non-improvement activities.