TPN-101 in Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS)
Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS)A phase 2a multi-center, open-label single dose level study of TPN-101 in Patients with Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS)

Inhibition of Reverse Transcription in Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome
Aicardi-Goutières SyndromeAicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) is a disease of children, particularly affecting the brain and the skin. There is a close link between AGS and increased amounts of a chemical called interferon. Normally humans only produce interferon when they are infected with a virus. In AGS, there is no viral infection. Instead, the cells in the cells of affected patients are confused into thinking that their own genetic material is coming from a virus. As a result they produce interferon all the time, which acts as a poison that damages the cells. The Investigators wish to treat AGS patients with drugs called reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs), used to fight the HIV-1 virus that causes AIDS. The investigators will monitor the effect of treatment on interferon levels, and look at other markers which might give us clues to how the drugs are working. The trial is funded by the Medical Research Council, and involves experts based in Edinburgh, Birmingham, Manchester and Great Ormond Street Hospital.

JAK Inhibitor Treatment in AGS
Aicardi Goutieres SyndromeThe primary objective of this study is to assess safety as well as efficacy of baricitinib, a Janus Kinase (JAK) inhibitor, in patients with Aicardi Goutières Syndrome (AGS), a multisystem heritable disorder of the innate immunity resulting in excessive interferon production

MEHMO Natural History and Biomarkers
Intellectual DisabilityEpilepsy4 moreThis observational natural history study will follow individuals with MEHMO (Mental disability, Epileptic seizure, Hypopituitarism/Hypogenitalism, Microcephaly, Obesity) syndrome or an eIF2-pathway related disorder, who have symptoms such as intellectual delay, seizures, abnormal hormone and blood sugar levels, and decreased motor skills. No current treatment for these conditions is available. A major impediment to the testing of potential therapeutic interventions is the lack of well-defined outcome measures. This protocol seeks to identify biochemical and clinical markers to monitor disease progression, and better understand the natural history of these conditions. Any person diagnosed with MEHMO syndrome or related conditions, who can travel to the NIH Clinical Center can participate in this study. The study involves: General health assessment and evaluation Imaging studies Laboratory tests Collection of blood, urine, spinal fluid, skin biopsy.

Pilot Study of ZetaFuse™ Bone Graft for the Treatment of Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease
RadiculopathyCervical4 moreThe goal of this pilot clinical trial is to test the safety and preliminary performance of the ZetaFuse Bone Graft in patient requiring fusion of the C3-C7 vertebral bones due to pain or loss of neurological function. Participants will be treated with ZetaFuse during surgical intervention to reduce pain and the loss of neurological function.

Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in Aicardi Goutières Syndrome
Aicardi Goutières SyndromeThe overall objectives are to explore the safety and efficacy of Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors Tenofovir (TDF)/ Emtricitabine (FTC) administered in AGS affected children 2 to 18 years of age.

Implication of New High Resolution Ultrasonographic Modalities for Diagnosis of Fetal Nervous System...
Ultrasound Therapy; Complications Anomaly Central Nervous System DiseasesThe fetal CNS screening examination during the mid-trimester scan in low-risk pregnancies should include evaluation of the fetal head and spine, using transabdominal sonography. Evaluation of two axial planes allows visualization of the relevant cerebral structures to assess the anatomic integrity of the fetal brain.These planes are commonly referred to as the transventricular and transcerebellar planes. A third plane, the so-called transthalamic plane, is frequently added, mostly for the purpose of biometry. Structures that should be noted in the routine examination include the lateral ventricles, the cerebellum, the cisterna magna, and the cavum septi pellucidi (CSP). Head shape and brain texture should also be noted on these views.

Role of New High Resolution Ultrasonographic Modalities for Diagnosis of Fetal Nervous System Anomalies...
Ultrasound Therapy; ComplicationsAnomaly1 moreThe fetal CNS screening examination during the mid-trimester scan in low-risk pregnancies should include evaluation of the fetal head and spine, using transabdominal sonography. Evaluation of two axial planes allows visualization of the relevant cerebral structures to assess the anatomic integrity of the fetal brain.These planes are commonly referred to as the transventricular and transcerebellar planes. A third plane, the so-called transthalamic plane, is frequently added, mostly for the purpose of biometry. Structures that should be noted in the routine examination include the lateral ventricles, the cerebellum, the cisterna magna, and the cavum septi pellucidi (CSP). Head shape and brain texture should also be noted on these views.

NeuroSeq: A Prospective Trial to Evaluate the Diagnostic Yield of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)...
Neurologic DeficitsNeurologic Disorder1 moreProspective, multi-site, single-arm study to evaluate the diagnostic yield of cWGS in adults with neurological disorders. A single cohort naive of genetic testing will receive standard of care testing for 180 days followed by cWGS. The cohort will be followed for a total of 365 days following enrollment.

Anakinra to Treat Patients With Neonatal Onset Multisystem Inflammatory Disease
Nervous System MalformationsArthropathy3 moreThis study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of anakinra (Kineret) for treating patients with neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease (NOMID), also known as chronic infantile neurological, cutaneous and arthropathy (CINCA) syndrome. This disease can cause rash, joint deformities, brain inflammation, eye problems, and learning difficulties. Immune suppressing medicines commonly used to treat other pediatric rheumatologic diseases do not suppress NOMID symptoms and, if used long-term and in high doses, can cause harmful side effects. Anakinra, approved by The Food and Drug Administration for treating rheumatoid arthritis in adults, blocks a substance called IL-1 that may be an important factor in causing the inflammation in NOMID.