Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Pemigatinib in Participants With Previously Treated...
GlioblastomaAdult-type Diffuse GliomasThis is an open-label, monotherapy study of pemigatinib in participants with recurrent glioblastoma (GBM) or other recurrent gliomas, circumscribed astrocytic gliomas, and glioneuronal and neuronal tumors with an activating FGFR1-3 mutation or fusion/rearrangement. This study consists of 2 cohorts, Cohorts A, and B, and will enroll approximately 82 participants into each cohort. Participants will receive pemigatinib 13.5 mg QD on a 2-week on-therapy and 1-week off-therapy schedule as long as they are receiving benefit and have not met any criteria for study withdrawal.

LOC-R01 Study of Lenalidomide and Ibrutinib in Association With Rituximab-Methotrexate Procarbazine...
LymphomaLarge B-Cell3 moreThis study is to improve the first-line induction chemotherapy, by combining either Ibrutinib, or Lenalidomide, to a conventional immuno- chemotherapy of R-MPV type (Rituximab-Methotrexate-Procarbazine-Vincristine). This is a randomized Phase II trial, preceded by a dose escalation phase Ib. The objective of the phase Ib is to rule out any limiting toxicity of the new treatment associations, and to determine the recommended dose of Lenalidomide and Ibrutinib to be used in the phase II. In the phase II study, patients will receive 4 cycles of R-MPV + Lenalidomide or 4 cycles of R-MPV + Ibrutinib. The therapeutic response will be evaluated after the 2nd and the 4th cycle. Patients in good therapeutic response will proceed to the consolidation phase with Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation (ASCT).

Study of B7-H3, EGFR806, HER2, And IL13-Zetakine (Quad) CAR T Cell Locoregional Immunotherapy For...
Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine GliomaDiffuse Midline Glioma6 moreThis is a Phase 1 study of central nervous system (CNS) locoregional adoptive therapy with SC-CAR4BRAIN, an autologous CD4+ and CD8+ T cells lentivirally transduced to express to express combinations of B7-H3, EGFR806, HER2, and IL13-zetakine chimeric antigen receptors (CAR). CAR T cells are delivered via an indwelling catheter into the ventricular system in children and young adults with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG), diffuse midline glioma (DMG), and recurrent or refractory CNS tumors. A child or young adult meeting all eligibility criteria, including having a CNS catheter placed into their ventricular system, and meeting none of the exclusion criteria will have their T cells collected. The T cells will then be bioengineered into a second-generation CAR T cell that target B7H3, EGFR806, HER2, and IL13-zetakine on tumor cells. Patients will be assigned to 1 of 2 treatment Arms based on the type of their tumor: Arm A is for patients with DIPG (meaning primary disease localized to the pons, metastatic disease is allowed) anytime after standard radiation OR after progression. Arm B is for patients with non-pontine DMG (meaning DMG in other parts of the brain such as the thalamus or spine) anytime after standard radiation OR after progression. This Arm also includes other recurrent/refractory CNS tumors.

Loc3CAR: Locoregional Delivery of B7-H3-CAR T Cells for Pediatric Patients With Primary CNS Tumors...
Central Nervous System NeoplasmsAtypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor6 moreLoc3CAR is a Phase I clinical trial evaluating the use of autologous B7-H3-CAR T cells for participants ≤ 21 years old with primary CNS neoplasms. B7-H3-CAR T cells will be locoregionally administered via a CNS reservoir catheter. Study participants will be divided into two cohorts: cohort A with B7-H3-positive relapsed/refractory non-brainstem primary CNS tumors, and cohort B with brainstem high-grade neoplasms. Participants will receive six (6) B7-H3-CAR T cell infusions over an 8 week period. The purpose of this study is to find the maximum (highest) dose of B7-H3-CAR T cells that are safe to give patients with primary brain tumors.

Targeted Therapy Directed by Genetic Testing in Treating Pediatric Patients With Relapsed or Refractory...
Advanced Malignant Solid NeoplasmAnn Arbor Stage III Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma43 moreThis Pediatric MATCH screening and multi-sub-study phase II trial studies how well treatment that is directed by genetic testing works in pediatric patients with solid tumors, non-Hodgkin lymphomas, or histiocytic disorders that have progressed following at least one line of standard systemic therapy and/or for which no standard treatment exists that has been shown to prolong survival. Genetic tests look at the unique genetic material (genes) of patients' tumor cells. Patients with genetic changes or abnormalities (mutations) may benefit more from treatment which targets their tumor's particular genetic mutation, and may help doctors plan better treatment for patients with solid tumors or non-Hodgkin lymphomas.

Pediatric Prospective Personalized Immune and Target Identification Trial
Central Nervous System NeoplasmsPediatric Cancer3 morePPROSPERITIT is a prospective clinical study assessing the use of comprehensive molecular profiling to define the best matching targeted and immune treatment for relapsed, refractory or very high risk pediatric CNS tumors.

Gadolinium and Ferumoxytol MRI in Diagnosing Patients With Abnormalities in the Central Nervous...
Central Nervous System NeoplasmCranial Nerve Disorder1 moreThis phase II trial studies how well gadolinium and ferumoxytol magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) work in diagnosing patients with abnormalities in the central nervous system. Diagnostic procedures, such as gadolinium and ferumoxytol MRI, may help find and diagnose abnormalities in the central nervous system.

Memory Perception Assessment in Central/Non-central Nervous System Cancers
GlioblastomaGlioma2 moreProspective memory (PM) is the ability to implement intended actions in the future. It allows maintaining and retrieving future plans, goals, and activities (i.e., remember to remember). PM is associated with most everyday memory problems . PM is crucial to correctly respond to all the social, occupational and working demands of everyday life, to perform many deferred health-related actions and is involved in therapeutic adherence . Indeed, PM errors are an important part of the aging memory complaints. The prevalence of self-reported PM failures is also significant among young adults, compared with self-reported retrospective memory (RM) failures .Yet, PM errors are major sources of frustration and embarrassment . In oncology, recently investigated the self-reported memory complaints in a 80 case-healthy-control study breast patients . Subjective memory complaints were assessed using the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire . Results from the Paquet et al. study show that all participants (i.e., both patients and matched-controls) reported more PM than RM failures in daily-life (p<.001). Breast cancer patients reported more RM and PM failures than controls. However, this group effect was no longer statistically significant when controlling for depression and fatigue. These findings are consistent with the view that memory complaints are closely associated with depression and cancer-related fatigue, and more generally with psychopathological variables .As underlined by Paquet et al. subjective memory complaints should be investigated because they refer to some aspects of the cancer experience that could potentially be linked to quality of life. Thus, it is important to explore psychopathological basis such as depression, anxiety and fatigue while investigating self-reported memory failures in cancer patients. Despites the importance of PM, there have been, to our knowledge, only few studies evaluating PM complaints or PM functioning in patients diagnosed with an intracerebral tumor (such as Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma- DLGG- or glioblastome- GB) or extra-cerebral tumor (such as breast cancer - BC). Therefore, the investigators thought it would be useful, as a first step, to conduct a study to explore and to manage the PM and RM subjective complaints in cancer patients compared to another chronic disease, such as HIV. In fine, these data will help to identify a new target for psychological management focused on either psychopathological or neuropsychological rehabilitation

POWER UP: Participating Online While Exercising to Recover Using Play
ExerciseCentral Nervous System Tumors1 moreWe will conduct a two-phase study. The first phase is to adapt and develop an active video game (AVG)-centered lifestyle physical activity (PA) intervention (POWER UP) for adolescents and young adults (AYA) with central nervous system tumors. The second phase is to test the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a 12-week virtually delivered, group-based active video game-centered lifestyle physical activity intervention on function and quality of life in AYAs (aged 15-39) who are ≤1-year post-surgery for a central nervous system tumor. This population is at very high-risk for steep functional decline.

Second Window Indocyanine Green for All Nervous System Tumors
Nervous System TumorThe study is being conducted to determine if a same-day, low-dose intravenous (into a vein) injection of indocyanine green (ICG) (FDA-approved dye) being detected by using an imaging system can be a useful tool in identifying and differentiating tumor tissue from normal tissues.