Carboplatin, Temozolomide, and Filgrastim in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed or Recurrent...
Brain and Central Nervous System TumorsRATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy use different ways to stop tumor cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. Colony-stimulating factors such as filgrastim may increase the number of immune cells found in bone marrow or peripheral blood and may help a person's immune system recover from the side effects of chemotherapy. PURPOSE: Phase II trial to study the effectiveness of combining carboplatin, temozolomide, and filgrastim in treating patients who have newly diagnosed or recurrent high-grade glioma.
OXC401-PO1s/WVU 1309 - A Pilot Study of Fosbretabulin With Bevacizumab in Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas...
Central Nervous System TumorsPilot Trial of CA4P with Avastin in Recurrent Gliomas
Cyproheptadine and Megestrol in Preventing Weight Loss in Children With Cachexia Caused By Cancer...
Brain TumorCentral Nervous System Tumors7 moreRATIONALE: Cyproheptadine and megestrol may improve appetite and help prevent weight loss in children with cancer. PURPOSE: This phase II trial is studying how well cyproheptadine and megestrol work in improving appetite and preventing weight loss in children with cachexia caused by cancer or cancer treatment.
Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and Peripheral Stem Cell Transplantation in Treating Children With...
Brain and Central Nervous System TumorsRATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy use different ways to stop tumor cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. Combining chemotherapy and radiation therapy with peripheral stem cell transplantation may allow the doctor to give higher doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy and kill more tumor cells. PURPOSE: Phase II trial to study the effectiveness of chemotherapy with topotecan, cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, and vincristine plus radiation therapy and peripheral stem cell transplantation in treating children with newly diagnosed medulloblastoma or supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor.
Levofloxacin to Prevent Infection Following Chemotherapy in Treating Patients With Solid Tumors...
Brain and Central Nervous System TumorsBreast Cancer9 moreRATIONALE: Giving antibiotics may be effective in preventing or controlling early infection in patients receiving chemotherapy for solid tumors or lymphoma. It is not yet known if levofloxacin if effective in preventing infection. PURPOSE: Randomized phase III trial to determine the effectiveness of levofloxacin in preventing infection in patients receiving chemotherapy for solid tumors or lymphoma.
Study of Tozuleristide and the Canvas Imaging System in Pediatric Subjects With CNS Tumors Undergoing...
Pediatric Central Nervous System TumorMany types of cancer are primarily treated with surgery and patient survival is directly related to the extent to which the tumor is able to be removed. It is often difficult for surgeons to distinguish tumor tissue from normal tissue or to detect tumor cells that have spread from the original tumor site, resulting in incomplete removal of the tumor and reduced patient survival. In some sites, such as the brain, it is critical to avoid damage to normal tissue around the tumor to prevent adverse effects of surgery on function. Tozuleristide is a drug that is thought to attach to tumor tissue and then fluoresces (glows) when a special light from the Canvas is shined on it. It is hypothesized that tozuleristide, when imaged with the Canvas, will improve surgical outcomes by allowing surgeons to visualize the edges of the tumor or other ambiguous tissue in real-time as they operate. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how well tozuleristide imaged with Canvas work at helping to distinguish between tumor and normal tissue during surgery in pediatric primary central nervous system tumors.
Study of BLZ-100 in Pediatric Subjects With CNS Tumors
Central Nervous System TumorsMany types of cancer are primarily treated with surgery and patient survival is directly related to the extent to which the tumor is able to be removed. It is often difficult for surgeons to distinguish tumor tissue from normal tissue or to detect tumor cells that have spread from the original tumor site, resulting in incomplete removal of the tumor and reduced patient survival. In some sites, such as the brain, it is critical to avoid damage to normal tissue around the tumor to prevent adverse effects of surgery on function. The investigators hypothesize that BLZ-100 will improve surgical outcomes by allowing surgeons to visualize the edges of the tumor and small groups of cancer cells that have spread to other sites in real-time as they operate. This is a safety study to assess the safety of BLZ-100 in pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors.
Sodium Thiosulfate in Preventing Hearing Loss in Young Patients Receiving Cisplatin for Newly Diagnosed...
Brain TumorCentral Nervous System Tumor7 moreRATIONALE: Sodium thiosulfate may reduce or prevent hearing loss in young patients receiving cisplatin for cancer. It is not yet known whether sodium thiosulfate is more effective than no additional treatment in preventing hearing loss. PURPOSE: This randomized phase III trial is studying sodium thiosulfate to see how well it works in preventing hearing loss in young patients receiving cisplatin for newly diagnosed germ cell tumor, hepatoblastoma, medulloblastoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, or other malignancy.
Armodafinil in Treating Fatigue Caused By Radiation Therapy in Patients With Primary Brain Tumors...
Brain TumorsNervous System Tumors2 moreRATIONALE: Armodafinil may help relieve fatigue and improve quality of life in patients with cancer receiving radiation therapy to the brain. PURPOSE: This clinical trial is studying how well armodafinil works in treating fatigue caused by radiation therapy in patients with primary brain tumors.
Medical and Surgical Management of Patients With Brain Metastases
Central Nervous System TumorThe integrated cancer research site (SIRIC) of Montpellier proposes to develop a prospective and regional Clinical Database Project and regional biological collection (blood and tumor samples), which is an expanding data collection designed to contribute to a better understand the patient's management with brain metastases including quality of life and neuropsychological/cognitive aspects.