The Role of Insulin Resistance in Patients With Heart Failure and Type 2 Diabetes
Insulin ResistanceChronic Heart FailureThe purpose of this cross-sectional comparative 2x2 trial study is to compare the degree of insulin resistance, myocardial function and selected metabolic parameters and to explore the pathophysiological mechanisms by which insulin resistance is implicated in development of chronic heart failure (HF) in patients with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes (T2D). Investigators hypothesize that patients with heart failure will be insulin-resistant and will display metabolic abnormalities as patients with diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes and Acute Myocardial Infarction
Myocardial InfarctionType 2 Diabetes2 moreThe present study was designed to determine the prevalence of previously unknown impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction subjected to acute PCI. Secondary, a possible association between inflammation, haemostasis and abnormal glucose regulation was studied.

Regional Fat Depots and Insulin Resistance
ObesityInsulin Resistance1 moreThe biological basis for insulin resistance associated with obesity is unknown. By studying equally-overweight/obese individuals who are either insulin resistant or insulin sensitive, the investigators will compare characteristics of fat tissue to test several hypotheses: 1) impaired differentiation and fat storage in the subcutaneous fat depot characterize insulin resistant individuals, who have, as a result, fat in other tissues like liver and muscle, as well as more fat circulating in the blood; 2) inflammation is greater in visceral and/or subcutaneous adipose tissue depots in insulin resistant individuals as compared with insulin sensitive individuals.

Arterial Wall Calcium Load in Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum
Pseudoxanthoma ElasticumType 2 Diabetes1 moreQuantification and preferential sites of arterial wall calcification within the coronary and lower legs arteries will be comared between Pseudo-Xanthoma elasticum(PXE) atients and type 2 diabetics and Chronic Kidney disease.

Evaluation and Comparison of Noninvasive Blood Glucose Concentrations
Insulin Dependent DiabetesNon Insulin Dependent Diabetes1 moreComparison of noninvasive glucose measurement performance versus standard invasive reference measurements.

Serum Sphingolipidomic Analyses in Healthy, Diabetic and Prediabetic Subjects
Diabetes MellitusType 21 moreThis study is designed to compare the serum sphingolipidomic analyses in healthy, pre-diabetic and diabetic subjects. age, sex and BMI are matched among these three groups. As ceramide, sphingosine, sphingosine-1-phosphate and sphinganine are involved in inflammation, immunity and cancer, investigators proposed a hypothesis that sphingosine-1-phosphate and other sphingolipids may be associated with the progress of type 2 diabetes. sphingolipids may be a biomarker for diabetes.

Small Dense Low-density Lipoprotein in Patients With Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
Prediabetes / Type 2 DiabetesIt is known that small dense LDL particles are associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. LDL particles can be separated by gradient gel electrophoresis (GGE) according to their size. The risk to suffer from coronary heart disease is 3-7 fold elevated in subjects with small dense LDL particles compared to subjects with large LDL particles. This study aims at evaluating the predictive value of small dense LDL particles in patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus concerning future changes in intima media thickness, flow-mediated dilation and other risk factors of atherosclerosis (e.g. insulin resistance). 60 patients with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes will be recruited for the study. Assessment will include medical history (risk factors), physical examination (blood pressure, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio), collection of serum, oral glucose tolerance test, measurement of intima media thickness and endothelial dysfunction by ultrasound. All measurements will be repeated after 2 years. Data will be analysed to assess whether the amount of small dense LDL particles can predict further structural and functional changes of the cardiovascular system or changes in the severity of the disease (insulin resistance).

Evaluation of SCOUT DS Device in the Diagnosis of Diabetes
Type 2 DiabetesThe primary objective is to identify compare SCOUT DS to random capillary glucose for identification of at-risk subjects with dysglycemia defined by hemoglobin A1c ≥ 6.0%.

Long-term of 10 Years Results of a Prospective Longitudinal Study
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusBlood PressurePrevious cross-sectional studies have demonstrated that blood pressure (BP) measurements at home (HBP) in the morning offer stronger predictive power for micro- and macrovascular complications in patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes than casual/clinic blood pressure measurements (CBP) (Kamoi K et al, 2002-2003). Further, a prospective, longitudinal study for 6 years in patients with type 2 diabetes also demonstrated that control of wakening-up HBP provides the stronger predictive power for the outcomes than that of CBP did (Kamoi et al, 2010). However, it is not clear to show which of BP measurement provides the stronger predictive power for outcomes by comparing cumulative events over a longer time than 6 years. Therefore, the investigators examined which of HBP or CBP provides the stronger predictive power for outcomes in addition of renal anemia reported previously over 10 years in the patients with type 2 diabetes.

Prevalence of Macrovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusThe study aim is to establish a consecutive population of newly referred type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and among these to describe the degree of macrovascular disease by evaluating left ventricular systolic and diastolic function (echocardiography), myocardial perfusion (single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)), the peripheral vascular perfusion (strain gauge toe blood pressure measurements and a ultrasound scan of the a. carotis communis). Further, the degree of microvascular disease will be evaluated (glomerular filtration rate assessment, fundus photography and biotesiometry). Finally the cohort will be followed the next two years to assess the prognostic value of the above-mentioned parameters