Efficacy of Mirtazapine in Major Depressive Disorder With Insomnia
Major Depressive Disorder With InsomniaThis will be a single center, prospective, open label, quasi-experimental pre-post intervention trial in major depressive disorder (MDD) patients with insomnia. The main objectives are i. to assess efficacy of mirtazapine in reducing depression and insomnia symptom severity in major depressive disorder (MDD) patients with insomnia. ii. to evaluate side effects of mirtazapine. Following enrollment and baseline assessment patients will be prescribed mirtazapine at 15-30 mg/day. Depending on the response, doses will be adjusted after two weeks and might be titrated up to 45 mg/day. Each patient will be monitored for 42 days and assessment will be carried out on Day 0, Day 14, Day 28 and Day 42 of the trial.

An ACT Website for College Students With Insomnia
InsomniaCollege students experience higher rates of insomnia compared the general population, and accessibility and availability for the appropriate intervention is difficult due limited resources available to them in a college environment. Theorefore, it is vital to offer an intervention that can be just as effective yet more accessible than other available treatments targeting insomnia. That is why this study will investigate the efficacy and feasibility of an online ACT intervention for insomnia among college students. Specifically, Is an online ACT for college students effective in treating insomnia? And, is an online ACT for college students feasible and acceptable in treating insomnia? Participants will be randomized into one of two conditions: waitlist or online ACT guide. Participants will receive questionnaires at baseline, post-treatment (4 weeks), and 1-month follow up.

Effect of Eszopiclone on Adherence to CPAP and Severity of Insomnia in Patients With COMISA
Obstructive Sleep ApneaInsomniaThe comorbidity between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and insomnia (COMISA) is common, and associated with poorer sleep quality. CPAP adherence among COMISA patients is worst than among those with OSA only. The investigators will compare the effect of Eszopiclone 3mg or placebo for 14 days on adherence to CPAP after 30 days and after 6 months.

Light Therapy in Modulating the Clinical Phenotype of Patients With Primary and Comorbid Chronic...
Insomnia ChronicSome evidence indicates that circadian rhythm may play a role in the pathophysiology of insomnia disorder. This single-blind randomized controlled multicentre prospective study aims to evaluate the possible therapeutic effect of light therapy in modulating the clinical phenotype of patients affected by chronic primary and comorbid insomnia, through the modification of the circadian phase.

Software-delivered CBT-I for Insomnia Disorder
Insomnia DisorderThe goal of this prospective multicenter clinical trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of software-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) in Chinese patients with insomnia disorder (ID). The main questions it aims to answer are: (1) whether the software-delivered CBT-I is more effective than an online patient education (online-PE) at improving insomnia. (2) whether the software-delivered CBT-I is safe for treatment of insomnia symptoms. Participants will be randomized to receive (1) a software-delivered CBT-I using automated software called 'resleep' (one kind of digital device expected to treat insomnia targeted for Chinese patients); (2) online patient education (online-PE) about sleep. Researchers will compare the efficacy of a software-delivered CBT-I program and an online sleep education control at improving insomnia symptoms and other psychological outcomes.

App-delivered Sleep ThERapy for Older Individuals With Insomnia
InsomniaThis randomised, open, parallel controlled trial aims to compare the efficacy of a digital brief behavioural therapy for insomnia (dBBTi) against online sleep health education on insomnia symptom severity in older adults aged 60 years and over. The trial will be totally online with participants recruited from the community across Australia.

University of Colorado - Restoring Efficient Sleep After TBI
InsomniaTraumatic Brain InjurySleep disturbance is a common condition following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and impairs recovery and quality of life. While efficacious interventions exist many are not accessible to all patients due to a variety of factors (e.g., rurality, access to providers). Further, many of the available treatments have not been validated for individuals with moderate/severe TBI. The proposed study will evaluate a guided computerized version of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (cCBT-I) against enhanced treatment as usual (ETU) in individuals with moderate/severe TBI.

A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Study of Pulse Magnetotherapy Combined Medication in Anxiety...
Anxiety DisorderInsomniaThe goal of this clinical trial is to explore the therapeutic effect of pulse magnetic therapy system combined with drug therapy on patients with anxiety and insomnia. The main questions it aims to answer are: Whether the pulse magnetic therapy system is benefit on improving insomnia in anxiety patients. This improvement is not due to the placement of the instrument。 Participants will accept pulse magnetic therapy (stimulation/sham stimulation) and accept scale evaluation before and after treatment. Researchers will compare the pulse magnetic stimulation group, sham stimulation group and healthy controls to see if the pulse magnetic stimulation do effect on insomnia of anxiety patients.

Effect of Music Therapy in Medical Students (EMTMS)
DepressionAnxiety1 moreMental health has become an increasingly pressing concern, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, not all individuals experiencing mental suboptimal states require pharmacological treatment. Telemedicine offers psychological interventions like Music Therapy (MT), which utilizes remote network technology to provide effective psychological services. MT achieves its therapeutic effect by improving the brain's internal network activation patterns, thus promoting self-regulation. With relaxing and soothing music, MT gradually helps individuals unwind and regulates their psychological emotions by influencing the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, and limbic system, leading to an improved daily mood and reduced tension and anxiety. The study was designed as a randomized clinical trial, comprising a telemedicine intervention group (MT) and a waiting control group (CON group), both of whom were in a state of mental sub-health. The MT group received music therapy, while the Waiting group received the MT intervention after the treatment of the MT group. The aim of this study was to collect mental health symptom data, behavioral data, and voice expression data using mobile phone, wearable devices (WD) and neuroimaging techniques (fNIRS). These indicators were used as objective measures to assess the long-term and short-term efficacy of telep-sychological interventions. Analyzing digital biomarkers allowed for a deeper understanding of the potential biological and neurobiological mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of tele-psychological interventions.

Solriamfetol and CBT-I in Patients With Insomnia Disorder
InsomniaMedication is FDA approved. The objective of this project is to test the efficacy of solriamfetol for treating insomnia (alone and in combination with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia [CBT-I]). Ultimately, this study will test whether wake extension (regardless of how it is achieved) will consolidate sleep and improve sleep continuity.