Sleep for Health Study on the Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia on Diabetes Risk...
Diabetes MellitusType 22 moreThis study tests whether providing cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) to people with prediabetes results in a reduction in glucose levels compared to a patient education control program.

Efficacy of Melatonin, Low-dose Quetiapine, or Placebo in Patients With Psychiatric Disorders and...
Psychiatric DisordersInsomniaThe goal of this investigator-initiated, randomized, blinded, 3-armed placebo-controlled, pragmatic, clinical superiority trial is to examine the efficacy of melatonin or low-dose quetiapine versus placebo for treatment of insomnia in patients with psychiatric disorders. The aims of the study are: To examine the efficacy of melatonin or low-dose quetiapine versus placebo for treatment of insomnia To examine how melatonin or low-dose quetiapine affects global symptom severity, sleep quality, psychosocial functioning and subjective well-being. Participants will receive six weeks of treatment with either melatonin, quetiapine or placebo followed by a brief taper off.

Optimization of a Digital Self-guided Psychological Intervention for Insomnia: A Randomized Factorial...
InsomniaIn a previous pilot study, a digital self-guided intervention for insomnia showed preliminary positive effects on insomnia symptoms. In order to optimize the digital self-guided format, this study will evaluate the added value of three treatment features on treatment engagement and insomnia symptoms. The participants will be adults with insomnia. The trial will be a 2x2x2 randomized factorial experiment, where the following features/factors will be manipulated: an optimized graphical user interface (yes or no), an adaptive treatment strategy (yes or no), and daily prompts to use the intervention (yes or no). The factorial experiment will create 8 equally large groups (1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1), who will receive the different combinations of features. The main outcome will be the effect on treatment engagement.

The Study on the Evaluation of Acupuncture Therapy on Primary Insomnia
Primary InsomniaThrough the recruition of outpatients who clinically meet the diagnostic criteria and inclusion criteria of PI, the treatment group adopts mind-regulating acupuncture, and the control group adopts routine acupuncture, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is used as the main index to evaluate the patients through the scale; subjective indicators like Chalder 14-item fatigue scale, Epworth sleepiness rating, self-rating anxiety scale (SAS), self-rating depression scale (SDS) and objective indicators like polysomnography (PSG), heart rate variability (HRV) is regarded as a secondary index, and then evaluate the clinical efficacy of Tiaoshen acupuncture on PI and explore its mechanism.

Examining the Effectiveness of Two Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Problems in Infants
InsomniaBehavioral insomnia of childhood affects 15-30% of infants. Behavioral interventions, based on limiting parent-child bedtime and nighttime interactions, are effective in significantly improving infant sleep problems. However, the implementation of these interventions frequently encompasses significant infant crying and parental distress that deter many parents. Research on gradual sleep interventions that involve a lower "dose" of parent-infant separation, and thus may be more acceptable by parents, has so far been sparse. The proposed study aims to advance research in this area through systematically studying the processes through which parent and infant factors impact treatment outcomes of a behavioral intervention method that involves parent-infant separation only at bedtime ("bedtime checking"), in comparison to an intervention that also directly targets night-wakings ("standard checking"/"graduated extinction").

Treatments in Women Veterans With Insomnia and PTSD
InsomniaPTSD1 moreThis pilot trial will compare trauma-informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) to a psychoeducational intervention in women Veterans with comorbid insomnia and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The CBT-I intervention includes trauma-informed adaptations to an insomnia treatment and the psychoeducational intervention is modeled after usual care in a VA Women's Mental Health Clinic. The study objectives are to: 1) Iteratively refine the structure and materials of trauma-informed CBT-I in preparation for a pilot trial, 2) Pilot test the effects of trauma-informed CBT-I on PTSD treatment readiness and engagement in a sample of women Veterans, and 3) Examine potential mechanisms underlying variations in PTSD treatment readiness and engagement over time among women Veterans. Women Veterans with insomnia and comorbid PTSD who receive care at Sepulveda and West Los Angeles facilities will be recruited for the study. Those who pass an initial eligibility screen will be enrolled and written informed consent will be obtained. A baseline assessment will be completed that includes measures of PTSD treatment readiness, perceived barriers to PTSD treatment, and sleep and mental health symptoms. Then Veterans who meet all eligibility criteria will be randomly assigned to trauma-informed CBT-I (n=25) or the psychoeducational intervention (n=25). Both treatments will be provided in 5 one-on-one sessions by a trained instructor who is supervised by a behavioral sleep medicine specialist. All randomized participants (n=50) will have 2 follow-up assessments (post-treatment and 3-months). The follow-up assessments will collect information on PTSD treatment readiness, perceived barriers to PTSD treatment, and sleep and mental health symptoms. Chart reviews will be conducted 6-months post-treatment to assess number of PTSD treatment appointments attended (treatment engagement measure). Qualitative interviews will be conducted to identify mechanisms underlying PTSD treatment engagement.

Web-based Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia in Dementia Caregivers
Insomnia ChronicDementiaOver the next 30 years, more than 10 million persons living with dementia in the United States will receive care at home from an unpaid and untrained family caregiver. At home care is preferred by caregivers and persons with dementia alike, but increases the caregiver's risk of insomnia and related negative health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, cognitive disturbances and poor quality of life. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a highly effective and established evidence based treatment for adults of all ages. Although relatively understudied in dementia caregivers, the research by our group and others suggests CBT-I is also efficacious in caregivers. Our team developed a brief (4 session) CBT-I protocol specifically adapted for dementia caregivers (CBT-I) and has shown in person and remote (i.e. telehealth) delivery of this protocol significantly reduces insomnia symptoms and improves mood (moderate to large effects). Given demands on caregivers' time and limited availability of trained CBT-I providers, a web-based version of CBT-I (WebCBT-I; the online treatment will be called NiteCAPP) is needed to increase the accessibility of this efficacious treatment. WebCBT-I will allow for flexible at home scheduling, and the skills needed to monitor caregiver treatment progress can be quickly and efficiently taught to healthcare providers. The overarching goal of this project is to develop and test WebCBT-I in caregivers of persons with dementia. Objectives To examine the clinical and health characteristics, including sleep, pain, fatigue, cognitive abilities, and cardiovascular health in dementia caregivers with insomnia. To examine changes in the primary clinical outcomes, including complaints of poor sleep, and fatigue. To examine changes in the secondary clinical outcomes, including mood, daytime functioning, cognitive functioning, and cardiovascular health. To examine the mechanistic variables, including arousal (heart rate variability, HRV).

Light Therapy for Chronic Insomnia in General Practice
Insomnia ChronicSleep Disorder1 moreSleep disorders, especially insomnia Attention deficits (or disorders), daytime somnolence and drug dependence The goal is to evaluate whether light therapy could be used as an efficient alternative treatment with direct application in general practice

SIESTA: Sleep Intervention to Enhance Cognitive Status and Reduce Beta Amyloid
InsomniaThe objective of this study is to compare the efficacy of a sleep intervention on improving cognitive function in older adults with symptoms of insomnia, determine the association between change in sleep measures and change in cognitive function, and examine the efficacy of the sleep intervention on reducing the rate of Aβ deposition. Participants, ages 60-85, will be randomly assigned to a six-week sleep intervention program. A sub-group of fifty participants will undergo Florbetapir-Positron-emission tomography (PET) imaging during the one-year reassessment to examine the efficacy of the sleep intervention on reducing the rate of Aβ accumulation from baseline to one-year post-intervention.

Tai Chi Versus Conventional Exercise to Alleviate Depression in Insomniacs
Depressive SymptomsChronic InsomniaThis study aims to examine the effectiveness of Tai Chi and conventional exercise in alleviating depressive symptoms in older insomniacs.