Tranexamic Acid to Reduce Infection After Gastrointestinal Surgery
Infection WoundGastrointestinal Complication3 moreThis international, multicentre, pragmatic, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised trial of TxA versus placebo will enrol 3,300 patients throughout Australia and internationally. This is an effectiveness trial - some elements of the trial are deliberately left to the perioperative clinicians' discretion in order to reflect usual practice and maximise generalisability.

Efficacy of Combination Therapy With Minocycline for Treatment of Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia Infections...
Hospital InfectionsThe objective of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of minocycline for treatment Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection. The hypothesis of study is the combination therapy with minocycline would be better than the monotherapy for treatment Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection.

Performance of a Single-use Gastroscope (aScope Gastro) for Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
GastroscopyEsophagogastroduodenoscopy5 moreSeveral infectious outbreaks have been described in the literature as a result of contaminated endoscopes. These endoscopes cannot be sterilized and require an extensive cleaning process in which breaches of cleaning protocols, endoscope damage or the formation of biofilm can prevent proper disinfection. The risk of endoscopy associated infection (EAI) and colonization due to contaminated endoscopes is still considered to be low. However, it is likely that there is severe underreporting of outbreaks due to a lack of recognition or assuming an infection to be endogenous. Due to the sheer volume of upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy worldwide, even with a low risk of EAI, the number of affected patients is significant. In response, several manufacturers have turned to the production of single-use endoscopes that eliminate the risk of exogenous infections. There are single use duodenoscopes on the market that almost seem to match the performance of reusable duodenoscopes. A new single use sterile gastroscope, Ambu aScope gastro, has been developed whose performance has not been previously described in patients. This multicenter single arm consecutive case series study will test the performance of these single use gastroscopes in patients undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

Chlorhexidine Bathing to Prevent Hospital-acquired Infections: the CLEANS Study
ChlorhexidineHospital-Acquired Infection2 moreHospital-acquired infections (HAI) have been shown to increase length of hospital stay and mortality. Infections acquired during a hospital stay have been shown to be preventable. The skin of patients is considered a major reservoir for pathogens associated with hospital-acquired infections, and has been suggested as a potential target for interventions to reduce bacterial burden and subsequent risk of infection. The use of daily Chlorhexidine (CHG) bathing in intensive care patients has been advocated to reduce many of the infections in critically ill patients. However, the effectiveness of CHG bathing to reduce ICU infections has varied considerably among published trials, making the effectiveness of CHG bathing in ICU patients uncertain.

Use of Disposable Cuff Cover to Prevent Carriage of Pathogen Microorganisms Originated by Cuffs...
Pathogen TransmissionVertical3 moreIntroduction: Pathogen Microrganisms (PM) colonized on the Blood Pressure Cuff (BPC) are transported from one patient to another by health professionals, which is leading an increase in Health Care Associated Infections (HCAI). The increase in HCAIs is responsible for the increase in mortality and health expenditures. BPCs cannot be sterilized because they are fixed on blood pressure devices, PMs cannot be completely destroyed by using disinfectant, and disposable BPCs increase health expenditures. A safe and inexpensive method has not yet been found to prevent PMs arising from BPCs that circulate between hospital rooms, moved from patient to patient. Objective: The aim of this project is to determine the effectiveness of the Disposable Cuff Sleeve (DCS) to be passed over BPCs to prevent the transport of PMs from BPC. The hypotheses of the study: H1: The use of a DCS is not effective in reducing the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms (number of colonies) originating from the sphygmomanometer cuff to the patient's skin during the arterial blood pressure measurement process. H2: The use of a disposable cuff cover is effective in reducing the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms (number of colonies) originating from the sphygmomanometer cuff to the patient's skin during the arterial blood pressure measurement process. Materials and Methods: The study is a clinical study which will be conducted between 28 April- 28 November 2022 in Gaziantep University Hospital. Ethical approval will be obtained before starting the research. The sample of the study will consist of all BPCs (n=100) that are actively used in surgical outpatient clinics, surgical services and surgical intensive care units of Gaziantep Unıversity hospital. Each sphygmomanometer will be used for blood pressure measurement and microorganism determination of a patient. For this purpose, arterial blood pressure (ABP) will be measured from the right and left arm of 116 patients who have been admitted to the outpatient clinics and have accepted to participate in the study. Swabs for a patient's ABP measurement and microorganism determination will take approximately 20-25 minutes. A total of 7 swab cultures will be taken for one sample (one BPC and one patient). Sorting and nomenclature of swab culture will be done as follows: Sample A: from the inner part of the BPC in contact with the patient's arm, Sample B: upper arm area after wiping with 70% alcohol from upper arm area, Sample C: the patient's ABP from the upper arm area after measurement, Sample D: After cleaning the inside and outside of BPC with 70% alcohol, Sample E: From the inner part of DCS which will contact the patient's arm, Sample F: After wiping the upper arm area of the other arm of with 70% alcohol, Sample G: will be taken from the upper arm area after the ABP is measured from the other arm. The swab culture samples taken by the researchers will be delivered to the Microbiology Laboratory of Gaziantep University Hospital within 30 minutes without waiting. The number of PMs and colonies grown in culture samples will be determined according to international standards. The ABP values measured by BPCs (uncoated), DCS' (sheathed) and swab culture results obtained from samples A, B, C, D, E, F, G will be compared statistically. Data analysis will be performed in SPSS 22.0 package program. For statistical significance, p <0.05 will be accepted. If the H1 hypothesis is confirmed at the end of the study, the use of DSS is proven to be effective in preventing PM transport from BPCs. Prevention of PMs transported from patient to patient with BPCs can lead to a reduction in HCAIs. Reducing HCAIs can reduce mortality and cost increase associated with HCAIs.

Inulin for Infections in the Intensive Care Unit
Antibiotic Resistant InfectionNosocomial Infection4 moreNormal gut bacteria prevent colonization and subsequent infection with MDR organisms (MDROs) through competition for resources and other mechanisms. During critical illness, this function of the microbiome is lost and there are no current treatments to restore it. Preliminary data indicates that the prebiotic fiber inulin is safe and may alter the gastrointestinal microbiome to improve gut barrier function, decrease colonization with MDROs, and reduce downstream risk for intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired MDR infections. However, the impact of inulin during critical illness is unknown. This double-blind, randomized clinical trial will test inulin for the prevention of antibiotic resistant infections in the ICU. The trial's specific aims are to determine (1) the feasibility, tolerability, and safety of inulin in the intensive care unit; (2) the impact of inulin on gut colonization with antibiotic-resistant pathogens; and (2A/exploratory) the impact of inulin on ICU-acquired antibiotic-resistant infections.

Daily Chlorexidine Bath for Health Care Associated Infection Prevention
Health Care Associated InfectionVentilator Associated Pneumonia2 moreCluster randomized controlled trial comparing two bathing strategies in critically ill patients. The intervention group will receive daily bathing with chlorhexidine. The control group will receive usual care.

Evaluation of GeoHAI Implementation
Clostridioides Difficile InfectionHealthcare Associated InfectionGeographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis have become important tools in public health informatics but have rarely been applied to the hospital setting. In this study we apply these tools to address the challenge of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) by building, implementing, and evaluating a new computer application which incorporates mapping and geographic data to assist hospital epidemiologists in identifying HAI clusters and assessing transmission risk. We expect that incorporation of geographic information into the workflow of hospital epidemiologists will have a profound effect on our understanding of disease transmission and HAI risk factors in the hospital setting, radically altering the workflow and speed of response of infection preventionists and improving their ability to prevent HAIs.

Impact of Discontinuing Contact Precautions for Extended-spectrum β-lactamase Enterobacteriaceae...
InfectionHospitalThis is an interventional multicenter prospective noninferiority non-randomized double-blind controlled before and after study. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that standard precautions alone are not inferior to contact precautions by comparing the incidence density of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae acquired in geriatric units before and after discontinuing contact precautions.

Reducing Intraoperative ESKAPE Transmission Through Use of a Personal Hand Hygiene System
Surgical Wound InfectionCross InfectionThe investigators hypothesize that the use of a personal hand hygiene system (SafeHavenTM) by anesthesia providers in the adult operating room, combined with a novel infectious pathogen tracking system (OR PathTrac) will decrease participant exposure to pathologic bacteria in the adult operating room.