Intermittent Versus Continuous Enteral Nutrition in Mechanically Ventilated Patients in the Medical...
Enteral FeedingNutrition DisordersEvaluate effective delivery of goal nutrition with intermittent as compared with continuous enteral nutrition schedules, as defined by percentage of recommended calories that patient receives per day of interest.

Effect of Different Feeding Method on Gastrointestinal Function of Critical Patients
Gastrointestinal DysfunctionCritical Illness1 moreThe intestine is the most vulnerable target organ in septic patients and is the first to be damaged organ in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS).Therefore, improving intestinal motility and mucosal barrier function is critical to the treatment of sepsis. Many studies have shown that, early enteral nutrition(EN) in patients with sepsis helps prevent and treat intestinal dysfunction, reducing ICU mortality and length of stay in ICU. However, there is little research on feeding methods. In this study the investigators will compare the outcomes of different feeding methods: continuously-pumped in 24 hours, continuouslypumped in 16 hours and intermittently-pumped through the stomach tube. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different feeding methods on intestinal function in septic patients.

Guanfacine Extended Release for the Reduction of Aggression and Self-injurious Behavior Associated...
Prader-Willi SyndromeAggression21 moreThis is a placebo-controlled clinical trial to assess whether Guanfacine Extended Release (GXR) reduces aggression and self injurious behavior in individuals with Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS). In addition, the study will establish the safety of GXR with a specific focus on metabolic effects.

Bilateral Bi-level Erector Spine Plane Block as a Component of General Anesthesia in Surgical Correction...
ScoliosisSpinal Deformity22 moreImproving the anesthesiology management for surgical correction of spinal deformations with introducing the diagnostic methods and treatment strategy of acute pain, preventing the evolution of chronic pain. Development and implementation in clinical practice perioperative intensive care protocols for surgical correction of spinal deformities.

Eliminating Severe Maternal Morbidity With Heart Health Doulas Trial
PreeclampsiaHypertensive Disorder of Pregnancy13 moreThis is a single site, single-blinded parallel randomized control trial that investigates a multi-level intervention to improve postpartum blood pressure in women with hypertensive disorder pregnancy. The investigators will recruit women diagnosed with a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, identified between 3rd trimester and 2 weeks post-delivery. The investigators will randomize participants to receive usual care home blood pressure monitoring for 6 weeks versus an intervention of usual care + blood pressure and weight monitoring + a doula trained in heart health. This trial will be conducted in partnership with a local community-based organization, Healthy Start Inc.

Comparison of Continuous Versus Intermittent Enteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Patients.
Nutrition DisordersThe purpose of the study is to compare continuous versus intermittent strategy for enteral nutrition. The study will examine if there is a difference in achieving nutritional delivery goals, tolerance and number of complications of enteral nutrition.

Prenatal Iodine Supplementation and Early Childhood Neurodevelopment
Pregnancy RelatedNeurodevelopmental Disorders2 moreA randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of reducing iodine from vitamin and mineral supplements for pregnant women who have adequate iodine intakes (>165 μg/d from food alone) on cognitive development of children at 24 months of age.

Evolutionary Nutrition Pilot: Enhancing Fetal Growth and Brain Development
Growth DisordersMalnutrition7 moreGlobally, 250 million children do not reach their developmental potential and 155 million are stunted, yet few population-based studies have examined the direct effects of nutrient deficiencies on early brain development. This study will examine an evolutionary nutrition intervention during pregnancy derived from diets consumed for 99.9% of hominin history when bodies and brains were healthier. A pilot clinical trial will be conducted in the central highlands of Ecuador to compare fetal and newborn outcomes among women randomized to: 1) evolutionary nutrition package (high quality diet plus nutrition messaging); and 2) control (standard-of care supplements). Ultrasound brain measures, nutrition and morbidity data, and blood metabolomics will be assessed at 21 weeks gestational age, 37 weeks gestational stage, and postpartum. This pilot study uniquely combines the expertise of multiple disciplines - public health nutrition, radiology, neuroscience, and metabolomics - to examine the potential for improved nutrition on early growth and brain development with vital public health implications.

Eatable Alphabet as a Nutrition Education Tool
Child OvernutritionChild Obesity1 moreThis pilot randomized controlled trial will test the effectiveness of Eatable Alphabet cards, a child friendly nutrition education tool, on child weight and related behaviors in a clinical sample of 2 to 10-year-old children with overweight/obesity, referred to a pediatric weight management program.

Inulin for Infections in the Intensive Care Unit
Antibiotic Resistant InfectionNosocomial Infection4 moreNormal gut bacteria prevent colonization and subsequent infection with MDR organisms (MDROs) through competition for resources and other mechanisms. During critical illness, this function of the microbiome is lost and there are no current treatments to restore it. Preliminary data indicates that the prebiotic fiber inulin is safe and may alter the gastrointestinal microbiome to improve gut barrier function, decrease colonization with MDROs, and reduce downstream risk for intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired MDR infections. However, the impact of inulin during critical illness is unknown. This double-blind, randomized clinical trial will test inulin for the prevention of antibiotic resistant infections in the ICU. The trial's specific aims are to determine (1) the feasibility, tolerability, and safety of inulin in the intensive care unit; (2) the impact of inulin on gut colonization with antibiotic-resistant pathogens; and (2A/exploratory) the impact of inulin on ICU-acquired antibiotic-resistant infections.