Piloting a Biofeedback Intervention for Adolescents With Overweight and a History of Adverse Childhood...
ObesityAdolescentAdverse childhood experiences (ACEs), referring to traumatic experiences occurring before 18 years of age (e.g., abuse/neglect), are associated with a 30-70% increased risk of developing adolescent and adult obesity and obesity-related cardiometabolic comorbidities, which may be due to dysregulation in stress-related physiology and engagement in stress-related behaviors. While adolescents with ACEs have a 2.25 times increased risk of obesity, standard-of-care lifestyle (e.g., nutrition/physical activity) interventions do not typically incorporate trauma-informed care, including assessment and therapeutic attention to effects of ACEs. Heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback is an evidence-based, relatively brief, mind-body intervention targeting the stress physiology that can be dysregulated in adolescents with ACEs. The objective of this proposal is to adapt and test a 4-session HRV biofeedback protocol for 12-17-year-olds with BMI>85th percentile and ACEs. First (Phase 1), we will iteratively adapt a 4-session HRV biofeedback facilitator protocol with n=3-5 adolescents with overweight/obesity and ACEs, using adolescent quantitative and qualitative feedback to hone and optimize HRV biofeedback for this population (Aim 1). Next (Phase 2), we will conduct a randomized waitlist-controlled pilot study of n=30 adolescents with overweight/obesity and ACEs to assess acceptability and feasibility (Aim 2) and to describe changes in theorized targets of biofeedback (Aim 3).

Tween Sleep Patterns, Appetite Control, and Environment
Child ObesityEating Behavior1 moreThe goal of this study is to learn about how children's sleep is related to their eating behaviors the next day, and to learn about factors that relate to eating behaviors and sleep health that are specific to preadolescent children living in rural communities.

Study to Investigate Adipocyte Cell and Lipid Turnover in Obese Adolescents
Pediatric ObesityInsulin Resistance is the best predictor of whether the obese adolescent will develop type 2 diabetes. The present studies will focus on determining what might cause fat to accumulate in the subcutaneous fat regions and lead to local inflammation, causing insulin resistance to develop in obese adolescents.

Hepatic Mitochondrial Function in Youth
Hepatic SteatosisBariatric Surgery Candidate2 moreAssess the impact of bariatric surgery on hepatic energy metabolism and glucose and insulin dynamics in obese youth

Metabotyping of Overweight and Obese Children
Metabolic DiseaseObesity1 moreToday's children are increasingly facing metabolic-related health issues, among which the worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity is rising at an alarming pace. Childhood obesity is associated with the early onset of chronic diseases including an emergence of prediabetes and diabetes mellitus type 2. The decline of insulin sensitivity already years before puberty, exposes children to long- term complications prior the appearance of clinical symptoms and time of diagnosis. The shortened life expectancy and large economic burden imposed underlines the need for the identification of metabotypes at risk at an early stage. One's genetics, microbial gut composition and every aspect of the environment in which children are raised have been implicated in diet-related obesity rendering metabolomics a very powerful tool towards precision medicine. Yet, the excellence of stool in reflecting the intertwining thereof is completely unexplored for pediatric purposes, whereas blood sampling causing pain and stress for child and parent only captures a narrow fraction of the metabolome. As such, rectal sampling using a customised medical swab for optimal gut metabolome coverage is envisioned. Ambient laser desorption ionisation will be hyphenated to high-resolution mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to provide a framework for elucidating predictive and/or prognostic biomarkers for ever-increasing pediatric metabolic diseases such as obesity and (pre)diabetes.

The Jiaxing Birth Cohort in China
Childhood ObesityAnemia3 moreThe Jiaxing Birth Cohort (JBC) is the largest prospective cohort study to explore prenatal risk factors, early life feeding practice and growth pattern/ adiposity in Chinese children.Between 1999 and 2013, 338 413 mother-child pairs were recruited in Jiaxing area in south-east China.Children of the recruited women were followed up at 1-2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of age, and subsequently followed up every 6 months to 36 months of age (toddler stage), and every year to 6-7 years of age before they went to school (pre-school stage). Follow-up rate was 70.8% at the toddler stage and 68.9% at the pre-school stage up to June 2013.

Genetic Disorders of Obesity Program Database
ObesityChildhood1 moreThis study collects data on children with severe, early-onset obesity.

Determination of the Validity of One-Minute Sit-to-Stand Test in Obese and Overweight Children and...
ObeseChild Obesity2 moreObese individuals need to be evaluated comprehensively before exercise programs are determined. Determination of exercise intolerance is important for the detection of functional limitations. One minute sit to stand test (1MSTST) can be used as an alternative to cardiopulmonary exercise tests (CPET) or field tests. It is easy to use, quick to apply, valid and reliable, and applicable even in small areas. In addition, it is a simple assessment adequate for children's needs and behaviors and can be easily applied both in the clinic and at home, making it easier to use in children. Studies have shown that 1MSTST is a valid test in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, and, healthy children and adolescents. However, no study has been found regarding the validity of its use in obese children and adolescents.The aim of our study is to investigate the validity and reliability of 1MSTST in overweight-obese children and adolescents.

Whole Transcriptome Profiling and Metabolic Phenotyping in Children With ROHHAD Syndrome
Childhood ObesityMorbid ObesityRapid onset Obesity, Hypoventilation, Hypothalamic dysfunction and Autonomic Dysregulation (ROHHAD) is a syndrome named in 2007. The hallmark of the syndrome is the rapid onset obesity and dysregulation of central ventilation. There is little information about the metabolic changes that lead to the rapid onset obesity in these children. The investigators would like to study the metabolic phenotype of these children to understand the disturbances in energy balance that lead to the rapid onset obesity.

Pediatric Obesity Weight Evaluation Registry (POWER) Study
OverweightObesityThe main objective of this study is to establish a national pediatric obesity registry known as POWER (Pediatric Obesity Weight Evaluation Registry). This registry will contain clinical data from individual comprehensive pediatric weight management programs around the United States for overweight and obese youth.