A Mobile Phone Based Pilot Intervention to Prevent Obesity in Latino Preschool Children
Childhood ObesityParenting1 moreTo pilot a stand-alone mobile phone intervention with Latino caregivers of 2- to 5-year olds, using a prospective control group design, to assess feasibility and preliminary effect sizes on children's BMI changes (primary outcome) and dietary and physical activity changes (secondary outcomes) at 6 months post-baseline, in preparation for a larger randomized trial to evaluate the intervention's efficacy.

mHealth Biometrics for Young People With Obesity (MOTIVATE- LOOP)
ObesityAdolescentThe investigators aim to undertake a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT) to investigate whether mHealth technology, allowing biometric informed feedback and coaching on exercise and PA, can be incorporated into the existing Liverpool Overweight and Obesity Programme (LOOP) at Alder Hey Children's Hospital. The overall objective is to have an evidence-based exercise and PA intervention ready to evaluate in a future RCT.

ObesityOverweight2 moreThe study aims to evaluate the possible effects of an exercise program, nutritional and psychological, postural orientation and guidance of oral health on body composition, physical activity levels and lifestyle, physical fitness and health and motor performance, the factors risk of cardiovascular disease, eating habits, the cognition levels, the psychological profile, the body posture of children and adolescent with overweight and obesity, considering the presence of risk genotype associated with the development of obesity. In addition, identify the effects of orientation for oral health on the quality of life and healthy oral habits.

Metabolic and Genetic Impacts of Energy Drinks in Youth
NutritionPediatric Obesity6 moreCaffeine containing energy drinks (CCED) are beverages that typically contain mixtures of simple sugars, caffeine and may contain vitamin, mineral and/or herbal preparations. In Canada, the consumption of CCEDs among adolescents is a regular occurrence and a common part of the everyday diet. Contributing to the obesity epidemic in youth is the consumption of energy drinks; yet no data on the metabolic responses to CCEDs exists. This study will examine the metabolic implications of CCED consumption in adolescents, aged 13-19 years. The investigators hypothesize that CCEDs will impair glucose tolerance by ~30% in lean adolescents and the primary cause of the insulin resistance will be caffeine. Obese individuals will experience a similar level of glucose impairment, but a greater rise in blood glucose compared to their lean counterparts (i.e. higher starting glucose level). For many, this additional, caffeine-induced rise will expose them to hyperglycemia, putting some individuals in the glucose intolerant or transient diabetic range. It is hypothesized that continued metabolic insult resulting from CCEDs may predispose susceptible individuals to chronic metabolic diseases later in life. The investigators will also examine the genetic basis of caffeine-induced glucose intolerance. This gene-diet interaction could explain why caffeine may be much more metabolically harmful for some individuals compared to others. The study of 'metabolomics' will also be utilized to analyze caffeine and caffeine metabolites such as theobromine, theophylline, and xanthine. This will be accomplished using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Results from this study will have the potential to alter current perceptions that CCED are 'harmless' and will have far reaching implications for both medical professionals and legislators alike.

Clinical Utility of SUDOSCAN in the Pediatric Population
Childhood ObesityPrediabetes1 moreThe main purpose of this study is to evaluate whether SUDOSCAN is a valid, accurate clinical device for the the determination of sweat gland function in the pediatric population. Primary Objective: To measure sweat gland function in a pediatric population Secondary Objective: To determine thresholds on the SUDOSCAN scale for abnormal sweat gland function in the pediatric population

Physical Activity and Childhood Obesity
Cardiovascular DiseasesHeart Diseases1 moreTo measure associations between physical activity and obesity in a large, population-based cohort of children.

Pediatric Metabolism and Microbiome Repository
Pediatric ObesityThe aim of this project is to establish a bio-repository of diverse specimen types to provide investigators access to specimens in order to further research related to metabolism and the microbiome in the pediatric population.

Maternal Diet, Body Mass Index Trajectories and Cardiometabolic Risk in Early Childhood
Cardiometabolic RiskGrowth1 moreThis study focused on evaluating the association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet during pregnancy and offspring longitudinal body mass index trajectories and cardiometabolic risk in early-childhood. This study is part of a secondary data analysis of the INMA (INfancia y Medio Ambiente-(Environment and Childhood)) Project.

Nutritional Intake and Gut Microbiome
ObesityChildhoodPediatric obesity has been increasing in prevalence, but concerns have been raised around the world because no treatment has been found. Recently, however, research on gut microbiome has begun to become a new alternative. It has been shown that changes in the microbiome in adults may induce obesity. However, the results on children are still scarce. Unlike adults, children have few external factors such as alcohol, tobacco, stress, and cancer, making them suitable for obesity-related gut microbiome studies. The investigators will use Illumina MiSeq platform for 16s rRNA metagenomics profiling in children. In this study, the investigators aimed to analyze the relationship between pediatric obesity, gut microbiome profile, blood biomarkers relevant to metabolic syndrome, and nutrient intake data.

Dietary Habits and Sleep in Childhood Obesity
Childhood ObesityLife Style1 moreRecruitment of obese children, classification according to sleep questionnaire and randomization in two groups to perform nutritional and sleep intervention. . One group receives dietary intervention through recommendations. A group receives dietary and sleep intervention through recommendations. An analysis of the melatonin profile and metabolic and inflammatory status is performed by biochemistry at the beginning and end of the intervention. Determine if the intervention has improved the health of obese children.