Adjunctive Vaginal Progesterone in Management of Preterm Labor
Preterm LaborThis study evaluates the addition of vaginal micronized progesterone effervescent to standard treatment in the treatment of preterm labor. Half of participants will receive vaginal micronized progesterone effervescent and standard treatment, while the other half will receive only standard treatment.

Electrical Inhibition of Human Preterm Contractions
Preterm LaborPreTerm Birth1 moreThe purpose of this study is to explore a new method to stop preterm uterine contractions using an electrical device. The device, an "electrical pacemaker for the uterus," has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical research in pregnant women. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and safety of the device. The investigators hypothesize that human preterm uterine contractions can be safely and objectively inhibited with a weak electrical current provided by an electrical inhibition (EI)/uterine pacemaker device, and that this effect relates to the timing and length of EI exposure.

To Optimize Antenatal Management of Women With Pre Term Labor Using Amniocentesis
Preterm BirthPreterm Labor2 moreImplementation of prediction models of risk of spontaneous delivery within 7 days or of intra-amniotic infection in women with preterm labor and intact membranes

Ibuprofen Versus Indomethacin Following Emergent Cerclage Placement
Preterm LaborCervical insufficiency is defined as painless cervical dilation in the second trimester. Cervical insufficiency can ultimately lead to second trimester loss of pregnancy. Cerclages are utilized in pregnancies affected by cervical insufficiency in order to prolong gestational latency. There have been several studies investigating the efficacy of perioperative medications for cerclage placement and the effects they have on gestational latency. Some such studies have found that perioperative indomethacin in combination with antibiotics have significantly increased gestational latency when compared to placebo. Indomethacin has traditionally been the tocolytic of choice with cerclage placement. At our hospital, ibuprofen has been the tocolytic of choice for cerclage placement secondary to pharmacy availability. Our study aims to evaluate whether gestational latency differs among patients undergoing emergent cerclage whether they receive perioperative ibuprofen or indomethacin.

Azithromycin to Improve Latency in Exam Indicated Cerclage Control Trial
Preterm BirthObstetric Labor8 moreAzithromycin is an antibiotic that is effective against bacteria that been associated with preterm birth (PTB). The purpose of this study is to evaluate if the addition of azithromycin prior to exam indicated cerclage prolongs gestation. A cerclage is a suture placed in the cervix to prolong gestation.

Servo Controlled Oxygen Targeting (SCO2T) Study: Masimo vs. Nellcor
PrematurePremature Infant5 moreMost premature babies require oxygen therapy. There is uncertainty about what oxygen levels are the best. The oxygen levels in the blood are measured using a monitor called a saturation monitor and the oxygen the baby breathes is adjusted to keep the level in a target range. Although there is evidence that lower oxygen levels maybe harmful, it is not known how high they need to be for maximum benefit. Very high levels are also harmful. Saturation monitors are not very good for checking for high oxygen levels. For this a different kind of monitor, called a transcutaneous monitor, is better. Keeping oxygen levels stable is usually done by nurses adjusting the oxygen levels by hand (manual control). There is also equipment available that can do this automatically (servo control). It is not known which is best. Research suggests that different automated devices control oxygen effectively as measured by the readings from their internal oxygen saturation monitoring systems. When compared to free-standing saturation monitors there appears to be variations in measured oxygen levels between devices. This could have important clinical implications. This study aims to show the different achieved oxygen levels when babies are targeted to a set target range. Babies in the study will have both a saturation monitor and a transcutaneous oxygen monitor at the same time. Both types of monitor have been in long term use in neonatal units. For a period of 12 hours, each baby will have their oxygen adjusted automatically using two different internal oxygen monitoring technologies (6 hours respectively). The investigators will compare the range of oxygen levels that are seen between the two oxygen saturation monitoring technologies. The investigators will study babies born at less than 30 weeks gestation, who are at least 2 days old, on nasal high flow and still require added oxygen.

Latency Antibiotics in Previable PPROM, 18 0/7- 22 6/7 WGA
Rupture of Membranes; Delayed Delivery (Following Spontaneous Rupture)Rupture of Membranes; Premature5 moreThis study is a non-blinded, prospective, randomized controlled trial designed to compare the effect of outpatient oral antibiotics (i.e., amoxicillin and azithromycin) on the length of time (days) that pregnancy continues after a patient's water bag has ruptured prematurely. If a patient has been diagnosed with rupture of their water bag between 18 0/7 weeks and 22 6/7 weeks and there are no other associated complications with the pregnancy, the patient is eligible for initial consideration for this study. Patients will be admitted to the hospital for a 24-hour monitoring period. If the patient remains without further complications during this monitoring period, the patient will be eligible for enrollment. If enrollment is desired, the patient will be randomly assigned to receive either antibiotics (treatment arm of the study) or no antibiotics (control arm of the study). The treatment arm will receive an outpatient, 7-day course of oral antibiotics (azithromycin and amoxicillin) with the first dose given in the hospital to ensure no side effects. The control arm will not receive outpatient antibiotics. Both groups will have weekly, office follow-up visits with high-risk pregnancy specialists to ensure no further complications. Both groups will be admitted to the hospital if the patients reach 23 0/7 weeks without complications. At this time the patients will receive all medications and therapies recommended by the governing board of OBGYNs. Subjects of both groups will also be admitted before 23 0/7 weeks if further complications noted either at their clinic follow up visits or anytime outside of the hospital. The duration of time that the patient remains pregnant after breaking of the water bag will be compared in each group. The investigators will also see if there is a difference in the number of patients able to reach 23 0/7 weeks between each group (treatment versus control).

The Treatment of Magnesium Sulfate and Nifedipine in Preterm Labor Threat
Preterm Labor Without DeliveryPregnancy PretermComparison of the effects of Nifedipine and MgSO4 therapies on maternal and fetal blood flow.

Investigating N-3 Fatty Acids to Prevent Neonatal Tobacco-related outcomeS
Preterm LaborTobacco Use DisorderSmoking is the most important modifiable risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes including preterm birth, neonatal death, and maternal complications. Rates of smoking cessation during pregnancy are low, particularly in underserved populations, and currently approved pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation either are considered unsafe in pregnancy or have uncertain effectiveness. Identifying safe and effective interventions, which might mitigate the adverse effects of smoking on maternal-fetal outcomes, is a major public health priority. We hypothesize that smoking-induced n-3 LCPUFA relative deficiencies may be an important mechanism contributing to tobacco-related adverse pregnancy outcomes and that n-3 LCPUFA supplementation specifically targeted to pregnant smokers may reduce these complications. Support for this hypothesis comes from a recent secondary analysis of the Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplementation to Prevent Preterm Birth trial that found that only smokers taking n-3 LCPUFAs had a reduction in preterm labor risk as compared to non-smokers. While compelling, this study was a post hoc analysis that included only a small sample of smokers and did not collect data on smoking behaviors during follow up. Yet the ascertainment of longitudinal smoking behavior is critical, as some clinical studies have found that supplemental n-3 LCPUFAs might also reduce nicotine cravings, and lower daily cigarette use. Thus, smokers may doubly benefit from replenishing n-3 LCPUFAs via lower risk of preterm labor and/or increased smoking cessation. To address these knowledge gaps, we are proposing a multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded study of n-3 LCPUFA supplementation in 400 pregnant smokers. We will collect detailed information on smoking behavior, validated biological markers of cigarette exposure (urinary cotinine, end-expiratory carbon monoxide) and biomarkers of n-3 LCPUFA status (red blood cell phospholipid membrane fatty acids). Our specific aims of this proposal are to 1) determine the effect of supplemental n-3 LCPUFAs on gestational age at delivery and preterm labor in pregnant smokers and 2) determine the effect of n-3 LCPUFA supplementation on tobacco use in pregnant smokers. We will recruit potential participants from eight obstetrics clinics across the Middle-Tennessee area. Our study could have a major translational impact on both adverse tobacco-related birth outcomes and smoking cessation efforts.

Low Dose Antenatal Corticosteroids for Late Preterm Delivery
Respiratory MorbidityPreterm LaborThis is a study proposal for a clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a reduced dose of antenatal betamethasone (a steroid medication) in preventing respiratory problems in late preterm infants (born between 34 and 36 weeks of gestation). The study will be conducted in medical centers in Israel and will involve women who are at high risk for delivering a late preterm infant. The participants will be randomly assigned to receive either a full dose (12 mg) or a quarter dose (3 mg) of betamethasone, administered 24 hours apart. The main outcome measure of the study will be the incidence of respiratory problems or neonatal death within 72 hours of delivery in the two groups. The study is designed to determine if the reduced dose of betamethasone is non-inferior (i.e., not significantly worse) than the full dose in preventing respiratory problems in late preterm infants.