Investigation of Surgical Sectioning of the Filum Terminale in Treating Occult Tethered Cord Syndrome...
Tethered CordTethered Cord Syndrome2 moreThe investigators hypothesize that surgical release of the filum terminale (strand of fibrous tissue at the end of the spinal cord) is a more efficacious treatment option for symptomatic relief than medical management in subjects with Occult Tethered Cord Syndrome (OTCS) and that the risks do not outweigh the benefit profile.

Effect of Acetazolamide & Position in CSF Leakage and Collection and Wound Dehiscence
Fibrolipoma of Filum TerminaleLipomyelomeningocele4 morePurpose of study : to determine the preventive effect of acetazolamide administration, prone positioning, and the combination of both following the neurosurgical interventions in lumbosacral region for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, CSF collection and wound dehiscence. Sample size: 144 intervention groups: Group A: Acetazolamide administration for 10 days Group B: prone positioning for 10 days Group C: Acetazolamide administration and prone positioning for 10 days Group D: no intervention Period of study: Autumn 2012 to the end of winter of 2015

The Relationship Between Nocturnal Enuresis And Spina Bifida Occulta
EnuresisNocturnal1 moreIt is claimed that SBO may be responsible for bladder dysfunction in patients without known neurological disease. Subsequently, it was reported that the frequency of SBO in NE cases was higher than normal children. However, in controlled trials, SBO frequency was not different in NE patients compared to the normal population. Conversely, the incidence of dysfunctional bladder in the presence of SBO in NE patients was found to be higher and the response to treatment was worse than in non-SBO patients. The present study aimed to determine whether the frequency of SBO in patients with NE was higher than in healthy subjects, the effect of SBO on the severity of LUTS and whether treatment response of primary NE patients changed in the presence of SBO.