The Effect of Kinesio® Tex Application on Pain, Functionality, Sleep Quality and Work Performance...
Neck PainBack Pain1 moreThis study was planned to examine the effect of Kinesio® Tex application on pain, functionality, sleep quality and work performance in drivers experiencing neck-back pain.

'Dialogue and Guidance' - a Policy Intervention for Improved OHS Among Workplaces With WEA Violations...
Occupational DiseasesOccupational Injuries1 moreWith the aim to inspire and motivate workplaces in their work to prevent and reduce occupational health and safety hazards, the Danish Working Environment Authority (WEA) developed the intervention 'Dialogue and Guidance' aimed at workplaces receiving notices (prohibition notice, immediate improvement notice and notice with time limit) from WEA during inspections. At present, WEA gives dialogue and guidance as standard practice during WEA inspections to all workplaces receiving a notice with the purpose to help workplaces resolve the occupational health and safety problem that led to the notice. In the intervention 'Dialogue and Guidance' the experimental groups are receiving additional dialogue and guidance at a subsequent meeting (over the telephone or physical presence) that takes place after the inspection and after the deadline for appealing the notice has expired. The control group is receiving dialogue and guidance during inspection as usual. The aim of this RCT study is to evaluate the policy-developed intervention with additional 'Dialogue and Guidance' in regards to the effect on motivation and priority of occupational health and safety work at the workplace after 6 months follow-up and for WEA notices by next WEA inspection (approx. follow-up by 12-18 months). Study is risk assessed and approved under Danish Data Protection Agency via the National Research Centre for the Working Environment's umbrella approval.

Loads, Injuries and Illnesses Among Elite Handball Players
InjuriesIllnesses Systemic11 morePrimary goal of the research is to determine whether injury/illness occurrence is influenced by the academic, training and competition loads, as well as the overall load (sum of academic/work, training and competition loads) in elite handball athletes To examine whether subjective measures of perceived overall stress correlate with objectively measured levels of stress. Determine the benefits of certain biomarkers to monitor stress, load and injury/illness occurrence in athletes.

RCT of TRIMOSH Module in Improving Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Among Food Industries Workers...
Occupational InjuriesOccupational DiseasesIntroduction: The food and beverages industry contributed a significant income to Malaysia's Gross Domestic Products. The contribution is projected to swell more in the upcoming years. As the industry expands, the demand for the workforce in the food premises will also continuously increase. They are exposed to risks arising from physical, chemical, biological, mechanical, and social hazards while performing their duties. Thus, it is essential for Food Industries Workers to be equipped with the proper knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) towards safety and health. Methods and analysis: Theory Based Intervention Module on Occupational Safety and Health (TRIMOSH) is a single blinded, cluster randomized controlled trial study will be implemented among Food Industries Workers in Selangor, Malaysia. Partnering with the Food Handler Training School in Selangor, 10 pairs of Food Handler Training School with 12 participants per group (n = 240) will be recruited for balanced randomization intervention and control conditions. Data collection of all participants will be at enrollment, one months and three months. Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) will be conducted to determine the effects of intervention within and between study groups. Primary outcomes are to increase knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) and secondary outcome is safe practice score at food premise. Ethic and Dissemination: his study has been submitted for approval by the Ethics Committee for Research involving Human Subject of Universiti Putra Malaysia (JKEUPM-2022-346). All participants will provide consent prior to participation. The results will be reported in international peer- reviewed journals and presented at conferences and other platforms.

Musculoskeletal Problems and Strategies Developed by Physiotherapists to Cope With Them
Occupational DiseasesMuscle PainThe aim of this study is to investigate whether there is a difference in areas such as occupational musculoskeletal injuries and strategies developed by physiotherapists working in different fields, burnout and occupational satisfaction.

Establishing a Cohort for Occupational Disease of Emergency Medical Workers
Occupational DiseasesEmergency DepartmentsThis study aims to understand the epidemiological characteristics, related factors , and current status of occupational diseases and damage that occur in emergency medical workers (doctors and nurses). A number of surveys were conducted on about 100 emergency medical workers for about a year with occupational factors, physical health, and mental health.

Effect of Exercise Given to Factory Workers With Ergonomics Training on Pain and Functionality
Work-related IllnessWork Accident1 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of ergonomics training with exercises applied on factory workers with low back pain on pain, functionality, sleep and fatigue.

The Effectiveness of Kinesio Taping in Violin Players
PainNeck6 moreThis study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Kinesio taping (KT) on playing-related pain, upper extremity and hand function, grip and pinch strength in violin players. One hundred seventeen participants who were professional violinists for at least two years were randomized to receive either therapeutic tape application (KT group), a sham tape application (placebo group) or no application (control group) for one week. The primary outcome was the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) in one week. The secondary outcomes were the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the Purdue Pegboard Test, grip and pinch strength. Outcome measures were performed at baseline, immediately after the intervention, and one week later (follow-up). Participants were asked to play the "Violin Concerto No.2, Op.35", and pre-and post-performance pain and grip and pinch strength were assessed.

Multifaceted Intervention for Protection Against Cotton Dust Exposure Among Textile Workers
Occupational DiseasesOccupational Lung DiseaseTextile workers are exposed to various harmful substances during work, including cotton dust, which is the dust present in air during the handling or processing of cotton. Previous research found a link between cotton dust exposure and impaired respiratory health. This study will comprise of administration and workers' training regarding preventive measures for protection against respiratory illnesses. Workers will be provided free, disposable face masks and measures to reduce cotton dust exposure will be introduced at the textile mills. The study would then determine the effectiveness of this intervention on reduction in cotton dust levels in the mills, and improvement in respiratory health of workers. This study would help the cotton textile workers and managers reduce the health hazards of cotton dust exposure and also guide researchers from Pakistan and other low-resource countries towards developing relevant strategies for health protection of these workers.

Effect of Passive and Active Rest Break in Musculoskeletal Complains
Occupational DiseasesWork-related InjuryWork-related musculoskeletal disorders are highly disabling. Therefore, finding preventive solutions is fundamental, in order to reduce the damages to workers and society. Therefore the objective of this study will be to evaluate the effect of passive and active pauses in the control of musculoskeletal complaints of office workers. This is a randomized controlled trial by cluster, which will be performed with 286 office workers (administrative sectors). Employees with physical disabilities will not be included in the study. The workers will be distributed into three groups: active control group, and the two intervention groups massage and workout gymnastics. The active control group and the other groups will be guidelines on ergonomic adjustments of the work station, and performing a 10-minute break every 50 minutes work. The intervention groups (passive and active) will receive different interventions: group massage in the chair and group gymnastics labor. The massage will be performed 2x per week for 10 minutes, and workout 2x per week for 15-20minutes. The primary outcomes assessed will be musculoskeletal complaints of pain intensity. And as a secondary outcome will be the ability to work, perception of ergonomic risk factors, psychosocial factors and fatigue, level of physical activity. Outcomes will be assessed at baseline and after 4 months. It is expected that exercise intervention (active pause) is more effective than passive pause (massage), and that pause and guidance can reduce musculoskeletal complaints, pain intensity, and other outcomes evaluated.