Renal Anhydramnios Fetal Therapy
AnhydramniosPotter Syndrome6 moreEarly pregnancy renal anhydramnios or EPRA is a condition where a pregnant woman does not have any amniotic fluid around her fetus because of a problem with the fetus's kidneys. This condition is thought to be fatal once the fetus is born because of inadequate lung growth. The Renal Anhydramnios Fetal Therapy (RAFT) Trial offers eligible pregnant women with a diagnosis of EPRA an experimental therapy of repeated or serial "amnioinfusions" of fluid into the womb. An amnioinfusion involves placing a small needle through the pregnant woman's skin into the womb next to the fetus. Warm sterile fluid with balanced electrolytes and antibiotics is then slowly infused into amniotic space inside the womb. The aim is to help the fetus's lungs grow enough so he or she can survive after birth. These amnioinfusions will be carried out by an expert in fetal interventions at a RAFT center. There is a significant risk of early rupture of membranes and early delivery in subjects who receive amnioinfusions, and any potential trial participants will be counseled about these risks before they decide whether to join the trial. Any eligible patients who, after counseling, elect to terminate the pregnancy will not be eligible to participate in the trial. All eligible patients who choose to join the RAFT trial will be able to choose their assignment into one of two arms of the study: (1) to receive serial amnioinfusions (2) to not receive amnioinfusions but receive monitoring for the remainder of the pregnancy at the RAFT center. Thus, assignment of patients to study arm will not be random, but will be decided by the participant. Fetuses who do survive after birth will require intensive medical management for kidney failure including placement of a dialysis catheter and dialysis therapy with the eventual need for a kidney transplant. Treatment for lung disease secondary to abnormal lung development may also be required. The study will follow babies and their families until non-survival or transplant. Update: Due to recommendations from the RAFT trial Data and Safety Monitoring Board, the trial is no longer open to enrollment for pregnancies complicated by bilateral renal agenesis as of July 19, 2022. Enrollment for patients with pregnancies complicated by other causes of fetal renal failure remains open.

Dilapan-S®: A Multicenter US E-registry
Post Term PregnancyPremature Rupture of Membrane4 moreObjective of this registry is to collect a representative set of real world data on the use of Dilapan-S® for pre-induction cervical ripening in daily clinical practice. Upon completion of the registry, relevant collected data will be analyzed and published.

PPROM Registry (Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes)
Fetal MembranesPremature Rupture3 morePreterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM) before 37 weeks of pregnancy is responsible for 40% of preterm births in the United States. The PPROM Registry aims to identify possible causes of PPROM, evaluate trends in expectant management, measure maternal and fetal care, and to review short term and long term outcomes of affected pregnancies and births.

Effect of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device of Lower Limbs in Oligohydramnios
OligohydramniosAmniotic Fluid; Disorderthe study will examine the effect of application of intermittent pneumatic pressure device on lower limbs on the amniotic fluid amount and fetal doppler indices in women with oligohydramnios

Hydrotherapy for the Reversal of Oligohydramnios
OligohydramniosOBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of subtotal immersion therapy as an option to improve maternal intravascular volume thereby improving both maternal and fetal hemodynamic status with reversal of oligohydramnios. This will be measured utilizing the Amniotic Fluid Volume (AFV) as the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes will be measured using Fetal Doppler Studies, Maternal vital signs (Blood Pressure, Pulse Pressure, Weight, Pulse) and input/output. HYPOTHESIS: Oligohydramnios, secondary to depleted maternal intravascular volume, can be reversed by improving feto- and uteroplacental perfusion with subtotal immersion therapy.

Warfarine in Unexplained Oligohydramnios
OligohydramniosThis study examines using oral anti coagulant warfarin in the management of unexplained oligohydramnios improve the perinatal outcome with little or no complications to the mother or the neonates.

Foley Catheter Versus Vaginal Misoprostol for Cervical Ripening and Induction of Labor
PregnancyProlonged2 morePURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of balloon dilatation (Foley) with vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labor. METHOD: a randomized clinical assay has been performed with 160 women with indication of induction of labor, randomly divided in two groups, 80 for Foley catheter and 80 for misoprostol.

Role of Antioxidants in Unexplained Oligohydramnios,A Randomized Trial
OilgohydramniosTo predict the effect of antioxidants in cases of oligohydramnios

Nitric Oxide Donors for Treatment of Isolated Oligohydramnios
Isolated (Idiopathic) OligohydramniosObjective: To assess the influence of maternal isosorbide mononitrate (IMN) vaginal supplementation in improving liquor volume in women with isolated oligohydramnios. Study Design: Prospective randomized interventional study. Materials and Methods: 100 women with singleton pregnancy about 28-36 weeks, with isolated oligohydramnios [amniotic fluid index (AFI) < 5] were enrolled in the study. Before the proposed intervention, the antenatal risk factors were studied. Patients received 20 mg isosorbide mononitrate (IMN) vaginally. Patient were followed after 24 hours then weekly. The treatment was continued till the liquor improved significantly or until delivery. Outcome measures; mean increase in liquor, intervention delivery interval, and neonatal outcome were studied.

The Effect of Oral Hypotonic Hydration in Isolated Oligohydramnios
OligohydramniosOBJECTIVE: The primary objective of our study is to compare the effects of routine hydration with additional 2 liters of normal water versus orally 2 liters of distilled water on the amount of amniotic fluid. HYPOTHESIS: İsolated oligohydramnios, secondary to depleted maternal intravascular volume, can be reversed better with orally hypotonic water.