Prospective, Randomized Controlled Study Comparing Combined Phacoemulsification With iStent Inject...
Open Angle GlaucomaThe goal of the study is to prospectively evaluate and compare Hydrus microstent to the iStent Inject Wide in combination with cataract surgery in patients with mild to moderate open angle glaucoma. Hydrus and iStent are the two FDA approved trabecular meshwork targeting microstents to treat open angle glaucoma in conjunction with cataract surgery.

Feasibility Clinical Evaluation of the Calibreye System
GlaucomaOpen-AngleTo evaluate the safety and feasibility of the Calibreye System in patients with open angle glaucoma.

Study of Safety and Efficacy of H-1337 in Subjects With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension...
Glaucoma Open-Angle PrimaryOcular HypertensionThe trial will evaluate the safety and efficacy of 3 dose regimens of H-1337 [0.6% twice daily (b.i.d.), 1.0% b.i.d. and 1.0% once in the morning (q.a.m.), and timolol maleate (0.5%, b.i.d.) in both eyes for 28 days.

XEN Glaucoma Gel Stent Versus Trabeculectomy
Primary Open Angle GlaucomaPseudoexfoliation Glaucoma1 moreMulticentric evaluation of best corrected visual acuity of the XEN implant versus classic trabeculectomy in open angle glaucoma subjects

Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery -The Lowering Effect of Intraocular Pressure on Glaucoma Patients...
Primary Open Angle GlaucomaIntraocular Pressure1 moreHighlights the high-frequency deep sclerotomy (HFDS) as a promising ab-interno surgery in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) patients and evaluates the efficacy and safety of the procedure.

A Long Term Study of STN1012600 in Subjects With Open Angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension
Open Angle GlaucomaOcular HypertensionTo evaluate safety and the ocular hypotensive effect of STN1012600 ophthalmic solution 0.002% alone or in combination with Timolol ophthalmic solution 0.5% for 52 weeks in subjects with open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension.

Study of a Latanoprost Ocular Implant for Treatment of Open Angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension....
Open Angle GlaucomaOcular HypertensionThis is an open label, single dose (100 ng/day) study to assess the safety, tolerability and biodegradation of the PA5436 Latanoprost FA SR Ocular Implant in adults who have OAG or OHT.

A Novel Argon Laser Iridoplasty for Pigment Dispersion Syndrome
Pigment Dispersion SyndromePigmentary GlaucomaPigment dispersion syndrome is a rare condition where anomalous iris configuration leads to posterior iris bowing with subsequent friction with the lenticulozonular unit resulting in dispersion of pigment from the back surface of the iris into the anterior segment as well as thinning with resultant transillumination defects in the mid iris segment. The released pigment is deposited in various parts of the anterior segment resulting in a constellation of clinical signs: Krukenberg Spindle: Back surface of the cornea Zentmayer ring: Back surface of the lens. Egger line: Anterior vitreous face. More importantly, pigment accumulated in the trabecular meshwork leading to visible hyperpigmentation of the trabeculum seen by gonioscopy. This leads to reduction of aqueous outflow which leads to ocular hypertension or even glaucoma which is known as pigment dispersion glaucoma which is considered one of refractory glaucomas. Current practice in the management of pigment dispersion syndrome revolves around the management of glaucoma when it develops by IOP lowering medication, Laser trabeculoplasty or peripheral iridoplastyor glaucoma surgery as a last resort. The only prophylactic measure in practice that is aimed at preventing the progression from mere pigment dispersion to pigment dispersion glaucoma is the long term use of miotic eyedrops e.g. Pilocarpine which comes with both risks and side effects i.e. the risk of retinal breaks and detachment which is even higher in a cohort which is predominantly myope, the constriction of visual field and ocular surface complications. In this interventional case series, the investigators assess the efficacy of a novel Argon Laser iridoplasty in the management of pigment dispersion through correcting the posterior iris bowing and hence halting the dispersion process so that glaucoma wouldn't develop in the first place instead of managing glaucoma after it sets in which proved refractory.

SIGHT Study: Cost-effectiveness of InnFocus Microshunt Implantation vs. Trabeculectomy.
Primary Open-angle GlaucomaThe standard surgical treatment for glaucoma is trabeculectomy. The PRESERFLO™ (formerly InnFocus) Microshunt (IMS) is a new, minimally invasive drainage device which has been suggested to result in similar IOP lowering, but with faster visual recovery and less complications and postoperative interventions. The objective of this study is to aid in deciding on the use of the IMS in glaucoma surgery by assessing its efficacy and cost-effectiveness in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) compared to the standard trabeculectomy (TE).

Use of the OMNI® Surgical System in Combination With Cataract Extraction in Open Angle Glaucoma...
Open Angle GlaucomaThis study will prospectively assess the clinical effect of ab-interno transluminal viscoelastic delivery and trabeculotomy performed using the OMNI Surgical System in combination with Cataract Extraction on intraocular pressure (IOP) and the use of IOP-lowering medications in patients with mild-moderate open angle glaucoma (OAG).