A Study of Apremilast in Children With Oral Ulcers Associated With Behçet's Disease or Juvenile...
Behçet's DiseaseJuvenile Psoriatic ArthritisThe primary objective of this study is to evaluate the long-term safety of apremilast in participants 2 years of age or older with oral ulcers associated with Behçets disease or 5 years of age or older with active juvenile psoriatic arthritis that have completed Study 20190530 or Study 20190529.

Apremilast Pediatric Study in Children With Active Oral Ulcers Associated With Behçet's Disease...
Behçet DiseaseThe aim of this study is to estimate the efficacy of apremilast compared to placebo in the treatment of oral ulcers in pediatric participants from 2 to < 18 years of age with oral ulcers associated with Behçet's disease (BD) through week 12.

Lenalidomide in the Treatment of Mucosal Behçet's Syndrome
Oral UlcerThe study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of lenalidomide in the treatment of oral ulcers in adult patients with refractory mucosal Behcet's syndrome.

Dose-ranging Study of Dentoxol® Mouthrinse for Managing Oral Symptoms in People With Epidermolysis...
Epidermolysis BullosaOral UlcerInherited Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a disorder that causes skin fragility and blistering in skin and mucous membranes, including the mouth. Recurrent oral blisters and ulcer result in oral pain and discomfort. Dentoxol® is a mouthrinse that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effects. It has significant potential to reduce EB related oral symptoms. This study includes people living with Inherited Epidermolysis Bullosa aged 6 and above; and is aimed at determining the efficacy of two different dose regimens of Dentoxol mouthrinse in reducing oral symptoms.

Using Tea-based Mouthwash Relieve Stomatitis and Oral Ulcers
StomatitisThe aim of this study is to use a tea-based mouthwash to relieve pain and discomfort in patients with stomatitis and ulcers.

Evaluation of Topical Rebamipide Versus Topical Betamethasone for Management of Oral Ulcers in Behcet's...
Oral Ulceration Due to Behçet's DiseaseThe goal of this randomized clinical trial is to to compare the effect of topical rebamipide to topical betamethasone on oral ulcer severity in patients with Behcet's disease.. The main question it aims to answer is : What is the effect of topical Rebamipide mouthwash compared to topical betamethasone mouthwash in management of oral ulcers in Behcet's disease? Participants will will be divided randomly into the two groups and the following outcomes will be measured: The oral ulcers severity Pain associated with oral ulcers Number of oral ulcers Healing time of oral ulcers

Characterizing In Vivo Oral Lesion Impedances
Oral LesionThe primary objective of this study is to demonstrate a significant difference in electrical impedance between normal, benign, premalignant, and malignant oral lesions using a custom device. The secondary study objective is to create a database of in vivo electrical impedance spectra and images of oral lesions. This will be achieved by collecting Electrical Impedance sensing data and images from two cohorts of patients: Cohort I will consist of 200 patients undergoing oral lesion biopsies and Cohort II will be comprised of 50 patients scheduled for oral cancer resection. A maximum of 5 additional subjects will be initially enrolled in each Cohort to optimize data acquisition.

Therapeutic Effect of Folic Acid in Healing of Oral Ulcers
Oral Ulcerpatients reporting at the department of oral medicine with the complain of oral ulceration will be asked to participate in this study.

Efficacy of Adhesive Tablets in Treating Oral Ulcers (Aphthous)
UlcerAphthousRecurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) of the oral mucosa is a common and painful condition. Despite advances in therapeutic means there is still necessary to find a way to alleviate the local pain and discomfort induced by the mucosal ulceration. The hypothesis was to study the effectiveness and acceptance of a herbal adhesive tablets in the treatment of RAS. Participants in the study will be examined for oral lesions, will be instructed how to apply the oral-tablet, and will be interviewed during the follow-up period up to one week after the application.

Uses of Tacrolimus in Behcet Disease
Oral UlcerBehcet SyndromeBackground: oral ulceration is the earliest and commonest manifestation of Behcet's disease (BD). Minor aphthous like ulcers (<10 mm in diameter) are the most common type (85%); major or herpetiform ulcers are less frequent. It is occurred about in Egypt; 3.6/100,000 % and high recurrence rate with traditional treatment. Colchicine is the first line of treatment in mucocutaneous manifestation of BD through its anti-inflammatory effect. Tacrolimus oral gel is safe and effective in treating aphthous ulcers in many diseases. Objectives: to compare the clinical efficacy of topical tacrolimus versus oral colchicine upon disease activity, pain and ulcer severity in oral ulcer associated with BD. Study design: A randomized double -blinded trial. Setting: Rheumatology clinic, Assiut University Hospital and Faculty of Dental Medicine, AlAzhar University, Assiut branch outpatient's clinic. Methods: 40 BD participants (> 3 months taken traditional treatment with persistent active oral ulceration). They have been equally randomized into either group I (Colchicine and topically applied Tacrolimus), or group II (Colchicine only). Measurements: Behcet's Disease Current Activity Form (BDCAF), Ulcer Severity Score (USS) and visual analog scale (VAS) pre-injection, then re-evaluated postinjection at four-time points (15 days, 1st, 2nd and 3rd months) and Determination of Natural Killer (NK) cells number in salival wash before treatment (at base line) and after the treatment (after 3 months)