The Effect of an Acute Bout of Exercise on Pain Sensitivity and Clinical Pain in Adults With Knee...
OsteoarthritisKneeThe goal of this interventional study is to investigate the effectiveness of an acute bout of exercises on pain sensitivity and clinical pain among adults with knee osteoarthritis. The following question will be answered in this research Q1: Is acute bout of exercise effective in reducing pain among adult with knee osteoarthritis? Participants who agree to participate and sign the informed consent will be randomised to one of three groups: Group 1: Isometric exercise with neutral language and no verbal suggestion consisting of 1 rep of wall squat, 3 min or to volitional fatigue at 100° knee angle;(n=30). Group 2: Isometric exercise with neutral language and no verbal suggestion consisting of 3 reps of wall squat, 3 min or to volitional fatigue at 100°degree knee angle, 30 sec rest between rep, ;(n=30). Group 3 (Control group): true control (do nothing);(n=30).

Evaluating the Effect of Adipose Tissue Processed With the SyntrFuge™ System for Knee Osteoarthritis...
Knee OsteoarthritisThis is an multi-center study with the aim of evaluating the efficacy of adipose tissue processed with the SyntrFuge™ system in Orthopedic Surgery, specifically Knee Osteoarthritis. Patients will be enrolled to the treatment group with adipose tissue processed with the SyntrFuge™ system followed by an injection of autologous microsized adipose tissue in the treatment sites or Standard of Care.

Use of a Putty as Gap Filler in Open-wedge Osteotomy
Osteo Arthritis KneeRationale: Realignment osteotomies around the knee are a proven surgical treatment for unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis and a malalignment. Osteotomies can be very painful in the early postoperative phase. This is probably due to a combination of bony cut (bone pain) and postoperative hematoma (bleeding and leakage of the bone marrow) in the surrounding soft tissue. The AttraX® Putty can be used as a gap filler in open wedge osteotomies to potentially reduce postoperative pain by reducing the bleeding from the bone gap. Objective: The main aim of this study is to determine whether early postoperative pain is decreased when the osteotomy gap is filled with AttraX® Putty, compared to conventional open wedge osteotomy without filling the gap. The secondary aims are faster accelerated rehabilitation/regaining function, reduction of local blood loss, accelerated bone union, comparable surgical accuracy, and the occurrence of (serious) adverse events. Study design: Single-blinded, prospective, randomized controlled trial. Study population: Adult patients qualifying for open-wedge tibial, open-wedge femur or double level osteotomy. Intervention: According to a randomization scheme, the osteotomy gap will be filled with either the synthetic ceramic material AttraX® Putty or without a gap filler (conventional method). Main study parameters/endpoints: The main study endpoint is the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) pain during the first week postoperative. The secondary study endpoints are faster rehabilitation/regaining function, reduction of local blood loss, accelerated bone union, comparable surgical accuracy, and (serious) adverse events. Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness: Patients may have the advantage of experiencing less pain postoperatively if they are treated with the AttraX® Putty, which can contribute to a faster rehabilitation. Risks to the AttraX® Putty group may include an allergic reaction, failure to promote bone fusion and excessive bone growth. However, the preclinical studies and clinical studies show that the use of AttraX® Putty is safe for use in humans.

Effectiveness of Physical Therapy in Stem Cell Transplant Recipients for Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee OsteoarthritisOsteo Arthritis Knee1 moreKnee osteoarthritis has been considered as 11th highest contributor factor to nonfatal burdens in the world. It is considered one of the most common degenerative diseases of synovial joint and major cause of muscle impairment with limited functional activities. Recent efforts to investigate the possibility of stem cell therapies in the treatment of symptomatic osteoarthritis have seen an increase in interest in regenerative medicine, fueled a better understanding of the role of mesenchymal stem cells. Knee osteoarthritis is mostly managed by physical therapy, focused on managing pain, increasing the restricted range of motion and muscle strengthening. Therefore, the hypothesis is that combining both treatments will be beneficial for patients. The aim of this randomized controlled trial is to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy in mesenchymal stem cell recipient in improving pain, quadriceps muscle strength and functional status of knee osteoarthritis patients.

A Proof-of-concept Study to Examine QUC398 in Participants With Knee OA
OsteoarthritisKneeThe purpose of the study is to find out if the investigational treatment named QUC398 has beneficial effects on osteoarthritis knee pain and knee cartilage, and if it is safe and well tolerated.

Effect of Energy Restriction and Exercise for Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee OsteoarthritisThe investigators are looking at the effects of energy restriction, with or without exercise on markers of inflammation in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. There will be a 4 week 'wash-in' period where participants will maintain their normal lifestyle, followed by a 4 week 'intervention period' where participants will be randomised into either the diet alone group or the diet plus exercise group.

Effects of Myofascial Release and Neuromuscular Training for Pes Anserine Syndrome Associated With...
Knee OsteoarthritisPes Anserine BursitisA randomized control trial will be conducted at the outpatient department of Dow Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. A sample size of 80 is calculated using PASS version 11 software. The subjects will be first screened and those who fulfill the inclusion criteria, will be asked to fill the consent form. After selection, the participants will be randomly allocated by the help of computer generated randomization sheet, into two groups i.e. experimental and the control group. The group A will be provided with the myofascial release along with the neuromuscular training whereas the group B will only receive the neuromuscular training. Cold pack will be applied to both the groups. The neuromuscular training consists of warm-up phase, lunges, sideways exercises, wall squats, weight transfer exercises, step up and down and the cool down phase. Total 12 sessions of 35 minutes each will be given to all the participants for about 4 weeks on alternate days. Outcome measures will be analyzed by visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain assessment, goniometry for range of motion and the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) to evaluate the functional assessment of the patients at the baseline and the post intervention.

Comparison of a Single RTX-GRT7039 and Placebo Intra-articular Injection for Pain Associated With...
OsteoarthritisA double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multi-site, clinical trial to confirm the efficacy and safety of single injection of RTX-GRT7039 versus placebo in patients who have pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee despite standard of care.

Efficacy of Different Doses of Pregabalin as a Multimodal Analgesic Agent in Postoperative Pain...
Knee OsteoarthritisThe purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of 75 mg of Pregabalin and 150 mg of Pregabalin in postoperative pain control after TKA.

RCT, Blinded, 2-Arm Efficacy Study of IP and Placebo in Patients With Chronic Pain Related to Osteoarthritis...
Degenerative ArthritisIt is a Phase III efficacy study as the title 'A randomized, double-blind, parallel-arm study comparing the efficacy of investigational product "Ibuprofen Modified-Release Tablets 800 mg" and placebo in patients with chronic pain related to osteoarthritis of the knee.' The primary objective is to determine the analgesic efficacy of orally administered IBUMR in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. The Secondary objectives are to compare the treatment effect on patient pain, function and stiffness between IBUMR- and placebo-treated patients as measured by the Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), to compare the treatment effect on Patient Global Assessment on Disease Activity between IBUMR- and placebo-treated patients, to compare the treatment effect on Investigator's Global Assessment on Disease Activity between IBUMR- and placebo-treated patients, to compare the use of analgesic rescue medicine between IBUMR- and placebo-treated patients, to determine the safety profile of IBUMR.