Cryo and Compression Therapy After TKA and UKA
Osteo Arthritis KneeThe goal of this clinical trial is to test the use of a cold and compression brace during the first 6 weeks after surgery in patients who had a total or partial knee replacement. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: What is the effect of the use of cryo- and compression therapy during the first 6 postoperative weeks after knee replacement surgery on pain in rest? What is the effect of the use of cryo- and compression therapy during the first 6 postoperative weeks after knee replacement surgery on pain while loading, opioid use, functioning, patient satisfaction and general health, and do participants comply with the therapy? Participants will be asked to use the cold and compression brace during the six weeks after surgery five times a day, for a maximum of 20 minutes. Researchers will compare with usual care to see the effect on pain, opioid use, functioning, satisfaction and general health.

Effect of Mulligans Mobilization With Movement in Osteoarthritis Knee.
Osteo Arthritis KneeTo evaluate the effect of Mulligan's mobilization with movement in osteoarthritis of the knee.

Knee Genicular Nerve Ablation by Thermal Radiofrequency vs Thermal Radiofrequency Plus Alcohol Neurolysis...
Knee Osteoarthritisthe aim of our study is to compare effectiveness (satisfaction) and duration of pain relief between patients receiving the conventional thermal radiofrequency on the genicular nerves alone vs patients who will receive the conventional method plus alcohol neurolysis of the targeted nerves.

High Tibial Osteotomy With/Without Fulkerson Osteotomy in Knee OA
OsteoarthritisKnee1 moreThis study will compare Hight Tibial Osteotomy with or without Fulkerson Osteotomy performed on patients with early stages of Osteoarthritis with patellofemoral joint disorders. The purpose of this study is evaluate which type of osteotomy provides better clinical, radiological and laboratory outcomes.

PT-led Triage for Patients With Hip o Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee OsteoarthritisHip OsteoarthritisThe aim of this project is to compare PT-led triage in secondary care setting for patients with hip or/and knee osteoarthritis (OA) with standard care (i.e. assessment of orthopedic surgeon). Comparison between cost-effectiveness, selection accuracy, patients perceived quality of care, quality of life and physical function will be made. A further aim is to determine if a digital triage tool can accurately predict when a primary knee or hip referral is deemed for nonsurgical versus surgical intervention by the surgeon following the first consultation.

Incorporating Patient-Reported Outcomes Into Shared Decision Making With Patients With Osteoarthritis...
Osteo Arthritis KneeOsteoarthritis (OA) of the knee constitutes a major public health problem. Treatment options for knee OA range from lifestyle changes to pharmacological management to total knee replacement surgery. As a "preference-sensitive" condition, management of OA of the knee is ideally suited for shared decision making (SDM), taking into consideration benefits, risks, and patients' health status, values, and goals. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) reflect health status from the patient's perspective. For knee OA, relevant PROs include pain and other symptoms, functional status and limitations, and overall health. Prior research indicates that patients with higher baseline physical function and/or poor baseline mental health do not benefit as much from total knee replacement. Still, due to logistical challenges, costs, and disruptions in workflow, PROs have not yet achieved their full potential in clinical care. Musculoskeletal providers at Dell Medical School and UT Health Austin currently collect general and condition-specific PROs from every patient seen in their Musculoskeletal Institute. PROs are collected via an electronic interface and results are pulled into the Athena electronic health record (EHR). Given the promise of combining PRO data with clinical and demographic data, musculoskeletal providers at UT Health Austin have begun utilizing an innovative electronic PRO-based predictive analytic tool at the point of care to guide SDM in patients with knee OA. This project plans to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and impact of the PRO-guided predictive analytic SDM tool and process in a randomized controlled trial in Austin. Outcomes will include decision quality, as reported by patients; treatment decision (surgical vs. non-surgical); and decisional conflict and regret. Our project contributes to AHRQ's strategy to use health IT to improve quality and outcomes by evaluating a tool and process for the use of PRO data at the point of care. The model being tested puts patients at the center of their care by enabling them to participate in informed decision making by using their personal health data, preferences, and prognostic models. Knowledge gained will be critical to scaling and spreading use of this PRO-guided SDM tool among patients with knee OA nationally.

Rehabilitation With Personalized Strategies According to Muscle Volume Before Knee Arthroplasty...
GonarthrosisArthroplastyPreoperative rehabilitation before total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has not been proven to be effective. Latest meta-analyzes do not find any improvement of motor performance during gait 6 months after surgery. However, most of the previous studies did not specifically target muscle atrophy to design rehabilitation protocol. Pre-operative muscle atrophy, although not systematic, is often observed. The preoperative muscles volumes of thigh muscles have been poorly identified and never used to adjust the pre operative rehabilitation strategy. As part of the "FOLLOWKNEE" (RHU) project, which attempts to implement a personalized management of TKA and its follow-up, this study wants to explore the potential effect of adapted treatment to improve muscle force and muscle volume before TKA.

Investigating the Effectiveness of Vibration Therapy on Sarcopenia in Osteoarthritis Knee Patients...
Knee ArthropathyOsteoarthritis2 moreOsteoarthritis (OA) is one of the commonest chronic degenerative conditions affecting our aging population. It limits joint movement and causing disability in elderlies due to discordant symptoms such as pain and stiffness. The prevalence of radiologic knee osteoarthritis increases in proportion to age, reaching an astounding 64.1% for patients whom are over 60 years of age. In addition the prevalence of symptomatic knee OA has been shown to be around 10% in people who are 60 years and older.

Effectiveness of the Journey Total Knee Arthroplasty Versus Two Standard of Care Total Knee Arthroplasty...
OsteoarthritisKneeThe purpose of the study is to determine if knee replacement performed using Journey II implant is different from two other standard-of-care knee replacements using Stryker and Zimmer in terms of knee movements and forces, walking patterns, pain, and function after surgery.

Total Knee Arthroplasty: Fast Track Protocol is the Future?
OsteoarthritisKnee1 moreFast-track total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a well-established concept including optimized logistics and evidence-based treatment, focusing on minimizing surgical stress and improved post-operative recovery. The aim of this protocol is to compare the standard care and fast track total knee arthroplasties in terms of functional and subjective outcomes, hospital staying, number of transfusions and analgesic consumption.