Ultrasound Imaging of Quadriceps Muscle in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis
OsteoarthritisKneeEcho intensity (EI) assessment using ultrasonography helps monitoring disease-induced muscle quality changes. However, there are no study investigating the reliability of EI in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). The primary aim of the present study was to investigate the inter and intra-rater reliability of EI evaluation by grayscale histogram analysis of quadriceps femoris muscle in patients with knee OA. The second aim was to compare the mean grayscale values obtained using both the Free Hand Tool (FHT) and Rectangular Marquee Tool (RMT) methods in ImageJ. Thirty patients with knee OA were included in this cross-sectional study. The echogenicity measurements of the Rectus Femoris, Vastus Inter-medius, Vastus Lateralis and Vastus Medialis were performed by two different researchers. Reliability analysis of EI measurements were calculated with using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM) and coefficient of variation (CV) and Bland and Altman plot analysis.

Evaluation of the Brakes and Levers on the Use of an E-health Application for Osteoarthritis Patients...
OsteoarthritisKneeOsteoarthritis is the most common articular disease affecting the joint in a comprehensive and progressive manner. It is a chronic pathology correlated with age since nearly one in two adults is affected by osteoarthritis. The care of osteoarthritis is based on pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. The latest recommendations support the non-pharmacological part including regular physical activity, therapeutic education and weight loss. Today tools are lacking for the patient and the practitioner to ensure long-term motivation and support. Connected objects, as future-oriented tools, are a customizable way to meet the expectations of both patients and professionals. The main objective of this study is to analyze the expectations regarding the use of a smartphone application for monitoring and support in the practice of exercises and regular physical activity in patients osteoarthritic. The secondary objective is to collect information on the use of connected objects dedicated to the management of osteoarthritis by patients and health professionals.

In Vivo Kinematics for Subjects Implanted With Klassic Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)
Total Knee ArthroplastyOsteo Arthritis Knee2 moreIn vivo knee kinematics will be assessed for 20 subjects that have been implanted with a Total Joint Orthopedics Klassic knee system by Dr. Aaron Hofmann of the Hofmann Arthritis Institute's Center for Precision Joint Replacement. This is the location from which all participants will be recruited and where fluoroscopy data collection will occur. Participants will undergo fluoroscopic surveillance of their implanted knee using a C-arm fluoroscopic unit while performing a deep knee bend activity at least six months post-operatively.

Investigation of Thenar Muscles Morphometric Parameters in Patients With TMC OA
Thumb OsteoarthritisMuscle Atrophy or WeaknessIn this study, investigators aimed to investigate the morphometric parameters tenar muscles and joint configuration in patients with trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis (TMC OA) osteoarthritis stages, thenar muscle parameters, radial subluxation rate, functional level and hand dexterity.

A Novel Smartphone Application for "Smart" Knee Osteoarthritis Trials
OsteoarthritisKneeThe overarching goal is to develop a mHealth App that can use smartphone embedded sensors to objectively collect physical function data in individuals with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) in the context of daily life.

microRNA in Erosive Hand Osteoarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis
Erosive OsteoarthritisPsoriatic ArthritisErosive osteoarthritis of the hand (EHOA) is a rare subset of HOA that affects mainly postmenopausal middle-aged women, featured by prominent signs of inflammation, severe progression, and typical radiographic changes of the interphalangeal (IP). It is presently debated whether EHOA is an advanced stage of the classical HOA or a separate entity with peculiar inflammatory features, which can mimic chronic arthritis such as psoriatic arthritis (PsA). PsA is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory arthropathy, that affects 14.0-22.7% of patients with psoriasis. It is a highly heterogeneous disease, whose clinical features often vary from peripheral arthritis, to spinal spondylitis, and/or asymmetrical synovitis, enthesitis, dactylitis. As no gold-standard diagnostic test for PsA exists, the diagnosis is based on different patterns of clinical, radiological and serological markers included in the classification criteria for psoriatic arthritis (CASPAR). Some typical features of PsA are also observed in other chronic musculoskeletal diseases, as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and HOA, determining possible delay of the diagnosis and consequent influence on the successful results of the therapies. In particular, the differential diagnosis of PsA and EHOA is very challenging, considering that both conditions can be characterized by bone proliferation and inflammation processes in the distal IP joints and lack of specific diagnostic biomarkers. In the last decade, microRNA (miRNA) are emerged as possible candidate biomarkers in different rheumatic diseases. They are a class of small non-coding RNA molecules implicated in the direct regulation of the expression of different target genes by repressing or inhibiting translation. Mature miRNA are produced inside the cell and exert their function in the cytoplasm, but also by being released into the circulation and body fluids, where they regulate both physiological and pathological processes. Specific profiles of miRNA have been associated with the up-regulation of several inflammatory cytokines or degrading enzymes involved in the pathogenesis of PsA or OA. Indeed, miRNA have been detected in human plasma and in synovial fluid from patients with PsA and are considered possible diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of this disease; very recently a pattern of circulating miRNAs has been studied also in patients with HOA. IThe aim of the present study is to test whether miRNA can help to differentiate EHOA from PsA. In detail, the investigators evaluate the expression profile of a series of miRNA (miR-21, miR-140, miR-146a, miR-155, miR-181a, miR-223, miR-23a, miR-26a and miR-let-7e), known to be dysregulated in PsA and OA, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients with EHOA and PsA and in comparison to a group of healthy controls (HC). Furthermore, the investigators assess the potential correlation between miRNA expression and disease activity.

Evaluation of Motion in the Arthritic Wrist Joint
Wrist OsteoarthritisThe scaphotrapeziotrapezoid (STT) joint is a dome shaped joint in the radial wrist that is important in transfer of load from the thumb and radial hand to the scaphoid and the radioscaphoid and scaphocapitate joints. Arthritis in this joint is the second most common degenerative arthritis in the wrist, reported in 15% of wrist radiographs. The true incidence of arthritis in the STT joint however is unknown though we assume that most cases of arthritis are not clinically significant. Furthermore, the clinical and biomechanical significance of arthritis in this joint is unclear. The investigators' clinical impression is that the incidence of STT joint arthritis is inversely related to that of radiocarpal joint arthritis. In an ongoing study, we are examining the relationship between STT joint arthritis and radiocarpal joint arthritis on radiographs. We suggest that STT joint arthritis alters the biomechanics of the wrist by limiting movement of the scaphoid within the STT joint thereby protecting the wrist from radiocarpal arthritis by limiting instability of the scaphoid. The specific aims of this pilot study are to evaluate the movement of the arthritic scaphoid within the STT joint using a computer-generated model based on CT scan of the wrist and to compare this model with the already established model of the normal STT joint. The investigators' hypothesis is that there is significantly less motion in the arthritic STT joint.

Evaluation of Locomotor Activity Before and After Total Hip Replacement in Patients With Hip Osteoarthritis....
Hip OsteoarthritisIndication for Total Hip ReplacementThe investigators believe that the application of non-linear methods of analysis using the ganglion and neural network technique will make it possible to analyse all of the complex data obtained in patients with hip osteoarthritis before and then after total hip replacement, and should allow us to identify a combination of objective variables to classify the surgery as " successful " or " unsuccessful ". To this end, the study will take place as follows: Step 1: Screening, and inclusion. Step 2: Evaluation of the hip osteoarthritis and analysis of locomotor activity Step 3: Total hip replacement Step 4: Clinical evaluation of locomotor activity carried out between 6 months and 1 year after the THR Step 5: Data analysis

Clinical Outcomes With Omni Apex Ultracongruent Knee System
OsteoarthritisKneeA prospective, matched case comparison of total knee arthroplasty with the OMNI Apex Ultracongruent vs. Triathlon® CS tibial insert vs. the Triathlon® PS tibial insert.

A Measurement of Knee Osteoarthritis Usual Care
OsteoarthritisKnee3 moreOsteoarthritis is the most common affection of joints worldwide. Multiple international guidelines on the approach and treatment of knee osteoarthritis are available. Nevertheless there seems to be a gap between usual care and the preferred one. A vigorous set of evidence-based quality indicators on osteoarthritis diagnosis and therapy was developed by a multidisciplinary expert team. This project aims to map usual care and to explore the gaps between usual care and international guidelines in a second stage. This will enable us to develop a tightly targeted quality improvement intervention later on.