A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Study of BET Combined With Tympanostomy Tube Insertion...
Otitis Media With Effusion After Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaThe primary purpose of this study is to compare balloon Eustachian tuboplasty (BET) combined with tympanostomy tube insertion and simply tympanostomy tube insertion in the treatment of otitis media with effusion (OME) in post-radiotherapy patients on the improvement of subjective symptoms (ear fullness, etc.) and the tympanogram. The secondary purpose is to clarify the effects of BET on the incidence of middle ear infection and slippage of ventilation tube during tube retention, as well as to determine the difference of hearing improvement between the two management methods.

Autoinflation: Alternative in the Treatment of Otitis Media With Effusion
Otitis Media With EffusionHearing LossOtitis media with effusion (OME) is a common finding affecting children and the main cause of acquired hearing loss in the pediatric age. OBJECTIVES The purpose of the clinical study is to determine whether self-inflation using a new device: It is an effective non-invasive treatment during the watchful waiting period, with the ability to improve hearing loss and prevent surgical treatment; Maintains long-term hearing improvement;

Does Topical Otic Drop Use at Time of Tympanostomy Tube Surgery Improve Outcomes When no Middle...
Otitis MediaTo determine whether the use of topical otic drops intra-operative and post-operative during tympanostomy tube placement reduces the rate of tympanostomy tube occlusion and post-operative otorrhea (ear drainage) during the initial 4-week post-operative period in subjects with no middle ear effusion (fluid behind the ear drum) present at the time of surgery. A within subject controlled study design will be utilized to study this effect. Subjects with absent middle ear effusion who are receiving tympanostomy tube placement will receive a standard protocol of Floxin topical drops during surgery and after surgery in one ear. Selection of ear (right ear or left ear) will be randomized. The primary measured outcome will be the rate of tympanostomy tube occlusion within first 4 weeks postoperatively. The secondary measured outcome is the rate of tympanostomy tube otorrhea (drainage) within first 4 weeks postoperatively.

Coherent Optical Detection of Middle Ear Disease
Otitis MediaOtitis Media With Effusion1 moreThe purpose of this project is to see if optical coherence tomography (OCT), a new technology acting as an ultrasound for the ear, facilitates accurately diagnosing acute otitis media (AOM) and otitis media with effusion (OME) in children. Clinical diagnoses made using solely pneumatic otoscopy (PO) will be compared to those made with the addition of OCT.

Evaluation of Outcomes Following In-office Tympanostomy Using the Tula® System: a Prospective, Multi-center...
Otitis Media With EffusionAcute Otitis Media1 moreThis prospective, single-arm, multicenter registry is being conducted to collect real world post-market data from patients aged from 6 months to 17 years of age who are undergoing an in-office ear tube placement procedure (tympanostomy) using the Tula® System. The Registry will include up to 20 centers in the US and up to 200 patients for the initial evaluation. The FDA-approved Tula System includes the Tula Iontophoresis System (IPS) with TYMBION™ otic anesthetic for local anesthesia of the ear drum and the Tula Tube Delivery System (TDS) for ear tube placement. Clinical research established the safety, efficacy and tolerability of this system for in-office procedures in the pediatric population. Patients will be treated and evaluated according to standard medical care. Outcome data is collected up to 6 months following extrusion or removal of their tube(s).

Adjuvant Adenoidectomy for the Treatment of Chronic OME in Children
Otitis Media With Effusion in ChildrenThis study aims to verify the efficacy of adjuvant adenoidectomy for children with chronic OME who become candidates for tympanostomy tube placement, and explore potential factors associated with the efficacy of adjuvant adenoidectomy.

Sound Ear Check (SEC) in Hearing Diagnostics in Young Children
Hearing LossOtitis Media With Effusion1 moreStudy Sound Ear Check (SEC) hearing test among 3-10 years old otherwise healthy children referred to tympanostomy tube placement. SEC test prior surgery (with middle ear fluid) and at 1 month control visit (dry middle ear with ventilation tube). Otitis media 6 questionnaire prior surgery and at the 1 month control visit.

Adenoidectomy for Otitis Media in 2-3 Year Old Children
Otitis Media With EffusionThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of three different surgical treatments (1. Bilateral myringotomy and tube insertion (M&T); 2. Adenoidectomy and bilateral myringotomy (A&T); 3. Adenoidectomy with myringotomy and tympanostomy tube insertion (A-M&T)) in reducing subsequent episodes of middle ear disease and hearing loss caused by the fluid in the middle ear in children aged 24-47 months. The fluid in the middle ear is of at least three months' duration and unresponsive to standardized, recent antimicrobial treatment. The children are assigned to one of the three surgical treatments. After surgery, they are followed with examinations monthly and at the time of intercurrent infections for three years.

In-Office Tympanostomy Tube Placement in Children (OTTER)
OME - Otitis Media With EffusionAOM - Acute Otitis MediaA prospective, single-arm, multicenter study to evaluate effectiveness and safety of Tymbion iontophoresis and tympanostomy tube placement using the Tula Iontophoresis and Tube Delivery Systems for children in an office setting.

Open-Label Study of OTO-201 for Middle Ear Effusion Evaluating Trans-Tympanostomy Tube Administration...
Bilateral Middle Ear EffusionThis is a 1-month, prospective, multicenter, open-label study in pediatric subjects with bilateral middle ear effusion requiring tympanostomy tube placement. Eligible subjects will receive a single dose to each ear of 6 mg OTO-201, administered intraoperatively into the middle ear through the lumen of the tympanostomy tube (trans-tympanostomy tube TTT). The study is designed to characterize safety and any procedural issues associated with TTT drug administration of OTO-201.