Cone-beam CT in the Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Otosclerosis.
OtosclerosisCone Beam Computed Tomography1 moreOur studies will systematically investigate and establish evidence on whether Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) of the temporal bone could be used in the diagnosis and treatment of otosclerosis and in the post-operative follow-up after stapedotomy.

Therapeutic Efficacy of Tiludronic Acid on Inner Ear Involvement in Advanced Otosclerosis
OtosclerosisThe aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of a biphosphonate (tiludronic acid, Skelid®, Sanofi-Aventis) in the treatment of inner ear involvement in advanced otosclerosis

Efficacy of Acetylcysteine in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Otosclerosis
OtosclerosisIn otosclerosis, one of the tiny bones of the middle ear is unable to move normally. Sounds cannot be transferred to the inner ear and a conductive hearing loss ensues. The disorder is usually treated by an operation where the bone is replaced by a prosthesis. This restores hearing at low sound frequencies. At high frequencies, surgery is less effective. The smaller effect at high frequencies is probably caused by surgically induced inner ear damage. Animal studies have shown that the drug acetylcysteine can protect the inner ear against damage. It is not known whether the drug has similar effects in humans. This study will assess the efficacy of acetylcysteine in patients undergoing surgery for otosclerosis.

Hearing Aid Versus Surgical Rehabilitation as Treatment of Otosclerosis: Pilot Study
OtosclerosisThis is a French pilot study in the Toulouse University Hospital that will include a minimum of 30 patients with proven unilateral or asymmetric otosclerosis. Each one will receive a hearing aid for a minimum of 2 months and then undergo otosclerosis surgery.

Endoscopic Classic Versus Reversal Stapedotomy
Otosclerosis of Middle EarAim of The Work The aim of this study is to compare hearing outcome and surgical complications between classic and reversal endoscopic stapedotomy. Patients and Methods Study design: This study is a randomized clinical study and will be carried out at Otorhinolaryngology department at Mansoura University Hospitals. The study will be conducted among 60 patients with otosclerosis who will undergo endoscopic stapedotomy. The patients will be divided into two groups. The first group (group 1) 30 patients will undergo endoscopic classic stapedotomy while the second group (group 2) 30 patients will undergo endoscopic reversal stapedotomy. The two groups will compared to each other as regard, A. Intra-operative time (in minutes) B. Hearing outcome. C. Surgical complications

Interest of Using Deep Learning Algorithm for Otosclerosis Detection on Temporal Bone High Resolution...
OtosclerosisOtosclerosis is a relatively frequent pathology, of multifactorial origin with genetic and hormonal part, predominantly in women. This disease causes a disorder of the bone metabolism of the middle and inner ear, responsible for a progressive deafness, which can become severe. Several elements are necessary to make the diagnosis of otosclerosis: the clinical examination and questioning, the audiometric assessment, and finally the temporal bone CT. The CT scan allows to detect foci of otosclerosis within the bone of the middle or inner ear. This diagnosis is sometimes difficult and requires interpretation by a trained radiologist. The investigators would like to evaluate the ability of a deep learning algorithm to detect these foci of otosclerosis, and to compare its diagnostic performance with a trained radiologist.

Stapes Footplate Thickness Measured With UHR-CT
OtosclerosisOtitis MediaThe aim of this study is to compare the thickness of the stapes footplate measured with ultra high resolution CT in control patients, otosclerosis patients and chronic otitis media patients.

Cone Beam vs MDCT for Diagnosis and Pre-operative Evaluation of Otosclerosis
OtosclerosisThis study aims to compare the Cone Beam and the multi-detector computed tomography for diagnosis and pre-operative evaluation of otosclerosis in patients addressed for conductive hearing loss with intact tympanic membrane. The study aims to show that the Cone Beam offers equivalent performances with lower radiation dosage in this indication

Outcome of Stapes Surgery in Otosclerotic Patients With Tinnitus Using Tinnitogram
OtosclerosisThis study will be conducted on patients with otosclerosis attending Assiut University Hospital and undergo stapedectomy operation Evaluation of each patient will conducted preoperatively and 3 month postoperatively Patient will undergo tinnitogram and tinnitus handicap questionnaire before and after the operation to measure improvement in hearing and tinnitus

Cone Beam and CT Scan for the Diagnosis of Otosclerosis (TACOS)
OtosclerosisComputed tomography scan (CT) is routinely used for the diagnosis and the pre-operative assessment of otosclerosis. The cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a imaging technique with reduced irradiating and, therefore, could replace the CT. In this study, a CBCT will be proposed to all patients undergoing a CT exam for the diagnosis and/or the pre-operative assessment of an otosclerosis. The results of the CBCT will be compared to those of the CT scan.