Bespoke ctDNA Assay for Recurrence and Treatment Response Monitoring in Advanced Epithelial Ovarian...
Ovarian CancerThis prospective observational study is to assess the dynamics of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) undergoing surgery , adjuvant chemotherapy, followed by poly adenosine diphosphate-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors until disease progression or the end of the study. All patients will be closely monitored through out the course of disease by a tumor-informed bespoke ctDNA assay as well as traditional methods of surveillance, such as CA125, HE4, CEA, CA199, and imaging. This study may provide preliminary evidence for ctDNA-guided treatment decisions in future clinical practice.

Predicting the Risk of Ovarian Cancer Recurrence Using Circulating Tumor DNA to Assess Residual...
Epithelial Ovarian CancerBlood samples and Tumor tissue will be collected at certain timepoints and will be tested.

A Non-interventional Registry Study of Fluzoparib in the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian CancerOvarian cancer is one of the most fatal malignant tumors that threaten women's health. The incidence rate is the third place among the female reproductive system malignant tumors, and the mortality rate ranks the first in gynecologic malignancies, the majority of patients have advanced diseases at the time of diagnosis. This observational study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of fluzoparib in ovarian cancer patients under real conditions, especially in various subgroups of ovarian cancer patients, in order to provide information about treatment modes for ovarian cancer patients in real-world diagnosis and treatment, and preliminarily evaluate the pharmacoeconomic of fluzoparib in the treatment of ovarian cancer.

Association of Ex Vivo Drug Response (EVDR) and Clinical Outcome in Ovarian Cancer
Epithelial Ovarian CancerEXCYTE-1 is a multicentre, prospective observational study to investigate the relationship between ex vivo drug response (EVDR), measured in ovarian tumour-derived samples using high content imaging, and actual patient clinical response. Patients with newly diagnosed or relapsed/refractory epithelial ovarian carcinoma, that present with malignant effusions (ascites or pleural effusions), will be enrolled in the study before starting their initial or next treatment line. Enrolled patients will be asked to provide ascites, peripheral blood and fresh tumour tissue if available. Samples will be shipped to the sponsor laboratory and their response to standard of care drugs evaluated ex vivo. Participants will: provide samples during routine clinical procedures agree that data about their medical history, diagnosis and health status at the following timepoints are collected: at signature of the consent form, at the time samples are provided, at start of the therapy, upon completion of the therapy, regularly after completion of the therapy

First-line Maintenance Treatment With Fluzoparib Plus Bevacizumab in Advanced BRCA Wild Type Ovarian...
Ovarian CancerHigh Grade Serous Adenocarcinoma of Ovary3 moreThis is an open-label, multi-center Phase II study of fluzoparib combined with bevacizumab for maintenance therapy after first-line platinum-containing chemotherapy in patients with BRCA wild-type advanced ovarian cancer. The primary objective is to evaluate median progression free survival of fluzoparib plus bevacizumab.

Study to Evaluate TNG348 Alone and With a PARP Inhibitor in Patients With BRCA 1/2 Mutant or HRD+...
Breast CancerOvarian Cancer6 moreThe goal of this interventional clinical trial is to learn about TNG348, a ubiquitin specific peptidase 1 (USP1) inhibitor, alone and in combination with olaparib in patients with BRCA 1/2 mutant or HRD+ solid tumors. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: to evaluate the safety and tolerability of single agent and combination therapy to determine the recommended dose for Phase 2 of single agent and combination therapy to determine the pharmacokinetics of TNG348 as a single agent and in combination therapy to evaluate the initial antineoplastic activity as a single agent and in combination therapy Participants will receive study treatment until they experience an undesirable side effect, their disease progresses or until they withdraw consent.

SBRT Alone or Followed by Niraparib for Oligometastases or Oligoprogression in Ovarian Cancer Following...
Ovarian Cancer RecurrentSOPRANO is a multi-centre, randomised phase II trial which aims to assess the impact of Stereotactic radiotherapy (SBRT) and continuing treatment with a PARP inhibitor (PARPi) for patients with oligometastatic or oligoprogressive ovarian, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal carcinoma. SOPRANO will also establish the feasibility and acceptability of delivering SBRT in this setting.

Targeted Therapy Directed by Genetic Testing in Treating Patients With Advanced Refractory Solid...
Advanced Malignant Solid NeoplasmBladder Carcinoma48 moreThis phase II MATCH trial studies how well treatment that is directed by genetic testing works in patients with solid tumors or lymphomas that have progressed following at least one line of standard treatment or for which no agreed upon treatment approach exists. Genetic tests look at the unique genetic material (genes) of patients' tumor cells. Patients with genetic abnormalities (such as mutations, amplifications, or translocations) may benefit more from treatment which targets their tumor's particular genetic abnormality. Identifying these genetic abnormalities first may help doctors plan better treatment for patients with solid tumors, lymphomas, or multiple myeloma.

Specialized Immune Cells (nCTLs) and a Vaccine (Alpha-type-1 Polarized Dendritic Cells) in Treating...
Stage II Fallopian Tube Cancer AJCC v8Stage II Ovarian Cancer AJCC v832 moreThis phase I/IIa trial studies the side effects and best dose of a type of specialized immune cell (natural killer cell-like cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) (nCTLs) and how well they work when given with a vaccine (alpha-type-1 polarized dendritic cells) in treating patients with stage II-IV ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer. nCTLs are immune cells that are isolated from each patient?s blood and "taught" in the laboratory how to recognize and eliminate tumor cells. These "educated" immune cells are then given back to the patient. An alpha-type-1 polarized dendritic cell vaccine is another population of "educated" immune cells that work to support the infused nCTLs. Giving nCTLS with a dendritic cell vaccine may work better in treating patients with ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer.

Pilot Study of Rosuvastatin and Enoxaparin Thromboprophylaxis Following Ovarian Cancer Surgery (O-STAT...
Ovarian CancerThis research study is studying a combination of two drug interventions called rosuvastatin and enoxaparin as a possible preventative measure against developing venous blood clots (such deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism). . The drugs involved in this study are: Rosuvastatin, also known as Crestor Enoxaparin