An Observational Study of Distress, Immune Function, and Pain in HIV.
Chronic PainHIV4 moreThis case-control study focuses on pain in HIV, which is common despite antiretroviral therapy and compromises quality of life, mental health and daily functioning. Specifically, it will investigate the relationships between psychosocial distress, inflammation and pain in HIV.

HRV and Pain Intensity
Chronic PainThe aim of this study is to explore the association between pain intensity and heart rate variability in patients with chronic pain.

Interest of Day Hospital Care for Patients With Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome Referred to the Chronic...
Chronic Regional Pain SyndromeChronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic disabling disease. Patients present a variable picture associating pain localized to an articular or peri-articular region, motor and vasomotor disorders and trophic disorders. Its pathophysiology, still poorly understood to this day, results from local inflammatory phenomena complicated by peripheral sensitization and central spinal and cerebral sensitization. The diagnosis is made difficult by the fluctuating nature of the symptoms and the absence of specific complementary examination. The treatment of CRPS is symptomatic and requires multidisciplinary care. CRPS is responsible for an alteration in the patient's quality of life. This pathology has a global impact because it affects not only the biomedical sphere but also the socio-family, professional and psychological spheres. The investigators hypothesize that multidisciplinary intervention in the Day Hospital would improve the quality of life of patients with CRPS. The investigators also think that the passage in Day Hospital would make it possible to improve the pains, the functionality of the affected limb as well as the satisfaction of the patients.

Painful Channelopathies Study
ErythromelalgiaPain Insensitivity3 moreTo understand the pathophysiological basis of heritable pain syndromes. This will consist of a number of components: Determine the genetic basis for heritable pain syndromes. Investigate the pain symptoms, psychological co-morbidity and quality of life in patients with heritable pain syndromes. Use quantitative sensory testing to investigate abnormalities in sensory processing. Use imaging modalities to investigate the neural correlates of pain perception in heritable channelopathies. In select patients to perform skin biopsy to determine if there has been any damage to C-fibres. To perform skin biopsy in order to culture fibroblasts and neural crest stem cells for future studies into the molecular basis of altered pain perception. To use neurophysiological tests, the axon reflex, and conditioning challenges to determine how peripheral nerves, in heritable channelopathies and unusual pain syndromes, have been altered. Microneurographic recordings for directly detecting the function of pain fibres in peripheral nerves. Knowledge gained from the study will be used to aid the further development of genetic testing and specific pain questionnaires for the diagnosis of heritable pain syndromes secondary to channelopathies. Ultimately better knowledge of underlying pathophysiology in these heritable pain conditions may inform the development of novel treatments.

Chronic Pain and Social Vulnerability: Prevalence and Predictive Factors of the Social Vulnerability...
Chronic PainIn the care of the chronic pain in pain's department, pain consultation or Evaluation and Treatment of the Pain Center (CETD), the patients are often in a situation of physical and psychic suffering which requires a multidisciplinary follow-up. So, 19 percent of the chronic painful patients lost their employment, are "disintegrated" because of their pain, this being able to provocate a loss of their financial autonomy. A large number of painful patients thus find themselves in situations of social vulnerability even of precariousness often denied and difficult to detect by the caring team. Precarity is define as " the lack of one or several securities, in particular the employment, allowing the people and the families to assume their professional, family or social obligations, and to enjoy their fundamental rights." To allow a earlier identification of the populations in deprivation situation, the questionnaire EPICES (Evaluation of the Precariousness and the Disparities of health for the Centers of Examination of Health (CES)) was administered to more than 7000 people. The individual score, indicator of the precariousness and the disparities of health, is calculated after answer to 11 questions and was calculated on about 200 000 French people. Among numerous indicators, it appears that the consumption of psychotropics or a negative perception of the health are socioeconomic indicators, mode of life and health which are prevailing according to the quintiles of the score EPICES. This national study, on the French CETD aims is: 1 - to study prevalence of the social vulnerability even of the precariousness thanks to adapted questionnaires of which the questionnaire EPICES, 2 - to identify predictive social-economic factors which generate and amplify this circumstance, 3 - to identify the patients for whom a situation of precariousness and social vulnerability is proved true, justifying the earlier orientation towards the social worker of the Center so allowing a "global" care of the patient during the second visit

Evaluation of Pain Location, Pain Quality and Pain Patterns in Subjects With Chronic Pain
PAINCHRONIC DISEASEIn earlier work, the Sponsor developed a computer image processing system for analysis of pain diagrams from patients with chronic pain. This system was then tested in a study in over 500 chronic pain patients seen by both primary care practitioners and pain specialists. The hypothesis was that pain location would correlate with the pain type and the underlying cause of the pain. In the study, the computer analysis demonstrated clear correlations between pain diagram data and diagnosis/pain type. The present study extends these observations in a web-based setting, with a focus on the value of computer analysis of pain diagrams as diagnostic predictors.