
Active clinical trials for "Parasitemia"

Results 11-16 of 16

Determining the Impact of Scaling up Mass Testing, Treatment and Tracking on Malaria Prevalence...

Malaria Asymptomatic Parasitaemia

Globally, malaria prevalence in 2016 was reported to have increased with 445,000 deaths, 91% of which occurred in sub-Sahara Africa with more than 75% being children. Individuals who carry the malaria parasite can either be symptomatic (showing signs and symptoms) or asymptomatic (without signs and symptoms). Asymptomatic malaria parasitaemia pose a very serious threat to malaria control efforts as they serve as reservoirs that fuel the transmission process. Therefore, interventions that target community-wide clearance of asymptomatic parasitaemia can drastically reduce malaria prevalence in the population and lead to elimination especially in endemic areas. Mass parasite clearance can deplete the parasite reservoirs and lower the transmission potential. Efforts are ongoing to scale-up interventions that work such as use of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN), Intermittent Preventive Treatment in children (IPTc), and test, treat and track (TTT). However, there is need for mass testing, treatment and tracking (MTTT) of the whole population to reduce the parasite load before implementing the aforementioned interventions. Though, Seasonal Malaria Chemoprophylaxis (SMC) is adopted for selected localities in Ghana, the impact of such interventions could be enhanced, if combined with MTTT at baseline to reduce the parasite load. IPT of children in Ghana has demonstrated a parasite load reduction from 25% to 1%. However, unanswered questions include - could this be scaled up? What can be the coverage? What is needed for MTTT scale -up? In a pilot in Ghana, a coverage of more than 75% was achieved in target communities and reduced asymptomatic parasitaemia by 24% from July 2017 to July 2018. It is important to generate time series data to better analyse and understand the prevalence trends as well as the bottlenecks. In designing interventions that aim at reducing the burden of malaria in children under five, for example, MTTT has largely been left out. This study explores the scale-up of interventions that work using community volunteers, hypothesising that implementing MTTT complemented by community-based management can reduce the prevalence of asymptomatic malaria parasite carriage in endemic communities. The effect of the interventions will be observed by comparing baseline data to evaluation data. This study will document the challenges and bottlenecks associated with scaling-up of MTTT to inform future efforts to scale-up the intervention.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

Pyronaridine in Healthy Adult Participants Infected With Blood Stage Malaria

Malaria,FalciparumMalaria4 more

This is an open-label, adaptive study that will utilise the P. falciparum induced blood stage malaria (IBSM) model to characterise the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) profile of pyronaridine. Up to 18 healthy, malaria naïve adult participants are planned to be enrolled into this study, in cohorts of up to six participants each. Following a screening period of up to 28 days, cohorts of up to 6 healthy participants will be enrolled. Each participant will be inoculated intravenously on Day 0 with P. falciparum infected erythrocytes. Participants will be followed up daily on Days 1 to 3, and will attend the clinical unit once on Days 4, 5, 6 and 7 for clinical evaluation and blood sampling. Participants will be admitted to the clinical trial unit on Day 8 for a single oral dose of pyronaridine. Different doses of pyronaridine will be administered across and within cohorts. Participants will be randomised to a dose group on the day of dosing. The highest dose of pyronaridine administered will be no more than 720 mg; the lowest dose administered will be no less than 180 mg. Each subsequent cohort will be composed of up to 3 dose groups. The Safety Data Review Team (SDRT) will review all available safety and tolerability data from the previous cohort/s prior to inoculation of the next cohort. Participants will be confined in the clinical unit for at least 96 h (Days 8 - 12) to monitor the safety and tolerability of pyronaridine dosing. Upon discharge from the clinical unit participants will be monitored on an outpatient basis up to Day 50±2. Participants will receive compulsory antimalarial rescue treatment with Riamet® (artemether/lumefantrine) on Day 47±2 or earlier.

Completed58 enrollment criteria

Cardiac Safety of Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine Amongst Pregnant Women in Tanzania

MalariaPregnancy Malaria3 more

Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is currently recommended by the World Health Organization for use as intermittent preventive treatment against malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) in areas of moderate to high malaria transmission. However, in some locales malaria parasites have lost sensitivity to SP, compromising its protective effect. Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DP) is a candidate replacement for SP. This trial is designed to confirm the cardio-safety of DP compared to SP amongst pregnant women in Tanzania.

Completed40 enrollment criteria

Chagas Disease Diagnostic - Inconclusive Serology

ParasitemiaProtozoan Infections

T. cruzi infection affects approximately five million people in Brazil. The diagnosis of the chronic phase of infection is performed by indirect serological methods which, nevertheless, leave inconclusive results. One of the direct methods used for T. cruzi identification, blood culture in LIT (liver infusion tryptose) medium, presents low sensitivity in that phase of the disease. A negative result does not eliminate the possibility of infection, but a positive test has high absolute diagnostic value, which enables the indication of antiparasitic treatment. Molecular diagnosis (PCR) in this phase is promising and can be used as a confirmatory test, particularly when individuals present inconclusive results in conventional serological tests, such as ELISA, HAI and IFI. This study aimed at improving blood culture sensitivity in LIT medium by performing PCR in individuals with positive and inconclusive serology for chagasic infection.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Molecular Assessment of Artemisinin Resistance Markers in Eastern and Western Border Areas of Myanmar...

Day-3 Positive of ParasitaemiaPrevalence of Drug Resistance Gene Mutation

Artemisinin resistance have been documented in Myanmar and Myanmar artemisinin resistance containment measures have been launched since 2009-2010. It is important to monitor the spread and magnitude of artemisinin resistant malaria in Myanmar. So, day-3 surveillance study have been conducted. Recently artemisinin resistant molecular marker, K13 have been identified and it was used as a tool in this study.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Parasitic Clearance and Recurrence Rates Among Patients With Vivax Malaria


This research is intended to study the efficacy of CQ alone for P.vivax infection and also to study the recurrence rate among patients with P.vivax on standard dose of CQ and PQ. For this study, PQ will be withheld for 28 days so as to study the efficacy of CQ alone since masking effect over one another was found when CQ is given with PQ. So the investigators are not sure whether the recurrence is due to resistance to CQ or CQ concentration in blood is below therapeutic level or it is due to PQ is in inadequate dose. From this study the investigators will get findings like may be CQ is still working for P.vivax or no longer working for P.vivax due to resistance developed by P.vivax parasites. So for P.vivax which is not responding to CQ therapy, the investigators will go for second line treatment with ACT in a similar fashion as it is given for P. falciparum infection in Bhutan. And if the investigators find CQ is still working for P.vivax infection, the next level of study will be to compare higher dose of PQ with standard dose of PQ ( as practiced now) in lieu of bringing down the relapse rates in P. vivax infection.

Unknown status13 enrollment criteria

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