
Active clinical trials for "Parasitic Diseases"

Results 11-20 of 55

Activation and Function of Eosinophils in Conditions With Blood or Tissue Eosinophilia

Immune System DiseasesEosinophilia3 more

This study will investigate how, why and under what conditions eosinophils (a type of white blood cell) become activated and will examine their function in immune reactions. Eosinophil counts often rise in response to allergies, asthma, and parasitic worm infections. They can also go up in uncommon autoimmune conditions and, rarely, in association with tumors. Elevated levels of these cells is called eosinophilia. Usually, eosinophilia causes no apparent symptoms, but in rare cases there may be local swelling and itching, allergic lung problems, heart disease or nerve damage caused by the release of toxic substances in these cells into body tissues. Patients 1 to 100 years of age with eosinophil counts greater than 750/ml or an abnormal accumulation of eosinophils in the skin or body tissues may be eligible for this study. All participants will have a thorough medical history, physical examination and blood tests. Depending on the person's age and symptoms, other diagnostic tests may be done, including specialized studies of the eye, lungs, skin, bone marrow, nerves or heart. This is not a treatment study, and no experimental treatments will be offered. Patients who require treatment will receive standard medical care. Certain other procedures may be requested solely for research purposes. All participants will be asked to donate extra blood for laboratory studies investigating how immune cells and other immune substances in the blood act to stimulate a rise in eosinophils. In addition, some participants may undergo one or more of the following: Annual Follow-up evaluations - Physical examinations and blood tests to evaluate changes in the patient's condition and eosinophil counts over time. Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration will be recommended during the initial evaluation, and in certain patients at other times when it is important to look directly at the newly developing cells in the bone marrow. For this procedure an area of skin and bone is anesthetized with xylocaine (an anesthetic similar to that used by dentists), and a very sharp needle is used to sample the bone marrow for evaluation. Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration can have side effects of pain and/or bleeding into the skin and soft tissues at the site of the procedure. Rarely the area at the biopsy site can become infected, and is treated with antibiotics. Genetic testing: Some of the blood drawn from you as part of this study will be used for genetic tests. Genetic tests can help researchers study how health or illness is passed on to you by your parents or from you to your children. Any genetic information collected or discovered about you or your family will be confidential. Leukapheresis (only patients 18 years and older) to collect large numbers of certain cells - In this procedure, whole blood is collected through a needle placed in an arm vein. The blood circulates through a machine that separates it into its components. The white cells are then removed and the rest of the blood is returned to the body, either through the same needle used to draw the blood or through a second needle placed in the other arm.

Recruiting13 enrollment criteria

Diagnosis and Treatment of Leishmania Infections

LeishmaniasisSkin Diseases3 more

This study will examine the natural history of Leishmanial infections and their treatments. It will provide an opportunity for NIAID staff to learn more about leishmaniasis and perhaps to improve diagnostic tests for these infections. Patients between 2 and 80 years of age with known or suspected leishmaniasis are eligible for this study. Participants will have routine blood tests and a biopsy to confirm leishmanial infection. The biopsy procedure will be determined by the type of infection local cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL), mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) or visceral leishmaniasis (VL). CL will be confirmed with a punch biopsy, in which a cookie-cutter type razor is used to remove a small circular piece of skin tissue. MCL will be confirmed using a thin flexible tube inserted into the nose. This tube is used to examine the nose and upper airway and to remove a tissue sample, if an affected area is seen. VL will be confirmed with either a bone marrow or liver biopsy or a splenic aspirate. For these procedures, a small tissue sample is withdrawn through a needle placed in the hipbone, liver or spleen, respectively. Some patients may also have a skin test for leishmaniasis similar to tuberculin skin testing. Treatment and length of hospital stay are determined by the type of infection. CL may be treated with Pentostam, amphotericin, amphotericin B, itraconazole or ketoconazole; ML with amphotericin B, or encapsulated amphotericin; and VL with Pentostam or encapsulated amphotericin. Pentostam is infused daily for 18 to 28 doses, most as an outpatient. Blood is drawn 3 times a week for safety tests and an electrocardiogram is done 2 to 3 times a week to monitor heart rhythm. Amphotericin B is infused every day or every other day for about 30 doses, all on an inpatient basis. Patients undergo hydration (infusion of a large amount of fluid) just before and immediately after each infusion to protect the kidneys. Blood is drawn every other day and urine samples are collected occasionally for routine urinalysis. Encapsulated amphotericin is infused every other day, on an outpatient basis. Blood is generally drawn every other day to every 2 days and urinalyses are done periodically. Itraconazole and ketoconazole are taken orally for at least 1 to 3 months, with blood drawn every 2 to 3 weeks. Patients may be asked to have photographs taken before, during and after treatment to document progress. They may also be asked to provide extra blood samples for research purposes, either through a vein in the arm or through apheresis, a method for collecting large numbers of cells. For apheresis, whole blood is collected through a needle in an arm vein and circulated through a machine that separates it into its components. The desired cells are then removed, and the rest of the blood is returned to the body, either through the same needle used to draw the blood or through a second needle in the other arm. Patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis will have a follow-up clinic visit 2 weeks to 3 months after treatment is completed. If there are no complications, their participation will end at that time. Patients with mucocutaneous leishmaniasis and visceral leishmaniasis will be followed every 3 to 6 months indefinitely for routine evaluations and re-treatment if the infection recurs.

Recruiting8 enrollment criteria

Pattern of Intestinal Parasitic Infection Among Cirrhotic Patients in Sohag University Hospital...

Liver Cirrhosis

Chronic hepatic illness is one of the most serious health issues . Liver cirrhosis as the latest phase of chronic liver disease causes a disorder called cirrhosis-associated immune dysfunction syndrome (CAIDS) . Cirrhosis comes to be a systemic disease, with several organ disorders. At this phase, patients become highly vulnerable to various infections because of CAIDS, which comprises both innate and adaptive immunity). Patients with hepatic cirrhosis and ascites are more liable to other complications of liver disease, including hyponatremia, refractory ascites, or hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) . Liver cirrhotic patients are considered to be as immunosuppressed and are vulnerable to a different species of entero-parasites . Intestinal parasitic diseases have been reported in association with diabetes mellitus (DM) which is considered a predisposing factor to infection in cirrhotic patients . Immunosuppression among DM cases is due to increased blood glucose levels, which modifies several immune responses and this renders the body susceptible to various opportunistic infections comprising parasitic infections Intestinal parasites such as Blastocystis hominis, Cryptosporidium spp., Isospora belli, Cyclospora cayetanensis, and Microsporidia have appeared as significant opportunistic parasites that are responsible for severe illness in immunocompromised patients , subsequently, patients suffer from severe morbidity and high mortality).

Not yet recruiting3 enrollment criteria

Comparative Head Lice Therapy With Dimet 5® vs. Hedrin® Once

Head Lice InfestationPediculosis Capitis1 more

Randomized, investigator-blinded, controlled, multicenter comparative study on the treatment of acute head lice infestation in children with 2 dimeticone preparations with different application times and compositions: Dimet 5® (100% dimeticone) versus Hedrin® Once Liquid Gel (4% dimeticone + nerolidol) with treatment success assessment via freedom from infestation of live head lice at final examination at V2, i.e. day 19 after first treatment.

Recruiting20 enrollment criteria

Evaluation, Treatment and Monitoring of Patients With a Known or Suspected Parasitic Infection

MalariaIntestinal Worms3 more

The purpose of this study is to evaluate, treat and follow patients with parasitic infections. People with a known or suspected parasitic infection who are at least 1 year old may be enrolled. This study does not involve any experimental treatments. Participants will have a physical examination and laboratory tests on blood, stool, or urine. Blood samples may be collected at regular intervals, but no more than 450 ml (15 ounces) of blood will be drawn from adults, and no more than 7 ml (1-1/2 teaspoons) per kg (2.2 pounds) of body weight from children, in any 6-week period. Other tests may include x-rays, electrocardiogram (EKG), or tissue biopsy (surgical removal of a small tissue sample), depending on the individual s condition. Patients may be offered treatment or may be referred to another study that is more appropriate for the problem. Any treatment provided in this study will be according to standard medical practice for the patient s specific medical problem. Patients responses to treatment will be evaluated at regularly scheduled clinic visits. The length of time between visits and the total duration of the study for a given individual will be determined by the study doctor, based on that person s medical condition. ...

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

Host Response to Infection and Treatment in Filarial Diseases

FilariasisHelminthiasis3 more

This study will evaluate and treat patients with filarial infections to explore in depth the immunology of the disease, including susceptibility to infection, disease development, and response to treatment. Filarial infections are caused by parasitic worms. The immature worm (larva) is transmitted to a person through a mosquito bite and grows in the human body to 2 to 4 inches in length. Although many of these infections do not produce symptoms, especially in the early stages of infection, others can have serious consequences, including swelling of the limbs or genitalia, allergic-lung problems, skin rash, eye inflammation that can lead to blindness, and heart disease. This protocol does not involve any experimental diagnostic procedures or treatments, and will use only procedures employed in the standard practice of medicine. Persons between 3 and 100 years of age diagnosed with or suspected of infection with Wuchereria bancrofti, Bugia malayi, Onchocerca volvulus, Loa loa, or other parasitic worms may be eligible for this study. Participants will have routine tests to determine the specific type of filarial infection. These may include special tests of the lungs, skin or heart, depending on the type of parasite suspected. Patients with skin reactions may have a "punch biopsy" to examine a small piece of affected skin. For this procedure, an area of skin is numbed with an anesthetic and a small circular area, about 1/3-inch in diameter and 1/2-inch thick, is removed using a sharp cookie cutter-type instrument. Some patients may require bronchoalveolar lavage. For this procedure, the mouth and throat are numbed with lidocaine jelly and spray and, if needed, a sedative is given for comfort. A small plastic tube is placed in a vein to give medications. A pencil-thin tube is then passed through the nose or mouth into the lung airways to examine the airways. Salt water is injected through the bronchoscope into the air passage, acting as a rinse. A sample of the fluid is then withdrawn and examined for infection, inflammatory cells and inflammatory chemicals. (Bronchoalveolar lavage is done only if medically necessary and only on patients 21 years or older.) Once the diagnosis is established, standard treatment will be instituted with either diethylcarbamazine or ivermectin, depending on the type of infection. Additional procedures for research purposes include: Extra blood draws to study immune cells and other immune substances. (This is the only research procedure that will be done in - More frequent and extensive follow-up evaluations than usual for routine care. They will include physical examination and blood studies. Urine collections at specified periods, possibly including 24-hour collections. Skin tests to examine the body s reaction to allergens-common environmental substances, such as cat dander or pollen-that cause an allergic reaction. The test is done in one of two ways: either the skin is lightly scratched and an allergen extract is placed over the just-broken skin, or a very fine needle is used to inject a small amount of allergen under the skin. In both methods, the site is monitored for swelling or hives in the next 48 hours. Leukapheresis (only on patients 21 or older ) to collect quantities of white blood cells. Whole blood is collected through a needle in an arm vein, similar to donating blood. The blood circulates through a machine that separates it into its components, and the white cells are removed. The rest of the blood is returned to the body, either through the same needle or through another needle in the other arm.

Recruiting7 enrollment criteria

Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is common medical disorder and represent a group of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that is characterized by chronic abdominal pain , bloating , passage of mucus or straining with bowel movements, sense of incomplete evacuation after bowel movements or sense of urgency to move the bowels.Several parasites including Entamoeba. histolytica, Giardia spp., Blastocystis. hominis, and Trichinella spp. have been discussed as contributing factors to the development of IBS. B. hominis is one of the most common human intestinal protozoa in both developing and developed countries. some studies have reported a significant association between the parasitic infections, especially Blastocystis, and IBS.Cryptosporidium has been reported in IBS patients, with the onset of gastrointestinal symptoms after an acute episode of cryptosporidiosis despite recovery and parasite clearance.Numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate the association between the parasitic infections and IBS. Aim of the work: To detect prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in irritable bowel syndrome patients in sohag.

Recruiting2 enrollment criteria

Microbiome and Malnutrition in Pregnancy (MMiP)

Weight GainPregnancy11 more

Nutritional status during pregnancy plays an important role in maternal health and birth outcomes. While few factors impacting nutritional status during pregnancy have been identified, studies of undernutrition in children have revealed a key role for the gut microbiome. Remarkably, studies examining the dynamics of the maternal gut microbiome before and during pregnancy and its impact on birth outcomes are limited. This study is being conducted to investigate how a mother's nutritional status and her gut microbiome during pregnancy contribute to the birth outcomes and health of her baby. The gut microbiome is the totality of microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungi) living in the gastrointestinal tract. This study will focus on married pregnant women 24 years and younger living in Matiari District in Pakistan. The focus is on younger women due to their vulnerability to undernutrition. Pregnant participants, and upon delivery, their newborns will be followed throughout pregnancy and for a year afterwards. Throughout this period, the investigators will collect stool samples, rectal swabs, blood samples, health assessments, nutritional and dietary assessments and birth/ labour details. The goal is to define the relationship between a mother's nutritional status and her microbiome dynamics during pregnancy and how they contribute to the birth outcomes and growth of her newborn. Investigators hypothesizes that alterations of the microbiota in the maternal gut (dysbiosis) is exacerbated by nutritional status or pathogen exposure during pregnancy. This impacts weight gain because of impaired nutrient absorption, and can lead to corresponding negative birth outcomes.

Active15 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Treatment Option for Demodicosis in Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery

Demodex InfestationDemodicosis1 more

Demodex blepharitis is a prevalent cause of comorbid infection among individuals undergoing cataract surgery. Several complications may arise in the postsurgical period from Staphylococcus or Streptococcus co-infections, as Demodex is a vector for these pathogens. Hence, prophylactic treatments before cataract surgery may lead to a reduction in complication rates. Since Demodex infestation and cataract surgery are two prevalent coexisting conditions in the general population, this study aims to test the effect of four combined treatments to eradicate or improve the Demodex infestation index before surgery. The investigators are conducting a single-blinded randomized trial of four therapies in participants undergoing cataract surgery. All participants will or are receiving daily eyelid cleansing bid and topical 0.3% ciprofloxacin q4h for three days added to the allocated treatment arm. Our four intervention groups are: [1] Blephaclean eye scrubs; [2] 50% dilution baby shampoo; [3] tea tree oil shampoo; [4]: topical 0.3% ciprofloxacin alone. To assess treatment efficacy, the investigators will perform eyelash hair epilation pre and postoperatively. The primary outcome is a change in the mean Demodex spp. infestation index. Also, a change in the crude number of Demodex (egg, larvae, nymph, or adult-form) spp. in eyelashes after one-week of therapy.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Safety of the Co-administration of Three Drugs for Trachoma and Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination...

Parasitic DiseasesBacterial Diseases

The purpose of this study is to determine whether the triple co administration of albendazole, ivermectin and azithromycine is as safe as the current treatment scheme that consists to treat with albendazole plus ivermectin together and a week later to treat with azithromycin in areas co endemic for lymphatic filariasis and trachoma.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

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