Choice of Anesthesia in Microelectrode Recording Guided Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease...
PD - Parkinson's DiseaseDexmedetomidine2 moreSubthalamic nucleus (STN)-deep brain stimulation (DBS) under general anesthesia has been applied to PD patients who cannot tolerate awake surgery, but general anesthesia will affect the electrical signal in microelectrode recording (MER) to some degree. This study is a prospective randomized controlled, noninferiority study, open label, endpoint outcome evaluator blinded, two-arm study. Parkinson's disease patients undergoing STN-DBS are randomly divided into a conscious sedation group (dexmedetomidine) and a general anesthesia group (desflurane). Normalized root mean square (NRMS) is used to compare the difference of neuronal activity between the two groups. The primary outcome is the percentage of high NRMS recorded by the MER signal (with the average NRMS recorded by MER after entering the STN greater than 2.0). The secondary outcomes are the NRMS, length of the STN, number of MER tracks, and differences in clinical outcomes 6 months after the operation.

Effects of Cycling Dual-task in Parkinson's Disease.
Parkinson DiseaseTaking into account the process of functional and cognitive evolution that patients with Parkinson's disease experience throughout the evolution of the pathology, the objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of a dual-task program combining cognitive tasks and forced cycling on the functional and cognitive capacity of these patients.

The Effect and Mechanism of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Gait Impairments...
Parkinson DiseaseThis study is a double blind comparative study examining the effectiveness of the transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation treatment on Parkinson's disease patients . We hypothesize that treatment using transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation will improve gait impairments and cortical activity in Parkinson's disease patients.

A Study of Suvecaltamide in Adults With Moderate to Severe Residual Tremor in Parkinson's Disease...
Parkinson DiseaseTremorThis is a 17-week double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, flexible-dosing, parallel-group, multicenter study designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of suvecaltamide for the treatment of moderate to severe residual tremor in adult participants with Parkinson's disease (PD). The target population represents participants who have tremor that is not adequately controlled by PD medications and that interferes with their activities of daily living (ADL) and/or with their performance of tasks.

Multiple-dose Trial to Determine the Clinical Bioequivalence Between Tavapadon Tablets in Participants...
Parkinson DiseaseThe primary purpose of the study is to evaluate the bioequivalence (BE) of tavapadon 15 milligram (mg) tablet to 3x5 mg tablets in participants with Parkinson's disease.

A Trial to Determine the Safety and Tolerability of Transplanted Stem Cell Derived Dopamine Neurons...
Parkinson DiseaseParkinson's disease (PD) occurs when an area of the brain begins to lose nerve cells that produce a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is an important chemical, and one of its functions is that it helps to regulate body movement. The loss of these nerve cells leads to a reduction of dopamine in the brain. Medications used to treat PD temporarily replace this lost dopamine, but they do not repair the underlying disease. One of the most promising PD therapies to date has been the transplantation of dopamine producing cells into the brain. Unlike current treatments, these therapies may be able to repair the damage caused in PD. In this trial, the investigators will transplant a new stem cell therapy, called the STEM-PD product, into the area of the brain affected in people with PD. These stem cells can develop into many different cell types, including dopamine-producing nerve cells. The investigators will transplant the stem cells using a device that has been previously used for similar transplants in Lund. This is the first time that the STEM-PD product will be given to humans. The trial aims to assess whether the STEM-PD product is safe to use in people with PD. The investigators will also be looking for preliminary signs of efficacy. The trial will recruit participants with PD from the UK and Sweden. Eight participants will undergo the STEM-PD product transplant. Participants will receive a single dose of the STEM-PD product. Participants will attend for 25 visits primarily at their local recruiting hospital. For participants from the UK, some of the imaging will be performed at Invicro (London), and the surgery (including some visits before and after) and some imaging will be performed in Lund. All participants will be followed up for 36 months following surgery

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of the Primary Motor Cortex to Treat Levodopa-induced Dyskinesias...
Parkinson DiseaseThe main objective of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of 10 sessions of transcranial direct current stimulation of the primary motor cortex to reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesia

A Trial Investigating Lu AF28996 in Adult Japanese Participants With Parkinson's Disease (PD)
Parkinson DiseaseThis trial will evaluate the effects of Lu AF28996 in adult Japanese men and women with Parkinson's disease (PD). The main goals of the trial are to learn more about a) the safety and tolerability of Lu AF28996 (any new or worsening medical issues the participants have with treatment), and b) the pharmacokinetic parameters of Lu AF28996 (how the drug is absorbed, distributed, and processed by the body). Participants will take Lu AF28996 capsules orally once a day (OD). The participants will start with a low dose of Lu AF28996, which will be increased gradually over a period of 2 weeks, and then decreased gradually over a period of about 2 weeks.

Safety and Efficacy of Autologous iNSC-DAP in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's DiseaseThis is a phase I, interventional, single arm, open-label, clinical study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the striatal transplantation of autologous induced neural stem cell-derived DA precursor cells in Parkinson's Disease patients.

the Effect of Speed Dependent Treadmill Training on Dual Task Performance in Patient With Parkinson's...
Parkinson DiseaseThe aim of this randomized clinical trail is to identify the impact of treadmill training on walking while doing dual task in patients with Parkinson's disease. By improving walking speed, bradykinesia would be reduced in Parkinson's patients. So, the findings of this study can help in formulation of future guidelines for management of Parkinson's that will help the clinicians to treat such patients in more efficient way.