MPFLR With Fascia Lata Allograft, Based on Isometry Assessment + Elmslie-Trillat TTO
Lateral Patellofemoral Dislocation Closed TraumaticLateral Patellar LuxationThe aim of this study is to assess outcomes of MPFLR With Fascia Lata Allograft, Based on Isometry Assessment Combined With Elmslie-Trillat Tibial Tuberosity Osteotomy.

Arthroscopic Clinical Study of Double Bundle Anatomical Reconstruction of Medial Patellofemoral...
Recurrent Patellar DislocationObjective: To study the clinical effect of double-beam anatomical reconstruction of medial patellofemoral ligament under arthroscopy. Methods: Double-beam anatomical reconstruction of medial patellofemoral ligament was performed under arthroscopy in patients admitted to our hospital for treatment of recurrent patellar dislocation. Carry out preoperative and postoperative evaluations, and conduct preoperative and postoperative comparative studies to clarify the clinical effect of the procedure. Expected results: Arthroscopic double-beam anatomical reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament can effectively restore the stability of the patella and the motor function of the knee joint. Expected conclusion: Arthroscopic double-beam anatomical reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament is an effective minimally invasive technique. Keywords: knee joint; medial patellofemoral ligament; double-beam anatomical reconstruction; arthroscopy

Comparison of Two Graft Choices in Mediale Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction (MPFL)
Patellar DislocationThe purpose of this study is to elucidate surgical techniques for reconstructing MPFL in the treatment of chronic patella instability. The two techniques are conventional technique with the gracillis and screw fixation in the femur which is compared with new technique where the QT tendons and anchor fixation in the femur are used. It would be investigated which technique provides the best stability with the least postoperative pain from the reconstruction and the lowest frequency of patellar reluxation.

Non-operative Treatment in First-time Patellar Dislocation
Patellar DislocationStudy to evaluate the conservative treatment of patients after their first episode of primary lateral patellar dislocation. Randomized controlled trial with 2 groups: standard treatment (2-weeks with brace) followed by physical therapy, compared with knee taping and physical therapy. 1-year follow-up. Measurements include physical exam, radiographs and MRI. Outcomes: recurrence, lateral patellar tilt, functional scores, apprehension, pain. Hypothesis: less recurrence in the knee taping group, as well as better functional scores.

MPFL Reconstruction With or Without Tibial Tubercle Transfer
Patellar DislocationThis study aims to compare the clinical outcome of Medial PatelloFemoral Ligament (MPFL) reconstruction with and without tibial tubercle transfer for recurrent patellar dislocation.

Comparison of Dynamic and Static Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Operation Technique for Recurrent...
Patellar InstabilityThis study is to evaluate whether the dynamic Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) reconstruction as described by Becher is a successful operation technique to prevent patella instability and restore quality of life. It is to assess and compare clinical and functional outcomes of dynamic and static medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction

Blood Flow Restriction Training After Patellar INStability
Patellar DislocationKnee Injuries2 moreThis research study is designed to allow health care professionals and researchers to answer many questions about whether a new type of physical therapy called blood flow restriction training (called BFRT) will improve recovery for those with patellar instability.

Predicting Factors for the Outcome of Surgical Treatment for Patellar Instability
Patellar DislocationThe purpose of the study is: to analyze the success of operative stabilization of the patellar joint with the reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) in terms of the subjective status of the knee, the general quality of life, and physical activity to study the influence of specific preoperative (demographic and anamnestic data of the patient, radiological parameters of the knee joint) and intra-operative factors (place of femoral insertion of MPFL graft, patella height, degree of damage to the cartilaginous surfaces of the knee joint) on the subjective outcome of surgical treatment.

Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction With or Without Lateral Retinaculum Release
Episodic Patellar DislocationThe investigators hypothesis is lateral retinaculum release has no effect on treatment of Patellar Recurrent Dislocation with Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) reconstruction.

Effect of Early Range of Motion Following First Time Patellar Dislocation
Patellar DislocationDo teen-age patients with a dislocated knee cap do better with or without a brace?