The Effect of Footwear Generated Biomechanical Manipulation on Symptoms of Stress Urinary Incontinence...
Pelvic Floor DisordersStress Urinary IncontinenceFGBMM (footwear generated biomechanical manipulation) effects neuromuscular patterns of pelvic muscles. While there have been no published studies to our knowledge investigating the effect of FGBMM on urinary incontinence, FGBMM causes perturbations in balance and gait that create dynamics similar to dynamic lumbosacral stabilization exercises. The investigators propose that FGBMM induces the same bio-mechanical improvements as LPSE (lumbopelvic stabilization exercises) which have shown benefit for incontinence. Instead of instructing patients to co-contract the lower trunk and pelvic floor muscles as commonly done for LPSE, the shoes used in FGBMM can be calibrated in a way that causes this co-contraction to occur without the patient realizing. Beneficial pelvis and spine positioning can also be accomplished by strategic placement of the pods without having to instruct the patient on complicated maneuvers. Capitalizing on the excellent adherence and clinical benefits of FGBMM on related conditions, the investigators propose to evaluate the effects of FGBMM in addition to pelvic floor therapy for improving the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence in an urban inner city population.

Single-incision Versus Retropubic Mid-Urethral Sling (Solyx) for SUI During Minimally Invasive Sacrocolpopexy...
Stress Urinary IncontinencePelvic Floor DisordersSASS (Single-incision Versus Retropubic Mid-Urethral Sling (Solyx) for SUI During Minimally Invasive Sacrocolpopexy) will be a multicenter, prospective, randomized, single-blind non-inferiority trial.

Effectiveness of Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Female UUI.
Urinary IncontinenceUrinary Incontinence2 moreUrinary incontinence is becoming an increasingly common health, social and economic problem. The prevalence of urinary incontinence is estimated at 55% of the entire female population. Urgency urinary incontinence (UUI) is the least common subtype of urinary incontinence but has debilitating symptoms that lead to a decrease in quality of life. Ultimately, the urogynegology field does not have many successful types of treatments for this specific subtype. Extracorporeal magnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor is a type of conservative management that produces a magnetic field, which induces controlled depolarization of the nerves, resulting in pelvic muscle contraction and sacral S2-S4 roots neuromodulation. Therefore, it relieves symptoms of UUI and improves quality of life. There was no randomized, sham-controlled study published that researched the effectiveness of magnetic stimulation in the treatment of UUI that evaluated the success with subjective and objective methods, such as urodynamic studies. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of magnetic stimulation in the treatment of urgency urinary incontinence.

Acute Effect of Osteopathic Visceral Mobilization Techniques
Multiple SclerosisPelvic Floor Disorders3 moreMultiple Sclerosis (MS), caused by lesions in the white matter of the central nervous system, is an autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating chronic disease. The disease may present with many findings from fatigue, spasticity, balance and gait disturbances to bladder-bowel dysfunction (Ferreira, A.P.S., et al., 2019). When the rehabilitation methods for incontinence were examined, pelvic floor muscle training, tibial nerve stimulation and sacral neuromodulation were frequently encountered (Rahnama'I, MS., 2020). Pelvic floor muscle training should create an effective result in MS patients, and the training should be done for a long time, such as 8-12 weeks. No study has been found examining the effects of manual therapy techniques and diaphragmatic breathing exercise in the acute phase in functional or neurogenic bladder-intestinal dysfunctions.

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Electrical Stimulation to Treat Pelvic Floor Disorder
Pelvic Organ ProlapseIncontinenceFemale pelvic floor disorders (PFDs) include urinary incontinence,pelvic organ prolapse (POP), and fecal incontinence-which often occur together. Pelvic floor disorders impair multiple aspects of the life quality, including the sexual function of women. Surgery became the first choice of treatment, however, and not until 1980s was the renewed interest in conservative therapies. This may be because of higher awareness among women and cost of and morbidity after surgery. The conservative treatment included pelvic floor muscle training, electrical stimulation, vaginal cones, and biofeedback. The outcome was up to 35~70 % improved rate as the literature before. Current guidelines recommended conservative management as a first-line therapy. However, there was no consistent consensus on this issue due to variations in stimulation parameters、adjuvant concurrent modality or duration of treatment course, and insufficient result about large and long term follow up of randomized- controlled studies. Therefore, the investigators try to conduct one randomized-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of conservative treatment for Pelvic floor disorder (Pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, chronic pelvic pain etc.). At the aspect of Quality of life, our studies tried to focus on the different domains of pelvic disorder and sexual quality by means of validated questionnaire more objectively.

Different Surgical Approaches in Patients of Early-stage Cervical Cancer
Uterine Cervical NeoplasmLaparotomy7 moreThis multi-center, randomized controlled study aims to compare the survival outcomes (including overall survival, progression-free survival and disease-free survival between Chinese uterine cervical patients receiving different surgical routes (laparotomy and laparoscopy) for radical hysterectomy or trachelectomy, which is the primary study objective. All patients with uterine cervical cancer of FIGO stage IA1 (with lymphovascular space invasion), IA2 and IB1 will be included and randomized into two groups: laparotomy and laparoscopy groups for radical hysterectomy or trachelectomy. Secondary study objectives include: patterns of recurrence, treatment-associated morbidity (6 months from surgery), cost-effectiveness, pelvic floor function, and quality of life.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Training in Female CrossFit and Functional Fitness Exercisers
Stress Urinary IncontinencePelvic Floor Disorders1 moreThere is a high prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) among female athletes and exercisers, especially in sports including high impact activities and heavy weightlifting. CrossFit and functional fitness is a popular exercise form, including a combination of heavy lifting and high impact activities at high intensities. In several recent studies, high prevalence rates of UI have been reported among female CrossFit/functional fitness exercisers. UI is defined as "the complaint of involuntary loss of urine". Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the most common type of UI and is defined as "the complaint of involuntary loss of urine on effort or physical exertion (e.g. sporting activities), or or sneezing or coughing". Urinary leakage during sport activities may affect athletes' and exercisers' performance, cause bother, frustration and embarrassment and furthermore lead to avoidance and cessation of sport activities. Pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training is highly effective in treating SUI in the general female population. However, evidence of the effect of PFM training in exercisers participating in high impact and heavy weightlifting activities is sparse. The purpose of this assessor-blinded randomized controlled trial (RCT) is to assess the effect of PFM training on symptoms, bother and amount of SUI in female CrossFit/functional fitness exercisers.

Pubourethral Ligament Plication for the Surgical Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Urinary IncontinencePelvic Floor DisordersTo test efficacy and safety at six months of the proposed Pubourethral Plication Procedure (PPP) for cure of stress urinary incontinence - reinforcing pubourethral ligaments (PUL) with large diameter polyester sutures.

Postoperative Active Recovery
Pelvic Floor DisordersThis is a study evaluating a novel active recovery program in the immediate postoperative period following pelvic reconstructive surgery.

Investigation of the Efficacy of Different Treatment Approaches on Sexual Health in Healthy Women...
Pelvic Floor DisordersSexual health is one of the important factors affecting the quality of life and general health of individuals. Sexual life, with its personal and social aspects, is an inseparable part of the human being in general. It is one of the most important factors in human life and happiness, especially in family life. Sexuality positively integrates and enriches the somatic, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of individuals, and develops a personality, communication and love. The concepts of sexuality and sexual health have long been considered taboo. This situation negatively affects rehabilitation strategies. Studies are known to have sexual problems in women more than men.