Cancer in Patients With Gabapentin (GPRD)
PainNeuropathic15 moreHigh doses of gabapentin are associated with pancreatic acinar cell tumors in rats, but there has been no post marketing pancreatic carcinogenicity signal with gabapentin as reported by spontaneous reports in AERS or in the published literature. In a published case-control screening study of the association of gabapentin with 55 cancers, the only cancer that met the screening criteria for possibly increased cancer risk with gabapentin exposure was renal (including renal pelvis) cancer. This association was judged to be likely due to or substantially accentuated by confounding by cigarette smoking, hypertension, and lifestyle (Cancer Causes Control 2009;20:1821-1835). The relationship between gabapentin exposure and pancreatic cancer and renal cancer is studied in NCT01138124, and supplemental analyses for these cancers are performed in the current study. The FDA recommended GSK also study the relationship between gabapentin and all-cancer sites, as well as cancer at the following specific sites: 1) stomach, 2) anus, anal canal, and anorectum, 3) lung and bronchus, 4) bones and joints, 5) breast, 6) penis, 7) urinary bladder, and 8) other nervous system. The primary objective of this study is to determine whether exposure to gabapentin is associated with an increased risk of developing all-cancer, and these specific cancers in the United Kingdom (UK) General Practice Research Database (GPRD). Each member of the UK population is registered with a General Practice, which centralizes the medical information not only from the general practitioners themselves but also from specialist referrals and hospital attendances. Over 487 General Practices contribute data to the GPRD. The study cohort from which cases and controls are drawn is all subjects in the GPRD 1993-2008. Gabapentin was approved in the UK in May 1993. Entry into the study cohort begins Jan 1, 1993 for all those who are registered in GPRD before that time, and at the time of registration if later than Jan 1, 1993. Subjects are excluded from the GPRD cohort if they have a cancer diagnosis or a history of cancer prior to the cohort entry date. Patients with a first diagnosis of the respective cancer 1995-2008 are risk set matched with up to 10 controls within the same General Practice for age at cohort entry (within two years), sex, and year of entry into the study cohort (within one year). For cases, the index date is the date of first diagnosis of the respective cancer. The index date for controls is set as the date at which the follow-up time from cohort entry is the same as the case. The index date is chosen so as to give the control equal follow-up time to that of the case for ascertainment of use of gabapentin. Cases and controls will be required to have at least 2 years of follow-up in the study cohort before their index date. Cases must have no history of any other cancer diagnosis prior to the index date. Controls are required to be free of cancer diagnosis in the database up to the control's index date. Data on gabapentin prescriptions are obtained for cases and controls from study cohort entry to the index date. Gabapentin exposure will be assessed as ever/never, number of prescriptions, cumulative dose, and cumulative duration, with a 2 year lag period incorporated to control for protopathic bias (gabapentin prescription for initial pain symptoms of undiagnosed cancer) and latency (time between cancer onset and specific GPRD cancer diagnosis). Crude and adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) will be produced from conditional logistic regression models, with additional analyses evaluating for dose-response. Covariates include indications for gabapentin use and risk factors for each cancer.

Blood Sample Collection to Evaluate Biomarkers in Subjects With Untreated Solid Tumors
Breast CancerLung Cancer11 moreThe primary objective of this study is to obtain de-identified, clinically characterized, whole blood specimens to evaluate biomarkers associated with cancer for diagnostic assay development.

A Review of Functional and Surgical Outcomes of Gynaecological Reconstruction in the Context of...
Pelvic CancerPatients with locally advanced pelvic malignancy undergo radical procedures, necessitate organ reconstruction. Little is known about the preferred methods of gynaecological organ reconstruction in the context of pelvic exenteration. This review aims to identify which methods are commonly used and what outcomes are associated with each technique in order to further guide future practice.

Perineal Flap Reconstruction Following Surgery for Advanced Pelvic Malignancy
Pelvic CancerRectal Cancer4 moreFlap reconstruction is utilised increasingly for repair of skin and soft tissue defects following pelvic exenteration. Many methods have been proposed but the outcomes associated with each remain largely unknown and the choice dependant on surgeon preference and patient/ disease characteristics. This review sought to assess the preferred methods for perineal reconstruction following pelvic exenteration by retrospectively assessing the outcomes associated with each at an international, multi-centre level.

Sexuality of Women With Pelvic Cancer
Sexual BehaviorPelvic CancerThis study aims to study in patients with cancer of the cervix or the body of the uterus, or the ovary between the time of diagnosis and 3 months after the end of the last treatment: the evolution of the relationship of couple, and more particularly of communication (verbal and non-verbal) concerning sexuality, before and during cancer.

SGO Society of Gynecologic Oncologists Data Outcomes Project
Pelvic TumorSGO Society of Gynecologic Oncologists Data Outcomes Project.

Oncologic Therapy Support Via Means of a Dedicated Mobile App
Thoracic NeoplasmPelvic Neoplasm5 moreThe present single-center prospective exploratory study, conducted at Heidelberg University Hospital, assesses the feasibility of introducing a concept for additional patient care based on a mobile application for patients undergoing radiotherapy. Patients presenting themselves for the irradiation of thoracic or pelvic tumors will be surveyed regarding general performance, treatment-related Quality of Life (QoL) and symptoms and their need to personally consult a physician on a treatment-daily basis by means of a mobile application. The primary endpoint of feasibility will be reached when 80% of the patients have successfully answered 80% of their respective questions scheduled for each treatment day. Furthermore, treatment-related patient satisfaction and diagnosis-related QoL is assessed by PSQ-18 and EORTC questionnaires at the end of radiotherapy and at the first follow-up.

A Study to Determine Whether Perioperative Energy Dynamics Correlates With Postoperative Outcomes...
Abdominal CancerPelvic CancerTo validate a new method for assessing perioperative risk in the cancer patient undergoing major cancer surgery. In this proposed study researchers will: Measure preoperative energy reserve capacity (fitness) Determine if postoperative morbidity is a function of perioperative cardiopulmonary gas exchange metabolism