Effectiveness of Photodynamic Therapy in the Disinfection of Root Canals in Patients With Apical...
Endodontic TreatmentPeriapical DiseasesThe object of the present study is to compare the effectiveness of conventional endodontic treatment with that of endodontic treatment combined with Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) in patients with apical lesion. Clinical and radiographic examination of the patients will be used to evaluate the presence of apical lesion, size of the lesion, and PAI index. Microbiological examination (evaluation of UFC/ml) will be carried out to assess the disinfection of the root canals. The success rate of the treatment will also be assessed. Endodontic treatment will be carried out in accordance with habitual standards and practices. PDT will be applied with diode laser (660 nm, 100 mW) and methylene blue will be used as photosensitizer (PS). Patients of the Endodontics Service of Universidad San Sebastián (Santiago campus) will be recruited for the study.

Clinical Efficacy of AH Plus Bioceramic Sealer
Root Canal InfectionPeriapical Periodontitis1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to assess the efficacy and outcome of sealer-based obturation (SBO) using a new calcium silicate sealer in comparison with warm vertical compaction (WVC) using a resin-based sealer, which is the current gold standard.

Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Between GentleWave® and Biolase®
Endodontic DiseasePeriapical Diseases2 moreIntroduction: In the US, 15 million root canal treatments (RCTs) are carried out annually. Success rates decrease with conventional chemo-mechanical root canal preparation techniques used on teeth with periapical radiolucencies associated with bacterial presence. New irrigation modalities, such as the GentleWave® System (GWS) and Waterlase iPlus® (WL), have been developed to overcome limitations and improve RCT success rates. Hypotheses: (1) GWS and WL provide superior clinical outcomes compared to conventional RCT using passive ultrasonic activation (PUI). (2) GWS and WL are acceptable treatment modalities for clinicians and patients. Aims: (1) Estimate probability of success of GWS, WL, and conventional RCT with PUI. (2) Evaluate clinician and patient experiences of the different techniques.

Evaluation of RANKL/OPG Levels in Gingival Crevicular Fluid at 1st and 3rd Months of Activation...
Periapical DiseasesChronic Apical Periodontitis (CAP) is a disease caused by bacterial infection of the dental pulp and characterized by inflammation of the periradicular tissues. This disease is often the result of untreated caries and accompanied by the destruction of periapical bone and soft tissues, can cause tooth loss. Inflammatory periapical lesion is observed in the radiological examination of teeth diagnosed with Chronic Apical Periodontitis. This periapical lesion manifests as a host defense response to microbial challenge caused by infected pulp necrosis. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, T and B lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells and many inflammatory cells are involved in host defense. These inflammatory cells, especially macrophages, mediate the immunological response seen in chronic apical periodontitis. Diagnosis and evaluation of apical periodontitis are made with conventional periapical radiographs. However, radiographic evaluation has some limitations. These limitations can be listed as the radiolucent area on the x-ray being related to the amount of bone loss caused by the lesion, the extent of the bone loss to the cortical bone, the variability of the bone structure in maxilla and mandibula, and the operator experience. The main goal in root canal treatment is to eliminate microorganisms and products in the root canal system with the irrigation agents which we use. NaOCl, which is frequently used for this purpose, is used alone or activated by Er,Cr YSSG laser. It has been reported that NaOCl, which is activated by laser, increases the elimination of microorganism in the root. The gingival crevicular fluid is an inflammatory exudate collected from the gingival sulcus. Peripheral body fluids, such as gingival crevicular fluid, can often be used as descriptors in acute and chronic inflammation. The collection of gingival crevicular fluid is a very simple and risk-free method for the patient. Biomarkers such as inflammatory mediators and neuropeptides can be detected in the gingival crevicular fluid of teeth with periodontal disease. At the molecular level, osteoclast activation is regulated by the triple molecule interaction of RANK, RANKL, and OPG. RANK (Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa B) binds to its ligand, RANKL, while synthesizing both mature osteoclasts and its progenitor cells. RANKL provides osteoclast differentiation and activation. OPG (Osteoprotegerin) ligand is a decoy receptor for RANKL, thus inhibiting osteoclast differentiation.When the investigators look at the studies in the literature, there are many studies showing that the level of RANKL/OPG in the gingival crevicular fluid decreases with periodontal treatment. Also, when the investigators look at the studies on endodontic treatment, many mediators such as MMP-8, IL-8, Substance P, Neurokinin A and their changes after root canal treatment were examined. However, no study was found examining RANKL/OPG levels in gingival crevicular fluid after root canal treatment. At the same time, it is known that gingival crevicular fluid is used as a descriptive method in the determination of bone healing after periodontal treatment. However, in the literature, conventional radiological methods and tomography are seen as the most frequently used examination methods in the determination of bone healing after root canal treatment of lesioned teeth. The number of studies in which the gingival groove fluid collection method, which is much less invasive than these methods, is used as a descriptive method is quite limited. In line with this information, it is planned to conduct the research described below by examining the effect of activation with Er,Cr YSSG laser on the RANKL/OPG levels in the gingival crevicular fluid in the 1-3 month bone healing period after root canal treatment in lesioned teeth.

Cell-free Autologous Regenerative Endodontics Treatment for Teeth With Periapical Lesions (CARETT)...
Periapical DiseasesPulp NecrosesConventional endodontic treatment has been the treatment of choice for the management of signs and symptoms of mature permanent teeth with pulpal necrosis and periapical lesion with predictable and favorable results. However, treatment outcomes have not shown improvement or innovation in decades. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of a regenerative endodontic procedure (cell-free and autologous protocol) versus conventional endodontics in the resolution of signs and symptoms of periapical lesion and pulp vitality-sensitivity in mature permanent teeth with a diagnosis of pulpal necrosis and periapical lesion.

Regenerative Endodontics for Non-vital Primary Molars
Pulp and Periapical Tissue DiseaseNon-vital primary molars will be treated with regenerative endodontic idea using different capping materials aiming to replace the necrotic pulp tissue with biological one and to provide perfect seal over the scaffold

Outcome of Calcium Silicate Sealer-based Obturation in Root Canal Retreatment
Root Canal InfectionPeriapical DiseasesThis study will evaluate the outcome of calcium silicate sealer-based obturations in root canal retreatment.

Detection of Periapical Lesions on Dental Panoramic Radiographs Based on Artificial Intelligence...
Periapical DiseasesDental periapical damages can have various reasons and is reflected by a radiolucent lesion on complementary imaging: angulated retro-alveolar (RA) radiographs, dental panoramic radiographs, and three-dimensional imaging such as computed tomography (CT) or cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). For the radiographic detection of these deep periodontal lesions, the dental panoramic represents a first approach commonly performed with relatively low radiation. The investigation can be followed by retroalveolar radiology imaging that are more localized and more precise. However, using these techniques, the detection rates of these lesions are low (20% and 36% respectively), it is necessary to use three-dimensional tomographic investigation to be more discriminating (69%). The gold standard imaging for detection of these lesions is CBCT followed by retroalveolar radiography (~2x less sensitive than CBCT) and panoramic radiography (~2x less sensitive than RA). Although not a full-thickness radiograph, the dental panoramic has the advantage of being more commonly performed while being less radiating than CBCT and giving a global view of the dental arches on a single image. The detection of periapical lesions is done after a clinical assessment and a visual appreciation of the complementary examinations. The aim of this project is to improve the detection of periapical lesions, by developing an algorithm able to identify them on a panoramic dental radiograph. This algorithm is based on a deep learning system trained with reference data including panoramic dental imaging and CBCT with an acquisition interval of less than 3 months. The model is based on a previous work, will improve the quality of the initial data (using CBCT), using innovative artificial intelligence algorithms (transfer learning).

Post-Operative Evaluation of Endodontic Microsurgeries Done Using a Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Technique:...
Periapical DiseasesEndodontic Overfill1 moreThe aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of Piezosurgery and Trephine bur as cutting tools on post-operative sequelae including pain and swelling following guided endodontic microsurgeries.

Microbial Load After Apical Enlargement in Asymptomatic Teeth With Periapical Lesion
Root Canal InfectionPeriapical Diseases2 moreThe goal of this observational study is to define the role of apical shaping and irrigation activation on root canal cleanliness. The main questions it aims to answer are: does the effectiveness of irrigation activation depends on apical shaping? can a similar success be achieved by increasing apical shaping without irrigation activation Participants will [describe the main tasks participants will be asked to do, treatments they'll be given and use bullets if it is more than 2 items].