Comparison Between RCT in Single and Two Visits, With and Without Intracanal Dressing, in Apical...
TeethEndodontically-Treated5 moreThis is a randomized, prospective, double-blind, controlled clinical trial designed to evaluate 3 distinct clinical approaches used during endodontic therapy: Group 1- Root canal treatment in single visit (RCT-SV); Group 2- Root canal treatment in two visits with intracanal dressing (RCT-TVWD); Group 3- Root canal treatment in two visits without intracanal dressing (RCT-TVWOD). A total of 210 adult patients ages 18 to 60 years, with at least one tooth diagnosed with asymptomatic apical periodontitis and periradicular lesion will be randomized and will undergo one of the types of clinical approaches during endodontic therapy. Patients' postoperative pain levels will also be recorded in periods of 24, 48, 72 hours and 7 days. Subsequently, clinical findings and long-term follow-up evaluations, with periradicular repair will be performed by periapical radiograph and computed tomography (cone-beam) at 6th, 12th and 24th months.

Diode Laser Study for Periodontal Maintenance Patients
Periodontal DiseasesPeriodontitis3 moreThis study tries to determine whether the additional use of laser with "cleaning" (known as scaling and root planning) will result in the reduction of inflammation, reduction of bleeding upon examination and reduction of pocket depth in patients who are being maintained on a regular basis but have pocket depths that are ≥5mm with bleeding. When a pocket is bleeding, it is inflamed. It is usually "cleaned" with periodontal instruments (root-planed) to establish health. Some research also advocates using laser therapy to treat a bleeding pocket. Laser therapy is presently being performed in some dental offices and dental colleges. This research is trying to see if the additional laser therapy is beneficial.