Clinical and Microbiological Evaluation of Periodontal Treatment of Diabetic Patients: A Longitudinal...
Chronic PeriodontitisDiabetes Mellitus1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether periodontal treatment improves the periodontal clinical parameters in the periodontal patients with diabetes regarding non-diabetics: two years follow-up.

Effect of Periodontal Treatment on Salivary Biomarkers
Chronic PeriodontitisThe investigators plan to recruit 40 healthy patients referred to the unit of Periodontology, diagnosed with generalized moderate - severe chronic periodontitis. treatment will include 4 - 6 sessions of scaling + root planning, oral hygiene instructions and motivation. Whole saliva will be collected at intake and 8 - 14 weeks post periodontal treatment. Saliva will be analyzed for trans locator protein. Study hypothesis: Periodontal treatment has an affect on saliva components.

The Association of SERPINA1 Gene Disturbance in Patients With Lung and Gum Disorders
Pulmonary DiseaseChronic Obstructive1 moreChronic obstructive pulmonary disease and periodontitis are chronic inflammatory diseases. The study aims to determine if the genetic polymorphism of SERPINA1 gene in patients with COPD serve as a risk factor for developing periodontitis.

Assessment of Response to the Conventional Periodontal Treatment Based on the Blood Group Phenotypes....
Chronic PeriodontitisThe aim of this study is to find out if one blood group phenotype is more responsive than the others to the nonsurgical periodontal treatment.

DNA Methylation Profile of the SOCS-1 Gene Promoter in Smokers Patients With Chronic Periodontitis....
Periodontal DiseasesEpigeneticsPeriodontitis is related to host genetics, constitution of the dental biofilm and environmental factors such as smoking. DNA methylation is a mechanism of genetic expression that can inhibit or silence gene expression. In this way several researchers have been dedicated to study the genetic influence on the susceptibility and / or increased risk to periodontal disease. Studies have reported association between several epigenetic biomarkers with periodontal inflammation. Considering the hypothesis that there is an association between smoking and methylation in genes related to periodontal disease, the objective of this study was to verify the DNA methylation pattern in oral epithelial cells of patients with chronic periodontitis (CP) in the promoter of a specific gene involved in the control of inflammation, as suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) 1 in smokers and nonsmokers patients.

Thyroid Disease and Chronic Periodontitis
Thyroid DiseasesChronic PeriodontitisCurrently, the investigators are unaware of any previous studies that have analyzed the relationship between the prevalence of thyroid disease and chronic periodontitis among adults utilizing a retrospective, cross-sectional design. This study will review approximately 2000 patient records and compare the prevalence of thyroid disease in three groups with increasing severity of chronic periodontitis.

Serum Lipid Levels and Lp-PLA2 in Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic Periodontitis (Disorder)To assess the association between periodontal parameters, serum lipid profile and Lp-PLA2 level in systemically healthy Chronic Periodontitis subjects and healthy controls.

Analysis of Neutrophil Response in Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisRecent scientific evidence suggests that the main defence cell of the body (neutrophil) behaves in a different manner in patients with gum disease; namely how they interact with bacteria and their role in defence systems of the body. This study proposes to examine these responses in periodontitis patients and healthy controls. The proposed study will include patients undergoing periodontal (gum) treatment who will be matched to periodontally healthy controls. Blood, gingival crevicular (gum) fluid and clinical measures will be collected both pre- and post-therapy to measure differences in cell behaviour both before, and following routine therapy. Blood samples will be used to isolate peripheral blood neutrophils prior to analysis of their responses to different bacterial stimuli including oxygen radical, cytokine and extracellular trap release. Gingival Crevicular Fluid samples will be used to measure different biochemical markers that result from the production of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs). Routine clinical measures will be taken both pre- and post-therapy as a measure of treatment response. Patient volunteers undergoing treatment will be asked to donate a total of four small samples of tissue from the gums whilst they are already anaesthetised for routine treatment. These will be approximately the size of a needle head (2mm2mm) and used to examine NET formation within the tissues and related processes. This will provide novel in-vivo data regarding this recently discovered method of neutrophil defence in innate immunity. This proposal represents a novel study aimed at improving our current understanding of why inflammatory periodontitis develops in some patients but not others, as well as providing pointers to causal/noncausal relationships between periodontitis and important systemic conditions such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Ultimately, novel treatment approaches and primary prevention (for periodontitis) or secondary prevention (for systemic disease) strategies may emerge.

Gene Expression Profiles in Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisCurrent concepts of the causes of periodontitis implicate a bacterial infection as the primary cause of the disease. Several bacterial species residing in a biofilm on tooth surfaces are closely associated with periodontitis. Chronic periodontitis (CP) is initiated and sustained by bacterial plaque, but host defense mechanisms play an integral role in its pathogenesis. Gene expression profiling is a powerful means of generating comprehensive genome-level data sets on diseases such as cancer, asthma, rheumatoid disorders and periodontitis, and provides significant insight information for these diseases. Gene expression profiling may provide an evidence for involving genes in the pathogenesis of CP and generate further information other than clinical signs and symptoms of CP. The aim of this study was to identify gene-expression patterns of patients with chronic periodontitis by whole-transcriptome gene-expression analyses.

Effects of Antibiotic Therapy on the Short and Long-term Results of Periodontitis Treatments
PeriodontitisAdultAntibiotics are currently used in periodontology to specifically target the most pathogenic bacteria in subgingival biofilms and to improve treatments. The multiplicity of protocols / dosages tested and the variability of the results did not make it possible to reach an international consensus on antibiotic therapy and its cost / benefit ratio, in particular with regard to the significant side effects of taking antibiotics (resistance bacterial). The care environment as well as the clinical, biological and microbiological parameters can strongly influence the results in usual treatment.