Evaluation of SilOss® in Periodontal Surgery
Chronic PeriodontitisSiloss® (Azurebio, Madrid, Spain) is a synthetic and inorganic bone graft material and is composed of a dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (monetite), hydroxyapatite (HA), and amorphous silica and trace amounts of zinc. It is manufactured by a proprietary process avoiding high temperatures. This results in a non-sintered material with a high specific surface area (65 m2/g) and high interconnected porosity (60%) that favour a high degree of interaction with its biological surrounding. It is fully resorbable, being replaced by natural bone, thereby avoiding the disadvantages of nonresorbable materials that interfere with normal processes of bone remodelling. Siloss® is resorbed both by a dual process of slow dissolution of its components and by active cellular remodelling. Controlled dissolution of Siloss® releases Ca, P, Si and Zn that stimulate regeneration processes while larger pores are formed allowing colonization of osteoclasts and osteoblasts involved in bone remodelling. It functions as a bioactive temporary scaffold maintaining the desired volume while it promotes bone regeneration and is being replaced by new vascularized bone. The alloplastic property of the graft material avoids the risk of infection and adverse inflammatory reactions. Also, resorption of Siloss® prevents possible adverse effects associated with long permanence of low resorbable materials. The aim of the present study is to clinically and radiographically evaluate the efficacy of bone graft material (Siloss ®) in the treatment of intrabony defects.

The Effectiveness of Titanium-Prepared Platelet-Rich Fibrin on Angiogenic Biomarkers in Gingival...
Chronic PeriodontitisIntrabony Periodontal DefectThis study investigates the effect of titanium-prepared platelet-rich fibrin (T-PRF) treatment on the angiogenic biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) in infrabony defects of patients with chronic periodontitis. In each patient, the infrabony defect of one side of arch was designated as control group (allograft), while the infrabony defect on the contralateral side of same arch was designated as test group (allograft+T-PRF).

Gingival Crevicular Fluid Levels of Protein Carbonyl Following the Use of Lycopene in Chronic Periodontitis...
Chronic PeriodontitisEffect of Locally Delivered Antioxidants as An Adjunct to Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy on GCF Level of Oxidative Stress Marker; Protein Carbonyl

Local Host Modulating Agents Alendronate & Aloe Vera for Treatment of Furcation Defects in Chronic...
Chronic PeriodontitisAlendronate (ALN), commonly use bisphosphonates is proposed to have osteostimulative properties in vivo and in vitro, as shown by an increase in the matrix formation, and acts as a potent inhibitor of bone resorption. AV widely known for its wound healing, analgesic, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, immune boosting and significant anti-inflammatory properties. The present study aims to explore the efficacy of 1% ALN and AV gel as a local drug delivery as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) for the treatment of degree II furcation defects

A Phase II Clinical Trial of YH23537 in Patients With Chronic Periodontal Disease.
Chronic PeriodontitisThis study is designed to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of YH23537 in Korea patients with chronic periodontitis, in order to investigate the recommended therapeutic dose.

Comparison of Rosuvastatin With Atorvastatin in Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisThe present study is designed as a single-centre, randomized, controlled clinical trial to evaluate and compare the clinical and radiographic efficacy of two local drug delivery systems containing 1.2% RSV gel and 1.2% ATV gel in treatment of intrabony defects in patients with chronic periodontitis as an adjunct to SRP.

Applied The Platelet Rich Fibrin in Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisPlatelet rich fibrin is a second generation platelet concentration which contains various growth factors. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical and biochemical efficacy of PRF in subjects of chronic periodontitis in the operation of conventional periodontal flap.

Advantages of Autologous Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membrane on Growth Factor Levels and Periodontal Healing...
Chronic PeriodontitisPlatelet rich fibrin is a second generation platelet concentration which contains various growth factors. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical and biochemical efficacy of PRF in subjects of chronic periodontitis in the operation of conventional periodontal flap.

Effect of Tooth Cleaning in Smokers and Non Smokers With Gum Disease.
Chronic PeriodontitisThis study is intended to measure hepatocyte growth factor levels in smokers and non smokers with periodontitis before and after non surgical periodontal therapy.

Effect of Arthrospira Platensis (Spirulina) as an Adjunct to Scaling and Root Planing on Salivary...
Chronic PeriodontitisIntroduction- Oxidative stress plays a causative role in pathogenesis of periodontal disease. It has been reported that Spirulina platensis or its active ingredient C phycocyanin (CPC) exerts anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and inhibitory effects on prostaglandin and leukotriene biosynthesis. Aim- To evaluate the effect of dietary spirulina as an adjunct to SRP on salivary antioxidants level in CP subjects. Materials And Methods- The study was a randomized double-blind clinical and biochemical trial in which 70 subjects with CP in the age group of 40-55 years, reporting to Department of Periodontology, TKDC and RC, New Pargaon, were equally and randomly divided into Test Group (TG) and Control Group (CG). TG was given 2 gm Spirulina capsules daily, after meals for 1 month and CG was not given any supplementary diet. SRP was done at baseline in TG and CG. Whole saliva sample was collected. Clinical and biochemical parameters will be recorded at baseline, 1 month & 3 months.