Grape Seeds Extract Gel as an Adjunct for the Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisThe aim of this study was to formulate a mucoadhesive gel of grapes seed extract (GSE) followed by short-term clinical study for the effectiveness of this gel onto the pocket depth (PD), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), and bleeding on probing (BOP) when applied in periodontal pockets as an adjunct treatment for chronic periodontitis.

Effect of Probiotic Lozenge on Gingivitis and Periodontitis
Mild and Moderate Chronic PeriodontitisThe oral cavity is mostly influenced by general health. The oral microbiota which is as complex as the gastro-intestinal or vaginal microbiota are considered to be difficult therapeutic targets. The effects of probiotics in different fields of health care have resulted recently in the introduction of probiotics for oral healthcare. Probiotics have been clinically proved effective in different fields of oral healthcare such as halitosis, oral candidiasis and tooth decay. They have also been inducted in the field of periodontal healthcare because of the current views on the etiology of plaque- related periodontal inflammation.

Efficacy of Locally Delivred 1.2% Rosuvastatin Gel in Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisBACKGROUND: Chronic periodontitis (CP) is an inflammatory condition affecting tooth supporting tissues and alveolar bone that surround the tooth leading to formation of deepend gingival sulcus that is highly prone to pathologic changes, ultimately bone resorption and tooth loss. In the literature, several pharmacologic agents have been administration via local delivery route, directly into diseased sites affirming greater improvement in periodontal status. Therefore, present study was conducted to determine the clinical effectiveness of subgingivally delivered 1.2% Rosuvastatin gel incorporated into an methylcellulose vehicle for its controlled release into intrabony defect sites in adjunct to scaling and root planing for treatment of chronic periodontitis patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty five patients were categorized into two treatment groups: group I -SRP plus RSV, 1.2 mg and group II -SRP plus placebo. Clinical parameters included modified sulcus bleeding index (mSBI), probing depth (PD), and clinical attachment level (CAL), were recorded at baseline before SRP and at 1, 3, 4, and 6 months. Radiologic assessment of intrabony defect (IBD) fill was analysed at baseline and after 6months using computer-aided software.

"Study of Halitosis in Patients With Advanced Chronic Periodontitis"
Periodontal DiseaseHalitosis1 moreThe objective of this study was to evaluate whether short-term full mouth disinfection protocol could have a greater reduction in the levels of halitosis and volatile sulfur compound or not, when compared to quadrant-wise scaling and root planing

Simvastatin and Metformin in Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisThis randomized controlled clinical trial compares efficacy of 1.2% simvastatin with 1% metformin in chronic periodontitis subjects.

Antimicrobial Therapy as Adjunct to Periodontal Treatment: Effect of Timing
Chronic PeriodontitisIt is common practice to carry out the therapy of periodontal diseases in two phases. In a first, non-surgical phase, bacterial deposits on tooth surfaces (plaque and calculus) are removed using a cleaning method called "scaling and root planing" (SRP). After three to six months the case is evaluated and, if necessary, further treatment is provided, usually taking a more aggressive, surgical approach. Beneficial effects of adjunctive systemic antibiotics on clinical outcomes have been shown repeatedly but specific indications for antibiotics in subgroups of diseased patients, and the optimal timing of antimicrobial therapy, continue to be issues of a long lasting controversy.This study assessed the differential outcomes of periodontal therapy supplemented with amoxicillin-metronidazole during either the non-surgical or the surgical treatment phase.

Periodontal Treatment in Non-controlled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients. Clinical Trial
Diabetes Mellitus.Chronic PeriodontitisPeriodontitis is an infectious disease that destroys the tooth supporting tissues and triggers a local and systemic immune response. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) is a risk factor for periodontitis.Patients with DM2 and periodontitis have greater difficulty getting and maintaining an appropriate glycemic control. It has been reported an average decrease of 0.4% in glycosylated hemoglobin levels (HbA1c) in patients periodontally treated versus untreated. It is not has been established that periodontal treatment type in spaced sessions (multiple sessions over a period of 4 weeks) or rapid and intensive (2 sessions in 24 hours), has a greater impact on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes patients. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of intensive periodontal treatment modality as compared with conventional on HbA1c level in periodontitis and DM2 decompensated patients.

Short-term Effect of 2% Atorvastatin Dentifrice in Periodontal Status.
Chronic PeriodontitisPeriodontal disease (PD) is an inflammatory, infectious and destructive condition of the tissues surrounding the teeth. However, even if bacteria are required to initiate periodontal disease, the immune response is responsible for most of the destruction of the periodontal tissues. Statins may be used to control the immune response to periodontal pathogens, a factor that has not yet been managed clinically and even less massively. Recently it has been reported the pharmacological effectiveness of topically used statins. For periodontal disease, at least four well conducted clinical trials have been published using a topically statin formula for pocket irrigation in adult populations with chronic periodontal disease, observing surprising clinical results in all of them (with clinical and statistical significance) and no adverse reactions. The purpose of the present study is asses the effectiveness of a medicated 2% atorvastatin dentifrice, as complement to non-surgical conventional periodontal treatment. Clinical examination will be made at the beginning and after one month of treatment.

Local Minocycline to Reduce Future Inflammation and Bone Loss in Periodontal Maintenance Patients...
Moderate to Advanced Chronic PeriodontitisThe purpose of this study is to determine the effect of local application of minocycline microspheres on the periodontal inflammation and bone loss prevention in patients diagnosed with moderate-severe chronic periodontitis within a periodontal maintenance program.

Short-term Changes on C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Levels After Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment
Chronic PeriodontitisAtherosclerotic Cardiovascular DiseaseThe hypotheses tested were that levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) would be higher in patients with chronic periodontitis in comparison with those without periodontal disease and that the non-surgical periodontal treatment would decrease levels of CRP in patients with chronic periodontitis.