Evaluation of the Dental Health Condition in Obesity Patients Before and After Bariatric Surgery...
ObesityPeriodontitis2 moreThe aim of this study is to investigate whether there was an association between obesity and periodontitis, tendency to caries and periapical lesions. People who have a higher body mass index produce cytokines (hormone-like proteins), that lead to systemic/chronic inflammation (like periodontitis and periapical lesions), and obesity related dietary habits could result in an increment of dental caries because both the amount and the frequency of sucrose ingestion are important factors associated with the aetiology of the oral disease.

Nalysis of the Periodontal Microbiota in Elderly Subjects With and Without Alzheimer's Disease:...
PeriodontitisAlzheimer DiseaseThe neurological disorders that accompany aging represent a major public health problem. The management of these diseases is a major medical and social priority. This project is based on the assumption that the oral cavity represents a privileged observation space to address these issues. The mouth is a site of easy access for painless sampling; there is therefore a major interest in identifying early oral infectious markers of the development or evolution of senile dementia. In addition to the interest of an early oral diagnosis, the mapping of the oral microbial flora in the demented elderly would allow a better understanding, prevention or even control of the evolution of neurodegenerative diseases. The final objective of our approach is to characterize the oral pathogens, or more probably the group of oral pathogens, which are significantly associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Influence of Gum Disease Treatment on Long-term Dental Implant Success
PeriodontitisThe aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of periodontal care response on long term dental implant success. Investigator's hypothesis is that patients who do not well respond to periodontal care have more chance to develop peri-implant complications at long-term. The second purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of other local, systemic, behavioral, and implant's related risk factors

Evaluation of Inflammatory Markers and Periodontal Viruses on Periodontitis Patients With CAD
PeriodontitisCoronary Artery DiseaseTo assess and compare the demographic variables, periodontal parameters, cardiac parameters and the expression of periodontal viruses (CMV, HSV and EBV) and inflammatory biomarkers(PTX-3, TLR-2 & TLR-4) in periodontally healthy and generalized periodontitis patients with and without coronary artery disease(CAD).

PAROMIP Pilot Study PAROdontites & MIcrobiota Periodontal
PeriodontitisA new classification of periodontal diseases was created in 2018. the investigators want to know if this clinical classification is based, or not, on a biological reality. To do this, the investigators will collect data from the clinical examination (clinical assessment and radiological assessment) as well as non-invasive samples of subgingival plaque and crevicular gingival fluid (CGF). The subgingival plaque samples will be analyzed to define the microbiotic profiles of the patients and the CGF determined to define their inflammatory expression profiles. These results will then be linked to the diagnosis of severity of periodontitis.

Periodontitis and Atherosclerotic-related Arterial Stenosis
Atherosclerosis of ArteryThis study aimed to evaluate the association between periodontitis and atherosclerosis of the cerebral vasculature in the Chinese population.

The Affect of Orthodontic Treatment on the Periodontal Status of Patients With Aggressive Periodontitis...
Aggressive PeriodontitisOrthodontic Treatment will affect the periodontal status of periodontally treated Aggressive Periodontitis patients.

Vascular and Periodontal Disease - Microbial, Genetic and Histological Causalities
PeriodontitisVascular DiseaseThe purpose of this study is to analyze genetic polymorphisms in genes encoding pro-inflammatory cytokines, and study the genetic predisposition to chronic periodontitis (CP) in combination with atherosclerotic cardiovascular (ACD) and aneurysmal diseases. The investigators will also try to identify oral bacteria in atherosclerotic plaques and aneurysmal walls and thrombus. Histological analyses of atherosclerotic plaques and aneurysmal wall will be performed.