Virtual Reality in Hand Peripheral Nerve Injuries Effectiveness of Based Movement Therapy
Peripheral Nerve InjuryVirtual Reality1 moreThe aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of virtual reality-based motion therapy in peripheral nerve injuries in the hand.

The Effect of Pre-operative Electrical Stimulation on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration.
Peripheral Nerve InjuriesSensory Deficit1 moreTraumatic injury to the peripheral nerves is most common in the young population with high associated costs to the patient, as well as to society. These range from acute healthcare cost to loss of productivity and rehabilitation. Despite major efforts in improving surgical technique, functional outcome has not significantly improved in the past thirty years. Irreversible denervation, atrophy of target muscles, and deranged sensation secondary to slow or aberrant axonal outgrowth remains a significant challenge. Although pre-operative conditioning of the injured peripheral nerve with electrical stimulation has shown promise in animal studies, it has not been tested in humans. In animal studies, pre-operative conditioning with electrical stimulation (ES) of the injured peripheral nerves promoted peripheral nerve regeneration in both sensory and motor fibres. We propose to conduct a clinical trial comparing 3 different treatments of complete digital nerve laceration before and after surgical repair. Participants will be randomized to one of three treatment arms: i) pre and post operative electrical stimulation, ii) pre-operative electrical stimulation alone , or iii) control group that receives sham pre and post-operative electrical stimulation. We will evaluate the effect of pre-operative electrical stimulation on axonal regeneration, as well as determine whether there is an additive effect of pre and post-operative electrical stimulation on sensory nerve axonal regeneration.

Embodied Virtual Reality for Chronic Pain
Complex Regional Pain SyndromesComplex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I of the Upper Limb7 moreVirtual reality creates interactive, multimodal sensory stimuli that have demonstrated considerable success in reducing pain. Much research so far has focused on VR's ability to shift patients' attention away from pain; however, these methods provide only transient relief through means of distraction and therefore do not offer long-term analgesic remediation. An alternative and promising approach is to utilize VR as an embodied simulation technique, where virtual body illusions are employed as tools to improve body perception and produce potentially more enduring analgesia. Disturbances in body perception (i.e., alterations in the way the body is perceived) are increasingly acknowledged as a pertinent feature of chronic pain, and include aberrations in perceived shape, size, or color that differ from objective assessment. The degree of body perception distortion positively correlates with pain, and prior interventions have evinced that treatments aimed at reducing body perception distortions correspondingly ameliorate pain. Several recent experimental research studies have demonstrated the analgesic efficacy of body illusions in a range of pain conditions. Immersive VR multisensory feedback training signifies a promising new avenue for the potential treatment of chronic pain by supporting the design of targeted virtual environments to alter (distorted) body perceptions. Various illusions have been described to alter pain perception; however, they. Have not been directly compared to each other. The multimodal stimulus control of VR enables physical-to-virtual body transfer illusions, resulting in the feeling that the virtual body is one's own. These virtual body illusions can modulate body perception with ease and could therefore be used to alter the perceived properties of pain, consequently utilizing a virtual avatar to specifically shape interactive processing between central and peripheral mechanisms.

Experience and Feasibility of Methods for Early Sensory Training
Nerve InjuryPeripheral Nerve InjuriesThe good effects of using guided plasticity for a rehabilitative purpose in case of nerve damage have been shown, but a problem that has been presented is that some individuals find it difficult to assimilate these effects due to difficulties in carrying out abstract training or due to a lack of motivation. In early sensory training, the plasticity of the brain is used. Methods for early sensory training that have been described are: 1) mental imagery of touch (mental imagery), 2) observation of touch, 3) mirror training, 4) use of images for visualization of touch. The method needs to be developed and refined to be able to offer individual training plans in order to find a motivating and meaningful form of training.

Tesamorelin to Improve Functional Outcomes After Peripheral Nerve Injury
Peripheral Nerve InjuriesThe aim of this clinical trial is to assess the efficacy of tesamorelin as a therapy for peripheral nerve injuries. The investigators hypothesize that treatment with tesamorelin will allow for faster and greater recovery of motor and sensory function following surgical repair of injured peripheral nerves. Patients with upper extremity nerve injuries will be randomly assigned to receive either the drug or a placebo (inactive drug). A number of tests for nerve regeneration, muscle function and sensation will be performed every month for a total of 12 months. Outcomes in the patients treated with tesamorelin will be compared to outcomes in patients who received the placebo to determine the effectiveness of tesamorelin as a therapy for nerve injuries.

Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Mediated Fusion (PEG Fusion)
Peripheral Nerve InjuriesThe overall objective of this study is to determine the safety of PEG fusion when used with primary repair or reconstruction in patients with an acute upper extremity peripheral nerve injury. PEG is safe and effective for extending the half-life of circulating pharmaceutical products, when used in conjunction with a topical hemostatic agent in surgical wounds, and when used as a colon cleanser for endoscopic surgical procedures. However, PEG fusion has not been rigorously tested as a safe reagent to promote nerve regeneration in humans. Therefore, the goal of this Phase 2a clinical trial is to establish safety data and to examine the effect of PEG fusion on clinical outcomes including recovery of sensory and motor function. Results will be externally validated using data collected in the DoD funded prospective NERVE study and will provide preliminary evidence to power a larger phase II efficacy trial.

Nerve Repair Using Hydrophilic Polymers to Promote Immediate Fusion of Severed Axons and Swift Return...
Peripheral Nerve InjuryCurrent strategies for peripheral nerve repair are severely limited. Even with current techniques, it can take months for regenerating axons to reach denervated target tissues when injuries are proximally located. This inability to rapidly restore the loss of function after axonal injury continues to produce poor clinical outcomes. The investigators propose testing the efficacy and safety of a combination therapy: polyethylene glycol (PEG) assisted axonal fusion technique to repair peripheral nerve injuries in humans.

Electrical Stimulation to Enhance Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
Peripheral Nerve InjuriesThe primary goal of this study is to quantify the functional deficits caused by injuries to the brachial plexus and peripheral nerve in the arm. The second goal is to test the possible benefit of electrical stimulation of the injured nerve following surgery. The investigators will test whether electrical stimulation will improve hand function and nerve regeneration after repair for nerve injury. Injuries causing nerve damage in the arm and hand are common. In severe cases, functional outcomes even with surgery remain poor. Recently, electrical stimulation has been applied to injured nerves in rats. This was shown to improve nerve regeneration. These studies showed that as little as one hour of electrical stimulation was effective. Therefore, the investigators plan to test this new method of treatment to determine whether it is also helpful in humans. These will be done by using a symptom severity questionnaire, nerve conduction studies and by testing pressure sensations, hand dexterity and strength. The patients will be randomized to either the treatment or control group. Following the treatment, all baseline measurements will be reevaluated every three months for the first year and every 6 months during the second year. The timing and nature of the evaluation process will be identical in both groups.

Harnessing Neuroplasticity to Enhance Functional Recovery During Chronic Recovery From Upper Extremity...
Hand TransplantationPeripheral Nerve Injuries1 moreThis study adopts a strategy that has arisen from basic neuroscience research on facilitating adaptive brain plasticity and applies this to rehabilitation to improve functional recovery in peripheral nervous system injuries (including hand transplantation, hand replantation, and surgically repaired upper extremity nerve injuries). The technique involves combining behavioral training with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)-a non-invasive form of brain stimulation capable of facilitating adaptive changes in brain organization.

Promoting Healing of Injured Nerves With Electrical Stimulation Therapy
Nerve InjuryPeripheral Nerve Injuries2 moreThis study is evaluating a new therapeutic use of electrical stimulation to promote nerve healing and improve functional recovery following surgical intervention for peripheral nerve injury in arm. Participants will be randomized into one of two groups, treatment or control, with all participants receiving standard of care treatment for the nerve injury. The treatment group will also receive a single dose of the therapeutic stimulation during the surgical intervention for their nerve injury.