A Clinical Trial of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis (Three Components) Combined Vaccine,...
DiphtheriaTetanus and Acellular PertussisThe combined pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus vaccine, the first vaccine to be included in the Expanded Programme of Immunization(EPI) of World Health Organization(WHO), has played an important role in the prevention and control of these three infectious diseases. The (diphtheria,tetanus and acellular pertussis combined vaccine,DTaP) vaccine was successfully developed in China in 1993, and its safety and serological effects were confirmed by the observation of human safety, with mild vaccination reactions and good immunization effects.The (Diphtheria-tetanus-component acellular pertussis vaccine, DTcP) vaccine is suitable for immunization against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus infections in people between 2 and 24 months of age.

Immunogenicity and Safety of BPZE1 Intranasal Pertussis Vaccine in Healthy School-age Children
Bordetella PertussisWhooping CoughThis study evaluates the safety and immunogenicity of the BPZE1 live, attenuated pertussis vaccine, intended to prevent nasopharyngeal colonization and pertussis disease, and compares BPZE1 vaccine vs Boostrix vaccine vs both BPZE1 and Boostrix vaccines. This is a multi-center, randomized, placebo- and active-comparator-controlled study in healthy, school-age children with a 6-month safety follow-up after the first vaccination.

Safety and Immunogenicity of 2 Doses Versus 1 Dose of Acellular Pertussis Vaccines Containing Genetically-detoxified...
PertussisVaccine-Preventable DiseasesA significant increase of pertussis incidence is reported in a growing number of countries. This resurgence is considered as resulting from the limited durability of aP-vaccine-induced immunity and is associated with increased mortality in young infants and morbidity at all age groups. As the pertussis immunity acquired through immunization or infection is short-lived, its maintenance or reactivation requires repeat boosting at regular time points. Thus, novel strategies capable of reactivating pertussis immunity are needed. The efficacy of current acellular pertussis vaccines (which contain chemically-detoxified pertussis toxoid (PT)) rapidly wanes, in part because priming and repeat immunization with acellular vaccines induce antibodies specific for the chemically-detoxified PT but unable to efficiently recognize the native PT expressed by B. pertussis. Clinical studies have shown the superior immunogenicity profile of acellular pertussis vaccines including genetically-detoxified PT (rPT) in adults and adolescents previously primed with aP. In particular, the investigators showed in a past Geneva study in teenagers previously primed with aP that rPT/FHA induced a stronger recall response than the current aP-vaccine at one month post-vaccination. However, the difference was less clear one year after vaccination, suggesting that 2 doses may be needed for more sustained immunity. In the present study, the investigators would like to assess whether giving two doses of rPT/FHA at 6 months interval induces stronger immune responses than a single dose.

Periscope Phase C Bordetella Pertussis Human Challenge Study With Delayed Antibiotic Therapy for...
Pertussis/Whooping CoughPrimary objective- To assess the safety of nasal inoculation of healthy volunteers with B. pertussis with antibiotic therapy given to eradicate colonisation at 6 weeks after inoculation or at symptom onset, whichever occurs first Secondary objectives - To measure the rate of natural clearance of carriage of B. pertussis following nasal inoculation To assess the kinetics of B. pertussis colonisation density following nasal inoculation To describe the microevolution of B. pertussis and adaptation of the resident microbiome during B. pertussis carriage To measure B. pertussis-specific antibody and cellular immunological responses in healthy volunteers during colonisation with B. pertussis - To identify biomarkers that correlate with natural clearance of B. pertussis carriage after induced B. pertussis colonisation To detect transmission of B. pertussis to bedroom contacts of inoculated volunteers during prolonged asymptomatic colonisation

Establishing a Controlled Human Infection Model of Bordetella Pertussis
PertussisThis study aims to establish a Controlled Human Infection Model of Bordetella pertussis by determining a reproducible and safe infectious bacterial dose (challenge inoculum) that achieves colonization and mild symptomatic infection in healthy adults.

Pertussis Challenge Study in Adults Vaccinated With BPZE1
Pertussis/Whooping CoughBordetella Pertussis1 moreThis is a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of BPZE1 that includes virulent B. pertussis challenge followed by a safety follow-up.

Gambia Pertussis Study (GaPs)
PertussisCurrently, there are two types of vaccines available against pertussis (whooping cough), an infectious disease of the respiratory tract that can be extremely serious in very young children. Both have advantages and disadvantages: The acellular form (aP, mainly used in resource-rich countries) does not appear to offer as long lasting protection, but the whole cell vaccine (wP, mainly used in LMIC) appears to be generally more reactogenic. There is consensus that a "better pertussis vaccine" ought to be designed. The GaPs trial is part of a series of clinical trials performed by the PERtussIS COrrelates of Protection Europe (PERISCOPE) Consortium, an EU-funded group of investigators which aims to generate knowledge on immune responses to pertussis. A better understanding of human biomarkers of protective immune responses to B. pertussis and its waning immunity is needed to accelerate the design and testing of new pertussis vaccines with a longer duration of protection. This proposal describes the design and objectives of the clinical trial to be conducted in the Gambia, which is the only site in Africa involved in the consortium and involves the recruitment of 600 mother/infant pairs. Pregnant women will be randomised to receive either the usually recommended tetanus vaccination or a combination vaccine against whooping cough, diptheria, tetanus and polio. Their infants will receive either aP or wP as part of their EPI vaccines, and resulting immune responses will be characterized in detail up to the age of 9 months. The investigators will use immunological assays to investigate the functional humoral and cellular responses to pertussis in infants born to mothers who are randomized to receiving pertussis vaccine in pregnancy or not, and their infants who will receive either aP or wP vaccine. Our research questions are: Does vaccination against pertussis in pregnancy have impact on subsequent immune responses to pertussis vaccine and other EPI vaccines in the infants Does vaccination of infants with wP vaccine induce different levels and functionality of antibody and/or T cell responses than vaccination with aP vaccine What is the difference in innate and acquired immunity- as measured with novel systems vaccinology tools- between being vaccinated with wP versus aP?

A Phase 3 Study of BIBP Diphtheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis (Three Components) Combined...
Whooping CoughDiphtheria1 moreThe study will evaluate the safety, immunogenicity,immune persistence and lot-to-lot consistency of Diphtheria,Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis (Three Components) Combined Vaccine, Adsorbed, (DTacP) including 2 parts: PART 1 will evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of DTacP in health infants aged 2 months and 3 months compared with an adsorption Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular Pertussis (DTaP) Vaccine and Diphtheria,tetanus,pertussis(acellular,component),poliomyelitis(inactivated) vaccine(absorbed) and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (PENTAXIM),compare the safety and immunogenicity of DTacP with different immunization schedules, and observe the immune persistence. PART 2 will evaluate the lot-to-lot consistency of DTacP in health infants aged 3 months with the 3-dose schedule of 3-4-5 month.

Pediatric Pertussis in Ambulatory Settings
Pertussis/Whooping CoughChildren2 moreSince 2002, Whooping cough surveillance in pediatric private practice has been set up in France. The results of the first years, 2002-2006, have confirmed the effectiveness of the Pertussis whole-cell (Pw) vaccine and in particular the duration of protection of 9/10 years. After evaluating cases in children vaccinated with Pw vaccines, the study aims today to analyze cases in children vaccinated with Pertussis acellular (Pa) vaccines used since 2002/2003 and to assess, on an outpatient basis, the impact of new vaccine recommendations in France (in 2013, introduction of a 2 + 1 schedule - 8 weeks, 4 months and a 11-month recall - and a 6-year recall, and in 2014, update in the recommendations of exams to be prescribed based on the child's age and vaccination status).

Pertussis Vaccination Among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Pregnant Women
dTap VaccinePertussis (also known as whooping cough) is a highly contagious, vaccine-preventable respiratory tract disease, caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. It can affect people of all ages, however young unimmunised or partially immunised infants are the most vulnerable group with the highest rates of complications and death. Recent surveillance data and an increase in the number of pertussis outbreaks being reported nationally, indicate an increase in the incidence of pertussis disease in South Africa.To date there is no data on the effect of vaccinating HIV-infected pregnant women with pertussis-containing vaccines, although there is no reason to think that vaccinating these women would be harmful for them or their foetus. The knowledge gaps on the immunogenicity, safety and VE of pertussis vaccination of HIV-infected pregnant women should be addressed. Adacel which is a registered and licensed vaccine manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, will be tested in this study.