CvC-SAD (Clinician vs Coach)Self-help Versions in a RCT
Social Anxiety DisorderBackground: Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a common mental problem, where people experience severe and disabling anxiety about social situations and interactions. It is highly prevalent world-wide and in Hong Kong, causing significant suffering/distress. While evidence-based interventions exist, e.g., cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), there will be not enough trained therapists to meet the treatment demand so that the majority of the SAD patients receive no treatment. Internet-based therapies may offer a solution, given that they deliver treatment more cost-efficiently by requiring lesser therapist time so that more patients can be treated with the same therapist resources. One UK internet-based CBT protocol for SAD, iCBT(C&W), shows high efficacy and efficiency in initial UK and Hong Kong trials with Englishspeaking patients. Objectives: To develop and confirm the efficacy of a Chinese-language version of iCBT(C&W), administered by clinical psychologists in standard therapist-guided format. To develop an even more cost-efficient new self-help format with some minimal 'coaching' performed by trained psychology bachelor-level graduates - its efficacy expected as 'noninferior' to that of the therapist-guided format. Overall design: Three-arm parallel group randomised controlled noninferiority trial: Standard therapist-guided iCT-SAD vs. Guided self-help iCT-SAD vs. Waitlist Method: The iCBT(C&W) protocol will be translated into Chinese. Approximately 110 Chinese adults with SAD will be recruited in Hong Kong and randomised into one of two treatment conditions, therapist-guided versus self-help. The treatment lasts 14 weeks. The primary outcome measure will be Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (self-report version).

Clinical Trial of a Group Self-management Support Program for Anxiety Disorders
Panic DisorderAgoraphobia2 moreBackground. Self-management support is a complementary approach to treatment that aims to educate participants on the nature of anxiety and to improve their strategies to manage symptoms and well-being, thus presenting the potential to enhance recovery, improve outcomes, reduce recurrence rates and lower health care costs. There is limited evidence to support the effectiveness of group self-management support for anxiety disorders in community-based care. Objectives. This study aims at examining the effectiveness of a virtual group self-management support program (SMS) for anxiety disorders as an add-on to treatment-as-usual (TAU) in community-based care settings. We will also assess the incremental cost/effectiveness ratio and the implementability of the intervention. Methods. The trial is a multicentre pragmatic randomized controlled trial with a pre-treatment, post-treatment (4-month post-randomization), and follow-ups at 8, 12 and 24-months. Intervention. The experimental condition will consist of a 10-week SMS program for anxiety disorders in addition to TAU. The control condition will receive TAU without restrictions for anxiety disorders. Inclusion criteria will comprise being 18 years old or older, French-speaking, and meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria for anxiety disorders: Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Patients will be recruited within four regions in Quebec (Canada). Outcome measures: The primary outcome measure is the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The secondary outcome measures include self-reported instruments for anxiety and depressive symptoms, recovery, self-management, quality of life, and service utilisation. Statistical analysis: Intention-to-treat analysis. A mixed effects regression model will be used to account for between and within-subject variations in the analysis of the longitudinal effects of the intervention. Expected outcomes. The rigorous evaluation of the SMS intervention in the real world will provide information to decision makers, health care managers, clinicians and patients regarding the added value of group SMS for patients with anxiety disorders. Widespread implementation of this intervention could lead to more efficient mental health care services, to better long-term outcomes and to a significant reduction in the extensive social and economic burden of anxiety disorders.

Testing a Precision Psychotherapy System for Low-income Patients
Major Depressive DisorderDysthymic Disorder5 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of an evidence-based system to recommend core interventions, before the beginning of treatment, to psychotherapists treating low-income patients with depressive or anxiety disorders.

Transdiagnostic Brain-Behavior Profiling to Enhance Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Response
Major Depressive DisorderSocial Anxiety DisorderMany patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (gSAD) are treated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) but few have meaningful improvement. MDD and gSAD are diseases of brain dysfunction that manifest as impaired emotion regulation; CBT teaches emotion regulation strategies but how it works in the brain remains largely unknown. Individual differences in brain function related to emotion regulation may make some patients better suited for CBT and CBT may remedy the brain dysfunction that underlies these disorders. This project will compare CBT with a placebo psychotherapy (i.e., supportive therapy) in MDD and gSAD to test, validate, and refine brain-based markers and examine mechanisms of change to examine how CBT works and for whom.

Computer - Based Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety DisorderThe present study is a controlled trial that seeks to examine the feasibility, acceptability, mechanism, and efficacy of a recently developed computer-based therapy in individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD)

Neurobiological Markers of Treatment Response for Anxiety and OCD
Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderSocial Anxiety Disorder1 moreObsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders are common and debilitating conditions which are often chronic when treatment is not provided. International guidelines recommend cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as the first-line treatment, and research has shown that CBT can be delivered over a concentrated period of time. The Bergen 4-Day Treatment (B4DT) is an exposure-based treatment which is delivered over four consecutive days. B4DT has been shown to induce rapid and long-lasting remission in around 70% of patients. This provides a platform for studying psychological and neurobiological changes associated with treatment response and non-response. The present study will investigate longitudinal changes in psychological measures and DNA methylation in patients who receive the B4DT, as well as a subset will also undergo multimodal brain imaging.

Social Anxiety Disorder in Medical Students in Sohag University
Social Anxiety DisorderThe study will be done in Sohag University to assess the prevalence and associated factors of Social Anxiety Disorder among undergraduate medical students .

Investigating the Effects of Cannabidiol on Social Anxiety Disorder
PhobiaSocialThe purpose of this study is to test whether a single-dose of Epidiolex (cannabidiol) is associated with reduced psychological, physiological, and neuroimaging measures of anxiety in people diagnosed with social anxiety disorder (SAD).

Interpretive Biases in Children With Social Anxiety
Social AnxietySocial Anxiety DisorderA substantial number of children with social anxiety fail to gain benefit from contemporary cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) approaches. More novel treatment approaches for treatment of social anxiety are needed. The current study attempts to modify an interpretation style that is characteristic of children who also display high anxiety in social situations. Participants between the ages of 8-12 years old, with social anxiety, will be randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions: two conditions are designed to manipulate the interpretation bias or a wait-list control condition. All study procedures will be conducted online. This study will help develop an effective cognitive intervention program for social anxiety in children.

Web-based Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety DisorderAnxiety Disorder of Childhood5 moreAnxiety disorders are the most common childhood psychiatric disorders, with prevalence rates as high as 15% to 20%. Success rates of the first choice treatment strategy (i.e. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; CBT) are around 50%. Non-response increases the risk for other psychiatric disorders, school dropout, social isolation, alcoholism, and suicide attempts. These negative consequences endorse the urgent need to develop more effective and accessible treatments that enhance effectiveness of current treatment options. A promising new treatment for childhood anxiety disorders is Attention Bias Modification Treatment (ABMT). ABMT is based on evidence that anxiety-disordered individuals selectively allocate their attention toward threatening information (i.e. attention bias). This bias in early and automatic attention processes starts a cascade of subsequent biases in information processing and memory, resulting in heightened anxiety. Attention bias is an underlying mechanism of anxiety. Thus ABMT, which implicitly trains individuals to attend away from threatening information should alleviate anxiety. In contrast to ABMT, CBT explicitly targets later stages of information processing that are under volitional control. Meta-analyses of studies in adults have shown that ABMT indeed results in increased recovery rates and clinically significant changes in anxiety, compared to so-called "sham" attention training (control condition). Imaging studies have shown that ABMT modifies lateral prefrontal cortex activity to emotional stimuli. Despite its promising results, fewer studies have examined ABMT in anxiety-disordered children. The aim of this trial is to enhance treatment effectiveness by combining web-based ABMT with CBT in a large sample of anxiety-disordered children. The primary aim is to compare ABMT-augmented CBT with CBT as monotherapy on recovery rates for anxiety disorders and changes in anxiety. The secondary aim is to compare ABMT with sham attention training on anxiety disorder recovery rates and changes in anxiety. We hypothesize that (1) ABMT-augmented CBT will result in a significantly better treatment success than CBT alone, and (2) ABMT will result in a significantly better treatment success than sham attention training. The design will be a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled clinical trial.