The Role of Transdermal CO2 in MDA Level in Patient Underwent Abdominal Aortic Temporary Cross Clamp...
Placenta AccretaThe Role of Transdermal Carbon Dioxide in Malondialdehyde Level as Predictor of Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Patients Underwent Abdominal Aortic Temporary Cross Clamp

Conservative Management for PAS Pilot
Placenta AccretaConservative in situ management is a promising alternative treatment to hysterectomy for patients with placenta accreta spectrum and may be safer and preferable for some patients. This study will assess feasibility of a future randomized clinical trial comparing these treatments and provide novel data to inform shared decision-making and cost-effective care for patients with this deadly pregnancy disorder.

Topical Adrenaline Versus Warm Saline Solution for Minimizing Intraperitoneal Bleeding During Caesarian...
Placenta AccretaPlacenta PreviaPlacenta accreta spectrum (PAS), encompassing the terms placenta accreta, increta, and percreta; abnormally invasive placenta; morbidly adherent placenta; and invasive placentation, is a leading cause of life-threatening obstetric haemorrage . Currently, more than 90% of women diagnosed with PAS also have a placenta praevia , and the combination of both conditions leads to high maternal morbidity and mortality due to massive haemorrhage at the time of birth . Maternal mortality of placenta praevia with percreta has been reported to be as high as 7% of cases . Adrenaline has also been demonstrated to be a reasonable hemostatic agent because of its low cost, low risk, powerful vasoconstrictor, and platelet aggregation. Topical use of adrenaline is an effective and reasonable hemostatic agent in tonsillectomy.

Efficacy of Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2) in Controlling Placental Site Bleeding in Caesarian Delivery...
Placenta AccretaPlacenta accreta spectrum (PAS), encompassing the terms placenta accreta, increta, and percreta; abnormally invasive placenta; morbidly adherent placenta; and invasive placentation, is a leading cause of life-threatening obstetric haemorrage (1) . Currently, more than 90% of women diagnosed with PAS also have a placenta praevia (2), and the combination of both conditions leads to high maternal morbidity and mortality due to massive haemorrhage at the time of birth . Maternal mortality of placenta praevia with percreta has been reported to be as high as 7% of cases . Hydrogen peroxide is well-known for its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. It is used to clean surgical cuts for better localization of bleeding focus in surgery and orthopedics and burn excisions to induce hemostasis . Topical application of hydrogen peroxide was proven to induce hemostasis and reduce operative time in both tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy .

Ligation of Anterior Internal Iliac Artery With Conservative Management of Partial or Focal Placenta...
Placenta AccretaThe patients will be divided into 2 groups: Group (A) - Study group: Cases managed by lower segment resection with ligation of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery Group (B) - Control group: Cases managed by lower segment resection without ligation of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery The following operative details will be recorded: Estimation of total blood loss Pre and 24-h post-operative hemoglobin (g/dl). The need for blood transfusion and its amount intra or postoperative will be recorded Operative time and postoperative hospital stay will be recorded. Close post-operative monitoring of the patients' vital signs, drain output, and urine output Presence or absence of intraoperative complications; bladder, ureteric, bowel, or vascular injuries will be recorded. Monitoring for postoperative morbidities

Early vs Late Bladder Dissection During CS Hysterectomy in Patients With PAS With Bladder Invasion...
Placenta Accreta SpectrumCesarean HysterectomyThirty-six singleton pregnant women with PAS and bladder invasion; total anterior or anterolateral invasion, who were scheduled for cesarean hysterectomy were randomly assigned into two equal groups Group 1: included 18 pregnant women scheduled for classical cesarean hysterectomy for placenta accreta with or without ligation of anterior division of internal iliac artery before cesarean section. Group 2: included 18 pregnant women scheduled for bladder last cesarean hysterectomy with or without ligation of anterior division of internal iliac artery.

New Conservative Technique for Placenta Accreta Spectrum
Placenta Accreta Spectrumparticipants diagnosed as placenta accreta spectrum were subjected to cesarean delivery. Investigators manually detected a plan of cleavage through which the placenta was separated followed by closure of defective placental bed. Data were collected about the outcome.

Conservative Treatment of PAS With or Without IIL
Placenta AccretaCesarean Hysterectomy1 moreIn the current study, the investigators aimed to compare the benefits of internal iliac ligation in placenta accreta spectrum

Placenta Accreta Spectrum Outcome After Uterine Conservation
Placenta Accreta Spectrumstudy will be carried out on patients with placenta accreta spectrum having done uterine conservation and recording immediate outcome of conservation regarding success of the procedure, amount of blood loss and amount of blood transfused and followed up to check the return of menses, any uterine abnormalities by ultrasound or hysteroscopy especially isthmocele and intrauterine synechia.

Histerectomy Vs Partial Myometrial Resection for Placenta Accreta Spectrum
Placenta AccretaCurrently, Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) has two treatment options: hysterectomy (completely removing the uterus) and partial myometrial resection (resecting the part of the uterus affected by this pathology). The present study is a feasibility study of a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial to be carried out in 3 health institutions. Patients who meet the inclusion criteria, after signing the informed consent, will be taken to the surgical procedure and before the start of the procedure they will be randomized to one of the two interventions, hysterectomy or partial myometrial resection, intra-surgical clinical outcomes will be explored and a follow-up will be carried out during the immediate post-surgical period (72 hours), in 7 to 12 days and at 42 days postpartum. A sample size of 60 patients is estimated among the 3 health institutions, with an approximate duration of the study of 24 months.