Use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Constraint Induced Movement Therapy in Pediatric Unilateral...
Cerebral PalsyCerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common cause of childhood physical disability. Early CP diagnosis and intervention are crucial to improving outcomes in these patients. Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) has become a standard therapeutic intervention for children with unilateral CP. CIMT utilizes restraining of the unaffected upper limb to stimulate the use of the paretic upper limb enhancing neuroplasticity in the affected cerebral hemisphere. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a safe non-invasive technique that stimulates the brain using repetitive magnetic pulses to enhance neuroplasticity. TMS has been shown to improve symptoms of children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as CP. It is predicted that a combined therapy that uses CIMT and TMS is could improve mobility in children with unilateral CP. To determine if combined therapy is beneficial to children with CP and if use of this therapy is feasible for families, the investigators would like to conducted a feasibility trial. In this trial the investigators will enrol 10 children who have unilateral CP, the participants will either receive: CIMT and TMS or; CIMT and fake TMS, fake TMS consist of a child sitting near the TMS machine but not receiving any TMS. The aim of this project is to determine if it is feasible to conduct a large randomized control trial to compare the effects of combined CIMT and TMS versus CIMT and fake TMS.The investigators also hope that by conducting this trial they can identify any benefits that the addition of TMS may have in children with CP.

Dynamic Orthotic Garment in Diplegic Cerebral Palsy
Diplegic Cerebral PalsyThis study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of dynamic orthotic garment (Thera togs) on foot pressure distribution, postural control, functional performance and endurance in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: forty children with spastic diplegic CP, with ages ranging from 8 to 10 years, will be assigned randomly into two groups. The control group will receive the conventional physical therapy, whereas the study group will receive the same program as the control group in addition to Thera togs. Measurement of foot pressure distribution will be performed using a pressure platform, postural control will be evaluated using the trunk control measurement scale Trunk Position Sense pediatric berg balance scale, endurance will be assessed using six-minute walk test (6MWT)

Effectiveness of Unilateral Versus Bilateral Intensive Training in Children With Cerebral Palsy...
Cerebral PalsyThis 3-year research project aims to investigate and compare the immediate and long-term treatment effectiveness as well as motor improving curve and potential predictors of the unimanual intensive training and bimanual intensive training protocols with an equivalent intervention period in children with hemiplegic CP and children with CP with apparently one side affected. In addition, based on the ICF-CY model, comprehensive outcome measures including motor functions as well as psychological functions will be included.

Development of Kinect-assisted Home-based Bilateral Arm Training Program for Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsyThe purpose of the present study is to develop a long term cost-effectiveness (efficient protocol, playful context, and practical strategy) training program for school-age children with Cerebral Palsy. Also, evaluate efficacy of Kinect-assisted bilateral arm training program for children with Cerebral Palsy.

Can Prophylactic Foraminotomy Prevent C5 Palsy
MyelopathyCompressive3 moreC5 palsy (C5P) is a well-known, although rare complication of cervical spine decompression surgery. In severe forms, C5P causes debilitating upper extremity weakness involving the deltoids and/or biceps brachii muscles, ultimately diminishing these patients' quality of life. Furthermore, about half of patients with C5P present with sensory deficits and/or intractable pain in addition to the muscle weakness. Prophylactic bilateral foraminotomy at the C5 level during cervical decompression surgery has been studied recently with the hope that it will minimize the risk of developing a C5 nerve root palsy postoperatively. Although the current literature provides some support for this claim, there are insufficient data establishing this technique as a proven measure to reduce the incidence of C5P. In the present study, we seek to evaluate the effect of bilateral foraminotomy on postoperative C5P incidence rates. Bilateral foraminotomy has been correlated with a reduced risk of developing C5P following cervical decompression surgery, but an identical foraminotomy procedure has never been applied in a randomized manner to all qualifying patients in a study. Additionally, prophylactic foraminotomy has only been prospectively studied during laminoplasty. In the proposed study, bilateral foraminotomy will be randomized to patients receiving cervical decompression surgery (laminoplasty, laminectomy, fusion). This is a multicenter randomized trial, including the following sites: Cleveland Clinic, Columbia University Medical Center, and University of Southern California Spine Center. Patients undergoing cervical decompression surgery will be consented and enrolled if they meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subsequently, incidence of C5P will be monitored to determine efficacy of prophylactic C5 bilateral foraminotomy during cervical decompression.

Effectiveness and Safety of Early Intramuscular Botulinum Toxin Injections to Prevent Shoulder Deformity...
Obstetrical Brachial Plexus PalsyIn children population with obstetrical brachial plexus palsy (OBPP), shoulder musculoskeletal deformity is the main cause of morbidity, with a loss of range of shoulder motion, pain and a reduction in social participation. Some uncontrolled studies shows that early injections of botulinum toxin (BTI) in the internal shoulder rotator muscles (which cause the deformity) are one of the most promising treatment for the prevention of bony deformity. The main objective of this study will be the evaluation of the effectiveness of BTI in the internal shoulder rotator muscles at the age of 12 months in preventing an increase in posterior subluxation of the glenohumeral joint in babies with OBPP (evaluated at the ages of 11 months and 18 months), compared to the Sham group.

Efficacy Research of Bimanual Intensive Training in Children With Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsyThis research project aims to investigate the feasibility, efficacy, and acceptability of camp-based model of BIT.

Multiwave Locked System Laser for Patients With Bell's Palsy.
Facial ParalysesIdiopathic2 moreBackground: Idiopathic Bell's palsy (IBP) is a unilateral facial paralysis of sudden onset and unknown etiology. Patient with IBP has an impaired facial expressions and psychological affection, which interfere with social communication. Multiwave locked system (MLS) laser therapy is a class IV laser with synchronizes emission of an 808 nm continuous laser and a 905 nm pulsed laser. It is proposed that MLS facilitates greater penetration and therapeutic effects than low-level laser therapy (LLLT). Aims: The aim of present study is to investigate the effect of MLS laser in the treatment of patients with unilateral IBP. Participant: A total number of 60 patients with IBP will be recruited from Makkah hospitals. Treatment will begin in the subacute phase as they referred from neuro-doctors. All the recruited patients will be randomly assigned into three groups of 20 patients each. Intervention: All patients will be treated with facial massage and exercises. In addition, group one will receive MLS laser with 10 J/cm2 in scanning mode while the group two will receive 10J/point for eight points. Measured variables: Facial disability scale (FDI) and House-Brackmann scale HBS will used to assess the grade of facial nerve recovery. The scores of both questionnaires will be collected at the baseline, after three and six weeks after treatment. Statistical Analysis: The Friedman and Wilcoxon signed ranks tests will be used to compare the FDI and HBS scores within each group

Effects of Different Time Period of Standing Frame on Spasticity and Gait in Children With Spastic...
Spastic Cerebral PalsySpastic GaitCerebral palsy is a neurological disorder with abnormalities in muscle tone, movement disorders and motor incapability. It attributes to harm to the growing brain. Cerebral approach including brain and its palsy referred to weakness and problems while using the muscles. It is characterized by way of the incapability to normally control motor features, and it has. the capacity to have an impact on the general improvement of a child with the aid of affecting the child's capability to explore, talk, learn, and grow to be independent. Spastic CP is the most common type among children and debts for almost 77% among all instances. It is the major problem in CP child making movement difficult or even impossible.

Impact of Biophoton Generator on Chronic-Stroke Patients' Recovery
Chronic StrokeParalysisThe purpose of this clinical research is to verify if the patients with chronic stroke can regain the ability of living independently after daily using Testa BioHealing® Biophoton Generators to increase the energy of the brain and other parts of the body. The main study questions are: Can patients with chronic stroke regain life independence by normalizing Activities of Daily Living (ADL). Can brain-injury and recovery status of the patients with chronic stroke be detected by using an EEG machine. Participants will sleep-rest on a hotel bed energized by Tesla BioHealing Biophoton Generators, and clinical study staff will observe the participant's activities of daily living, as compared to those who will sleep in the hotel room equipped with placebo devices.