A Retrospective Study of the Effects of Ocular Acupuncture on Ocular Motor Nerve Palsy
Oculomotor Nerve PalsyTrochlear Nerve Palsy1 moreThis retrospective observational study is designed to assess the response to treatment with ocular acupuncture and its relative factors, in terms of diplopia status, ocular motility differences, and clinical features, in ocular motor nerve palsy patients. During this study, a retrospective data collection will be carried out using the information contained in the medical record of aimed patients, provided that the treatment with ocular acupuncture.

Comparison of Costoclavicular Brachial Plexus Block and Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
Phrenic Nerve ParalysisThe investigator will compare Costoclavicular approach of infraclavicular block and supraclavicular block. Especially, the incidence of phrenic nerve palsy and the quality of block.

The Relationship Between Trans-diaphragmatic Pressure and Diaphragmatic Contraction
Weaning FailureRespiratory Paralysis1 moreThrough this study the investigators aim to clarify the relationship between trans-diaphragmatic pressure and various parameters of the diaphragmatic contraction evaluated by ultrasound. The following parameters will be studied: esophageal pressure, gastric pressure, diaphragm thickness at peak inspiration (Tdi,pi), diaphragm thickness at end expiration (Tdi,ee), diaphragm thickening (Tdi,pi - Tdi,ee), diaphragm thickness fraction [TFdi=(Tdi,pi - Tdi,ee)/Tdi,ee], diaphragm excursion (Di,e), Maximal Inspiratory pressure (M.I.P), Pressure-Time product of the trans-diaphragmatic pressure (PΤPdi),Tension Time Diaphragm Index (T.T.Di) and the rapid shallow breathing index (R.S.B.I.). These measurements will be made in two phases.Firstly, during the spontaneous breathing trial and secondly during spontaneous breathing through an airway of reduced diameter.Furthermore, during the M.I.P. test the aforementioned ultrasound parameters will be measured. The aim of this study is to discover new means of a successful prediction of weaning in the first 48 hours following extubation.

Teeth and Jaw Misalignment in Patients Suffering From Congenital Fourth Cranial Nerve Palsy
Fourth Cranial Nerve PalsyPatients suffering from congenital fourth cranial nerve palsy may have misalignment of jaws as well as teeth due to head tilt in childhood.

The Yield of Laryngeal Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Stridor and Dysphonia in Children
StridorVocal Cord ParalysisStridor is a respiratory noise caused by partial obstruction of the large airways at the level of the pharynx, larynx and/or trachea. The second most common cause of stridor is vocal cord paralysis. Awake nasolaryngoscopyn (ANL) is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of laryngomalacia. However, ANL has some drawbacks as it may cause discomfort for the patient and the laryngeal view may be obscured due to patient movement or anatomical variations. Ultrasound (US) is a noninvasive, painless, radiation free, well tolerated imaging technique. Evaluation of the dynamic characteristics of the glottis by US revealed perfect reliability in comparison to nasolryngoscopy suggesting that US can be useful in the assessment of laryngeal adduction. The investigator hypothesize that laryngeal US can be an accurate and reliable adjunct in the diagnosis of functional and anatomical causes of stridor and dysphonia in the pediatric population.

Regional Distribution of Ventilation to Assess Respiratory Muscle Dysfunction
Respiratory FailureNeuromuscular Disorder1 moreThe aim of this study is to better discriminate respiratory muscle dysfunction by comparing the measurements of thoracoabdominal motion obtained by an optoelectronic recording and the conventional tests of respiratory muscle strength. The final objective is to better select in the future the patients who need more specific assessment of diaphragmatic function like "maximal transdiaphragmatic pressure" measurement and "phrenic nerve stimulation".

Multislice Computed Tomography in Cases With Facial Nerve Paralysis Due to Temporal Bone Trauma...
Facial Nerve ParalysisFacial nerve paralysis is a disfiguring complication which occurs in 7-10 % of temporal bone fractures. The onset of paralysis may be immediate, delayed or undetermined, the latter of which often occurs in unconscious patients with accompanying life-threatening complications.About one fourth has complete paralysis.

4-Repeat Tauopathy Neuroimaging Initiative - Cycle 2
Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD)Corticobasal Syndrome (CBS)4 moreThe goal of this study is to identify the most reliable methods of analysis for tracking CBD, PSP, and o/vPSP over time. The results from this study may be used in the future to calculate statistical power for clinical drug trials. The study will also provide information about the relative value of novel imaging techniques for diagnosis, as well as the value of imaging techniques versus testing of blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 'biomarkers'.

Multi-modal Neuroimaging in Children With Cerebral Palsy or Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy
Cerebral PalsyBrachial Plexus; Injury1 moreThe main goal of this study is to identify abnormal functional and anatomical brain reorganization associated with hand, foot, and shoulder function in children (0-18 years old) with cerebral palsy (CP) due to periventricular white matter injury (PV-WMI) or brachial plexus birth palsy (BPBP) using a multi-modal neuroimaging approach.

The Relationship Between Psychological Factors and Bell's Palsy
Bell's PalsyThe aim of this study was to explore the risk factors for Bell's palsy (BP) and to examine whether psychological factors are the potential risk factors for the occurrence of BP.