Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated Whole-cell Pneumococcal Vaccine Gamma-PN3....
Pneumococcal InfectionsThis is a randomised placebo-controlled first-in-man dose-ranging study to determine safety and markers of efficacy.

A Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Immunogenicity and Safety of the 23-valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide...
Pneumococcal DiseaseThis study is a randomized, blinded, parallel controlled phase 3 clinical trial to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in healthy people aged 2 years and above.

Phase III Clinical Trial of 13-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (Multivalent Conjugate) in...
Streptococcus Pneumoniae InfectionThis study is a phase III clinical trial to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (multivalent conjugate) in infants aged 2 months (at least 6 weeks) and 3 months. The main objectives of the study include: 1. To evaluate the immunogenicity of the trial vaccine in infants aged 2 months (at least 6 weeks) following the corresponding immunization schedule compared to the control vaccine; 2. To evaluate the immunogenicity of the trial vaccine in infants aged 3 months following the corresponding immunization schedule compared to the 2-month group; 3. To evaluate the safety of the trial vaccine in infants aged 2 months (at least 6 weeks) and 3 months following the corresponding immunization schedule.

Phase I Clinical Trial of a Candidate PCV13 in Healthy People
Pneumococcal InfectionsStreptococcus pneumoniae is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide, resulting in up to 1 million pediatric deaths every year. Since the licensure of PCV7, PCV10, PCV13 and PCV15, the reported overall decline in invasive pneumococcal disease in hospitalized children younger than 5 years is approximately 60% around the world. This is a single center, blinded, randomized, positive-controlled phase I clinical trial to evaluate the safety and explore the immunogenicity of a candidate PCV13 in healthy people aged 2 months (minimum 6 weeks) and above.

The Effect of AUDIT and Feedback on Pneumococcal Vaccination Coverage
Pneumococcal InfectionsThe goal of this cluster-randomized trial is to study the effect of Audit and Feedback loops on pneumococcal vaccination coverage rate in adults at risk in general practice. The main questions it aims to answer are: To assess the effect of "clinical AUDIT and feedback" loops on the pneumococcal vaccination coverage rate in adults at risk in general practice. To explore whether the increase in vaccination coverage rate after implementation of Audit and Feedback loops is different in specific subgroups (risk groups, male/female, age, smoking status). Every general practice center assigned to the control or intervention group will have access to a clinical AUDIT to identify patients that may benefit from a pneumococcal vaccination. The general practice centers in the intervention group will also receive an individualized extended electronic feedback report, with multiple components like benchmarked performances and action plans, at baseline and each 2 months from baseline onwards.

Safety and Immunogenicity Study of a 13-valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine
Pneumococcal InfectionsThis study is an open-label combined randomized double-blind, positive control phase Ⅰ clinical trial of the a 13-valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine manufactured by Sinovac Research & Development Co., Ltd. The purpose of this study is to preliminary evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the study vaccine

Extension Safety and Immunogenicity Study of GPNV-001
Pneumococcal InfectionsA 6 and 12 month safety and immunogenicity study of participants in study GPNV-001, a novel whole-cell pneumococcal vaccine.

Safety and Immunogenicity Following Meningococcal and Pneumococcal Immunization Among Adult People...
HivMeningococcal Infections1 moreMENPI is an investigator-initiated single-centre randomized controlled trial which aims to assess the efficacy and safety of meningococcal and pneumococcal vaccination in adults living with HIV receiving antiretroviral treatment. Participants are randomized 1:1 to either a two-dose Menveo® and Bexsero® regimen or a Prevenar13®/Pneumovax23® prime-boost regimen at day 0 and day 60 and cross over on day 90. All participants will follow an identical follow up program including plasma collection, pharyngeal swab, and adverse event registration. Immunogenicity will be determined on venous blood sampled at 30 days post-vaccination and yearly for five years.

A Study to Learn About a Type of Pneumococcal Vaccine With a New Ingredient (PF-07872411) Intended...
Pneumococcal DiseaseThe purpose of this clinical trial is to learn about a pneumococcal vaccine with a new ingredient (PF-07872411) intended to enhance the effects of the vaccine. This pneumococcal vaccine with the new ingredient may prevent the diseases caused by pneumococcal bacteria like meningitis, sepsis, ear infections and sinusitis. Meningitis is an infection in which the tissue around the brain and spine is swollen. Sepsis is a very serious infection in your blood caused by a germ (a bacteria). Sinusitis is when your sinuses (the air-filled spaces inside your nose and head), are infected. This study is seeking for healthy participants who: are above 50 years of age and less than 64 years of age. have not taken any vaccine for pneumococcal diseases before. have not taken any vaccines with additional ingredients within 1 year before administration of the study vaccine. All participants will receive a single study vaccine shot in the upper arm muscle at the study clinic. The study will compare the experiences of people receiving the vaccine with a new ingredient in the vaccine to those without the new ingredient. This will be done by comparing 2 different dose levels of the new ingredient. It will also be compared against people who receive the vaccine without the new ingredient and at different dose levels. This will help the study team establish if the vaccine with a new ingredient is safe and effective. Participants will take part in this study for about 12 months. During this time participants will have up to 6 clinic visits. At these clinic visits, participants will be asked if any side effects were experienced. The participants will also have to give blood samples during these visits. Some participants will need to have blood taken for laboratory tests before they can be judged to be eligible to be included in the study.

A Phase I Study of XJ103 in Chinese Healthy Subjects
Pneumococcal DiseaseThis is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-parallel intervention clinical study that will include approximately 38 healthy subjects based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subjects will be assigned to one of four different dosage cohorts. Subjects in each cohort will randomly be given experimental drug or a placebo.