The Effects of Dietary Salt on Post-exercise Hypotension
Blood PressurePost-Exercise HypotensionThe new American Heart Association (AHA) blood pressure guidelines are expected to raise the prevalence of high blood pressure to ~46% in the United States. One recommendation for lowering blood pressure is aerobic exercise, which produces a period of lowered blood pressure (post-exercise hypotension; PEH) that lasts up to 24 hours. It is believed that PEH may be responsible for the observations of lowered blood pressure following initiation of exercise. However, most Americans eat too much salt, which expands plasma volume and may prevent PEH, rending aerobic exercise ineffective in improving blood pressure status.

The Influence of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Firefighter Cardiovascular Health Under Exercise Conditions...
Cardiovascular DiseasesPost-Exercise HypotensionSudden cardiac death (SCD) is the number one cause of on-duty firefighter death. It is most likely to occur in adults who are not physically fit that engage in sudden vigorous exercise. Cardiorespiratory physical fitness (also known as aerobic fitness) is a major heart disease risk factor. In FIT and FIRED UP, the study investigators looked at the influence of cardiorespiratory fitness on blood pressure, heart rate, and other heart markers taken from the blood before and after a vigorous exercise test to maximal effort among firefighters from a local fire department in Connecticut. In addition, the investigators also looked at how lifestyle habits including physical activity, nutrition, stress, and sleep may influence our findings. It was hypothesized that aerobically fit firefighters would show less stress on their heart than unfit firefighters.

Resistance Exercise Modify Cardiovascular Responses of Professors During Teaching and Sleep
Post-Exercise HypotensionBoth work activity and reduced nocturnal dipping of blood pressure are related to increased cardiovascular risk. The aim of the present study was to assess the hemodynamic and autonomic responses of university professors during teaching and sleeping times after different resistance exercise intensities. Ten normotensive professors (33.6±3.4 years, 82.4±12.4 kg; 177.0±7.5 cm) randomly underwent control and resistance exercise before initiating their daily activities. Resistance exercise consisted of a circuit training lasting 40min at 40% and 80% of one repetition maximum test. Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure as well as heart rate variability indicators in the time and frequency domains (Low Frequency, High Frequency, Low Frequency:High Frequency ratio) were evaluated on resting and 24 hours after the sessions. The average day-time, night-time and nocturnal blood pressure fall of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were calculated.

Oral Nitrite Synthesis and Post-exercise Hypotension
Blood PressureSports Physical TherapyExercise is probably the most effective approach to reduce blood pressure. In fact, a single bout of exercise induces a physiological response known as Post-Exercise Hypotension (PEH) where a prolonged decrease in resting blood pressure occurs in the minutes and hours after exercise. However, it is not fully understood how this response triggers. Recent evidence suggests that oral bacteria may play a key role in blood pressure control by enhancing nitrite, and then nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability under resting conditions in humans. However, no previous study has investigated whether this is a key mechanism involve in PEH. Thus, the main aim of this study was to investigate if the oral nitrate/nitrite pathway is a key regulator of PEH and vasodilation in healthy humans.

Impact of Citrulline and Arginine Supplementation on the Post-exercise Hypotension (PEH)
HypertensionPost-exercise hypotension (PEH) is a established phenomenon as one of the non-pharmacological ways of reducing blood pressure, producing important impacts, particularly in hypertensive individuals. However, the factors involved in the magnitude and duration of this effect are relatively little studied. Thus, the bioavailability of vasodilatation mediators may maximize the duration and magnitude of PEH. In this sense, the objective of the present project will be to verify the impact of L-citrulline associated with L-arginine supplementation on the acute blood pressure response after an aerobic exercise session. Approximately 80 adults (40 normotensive and 40 hypertensive) will be selected. The sample will be submitted to measurements of body mass, height and resting blood pressure. After the minimum interval of 48 h, subjects will be randomly submitted to four experimental situations (exercise/L-citrulline, exercise/L-arginine, exercise/placebo, exercise/L-citrulline + L-arginine). The exercise sessions (40 min in treadmill at 60% of FCres) will be performed with a minimum interval of 48 h. After each session, the blood pressure of the sample will be recorded during 24 hours. For data analysis, blood pressure values will be plotted in average of the wakefulness and average of the sleep periods and average of the 24 hours. The comparisons will be made through the ANOVA (repeated measures), following the recommended assumptions. It is hoped that the results of this project will collaborate to the knowledge regarding non-pharmacological models aimed at the prevention and treatment of hypertension in normotensive and hypertensive patients.

Single Session of Active Video Game Promotes Post Exercise Hypotension in Middle-aged Hypertensive...
HypertensionBackground: The active video game (VGA) it has been studied how much to the physiological factors of your practice. The objective was to determine whether an AVG session promotes post-exercise hypotension (PEH) similar to walking exercise. Methods: Fifteen hypertensive (49.0 ± 1.6 years), both genders performed five randomized sessions, lasting 60 minutes: 1) AVG, 2) sedentary video game (SVG), 3) walk treadmill with moderate intensity (WMI), 4) walk treadmill with similar intensity to VGA (WGI), and 5) control without exercise (CON). Intensity was determined by Heart rate (HR) and Perceived Exertion (PE). Blood pressure (BP) and cardiac autonomic modulation (CAM) measurements were taken at rest and every 10 minutes post exercise for 60 minutes.

Doses of Coffee and Blood Pressure Response Post-exercise
Post-Exercise HypotensionHypertensionIntroduction: reduction of blood pressure after physical exercise is called post exercise hypotension (PEH). However, previous studies demonstrate that ingestion of caffeine equivalent to three tea-cup of coffee abolishes this phenomenon. Objective: evaluate the influence of different doses of coffee in PEH. Methods: eleven hypertensive performed four experimental sessions of aerobic exercise in cycle ergometer (40 minutes of duration, intensity between 60% and 80% of maximum heart rate) succeeds for the ingestion of one (CAF-1), two (CAF-2), three (CAF-3) doses of caffeinated coffee (144 mg/dose), or three doses of decaffeinated coffee (DESC). Blood pressure was measured in rest and during 120 minutes of recovery post exercise, each 10 minutes.