One Way to Diagnose Hepatic Insufficiency the First Postoperative Day After Resection: Prospective...
Indocyanine GreenPostoperative Complications1 moreIntroduction: Hepatic insufficiency is a complication that puts the life of the patient undergoing resective surgery at risk. Thus, the diagnosis should be made early. The current gold standard allows its diagnosis on the fifth postoperative day. Indocyanine green is a water soluble dye. When administered intravenously, it binds to plasma proteins and it is removed unchanged by bile, without experiencing enterohepatic recirculation, which allows estimating the function of hepatocytes and the function of hepato-splacnic flow. There is a measurement system named "Non-invasive liver function monitor" (LiMON®, PULSION Medical Systems, Munich, Germany), which allows the measurement of indocyanine green clearance at the patient's bedside. Justification: The use of indocyanine green plasma disappearance during the perioperative period tries to know the exact value of the hepatic function in the most real conditions, when the excision has been performed, thus giving the investigators the actual value of the unresected liver. This allows te investigators to estimate the risk of hepatic insufficiency development that can lead to hepatic failure. Due to the characteristics of the test, it could get reliable results earlier than the current "gold standard " (50:50 Criteria on the 5th postoperative day). Hypotheses and Objectives: The investigators hypothesized that the determination of the hepatic reserve by identifying the indocyanine plasma clearance in real time after hepatic parenchymal resection could lead to a more accurate and earlier statement of the hepatic reserve than current tests. The aim of the study is to determine the usefulness of indocyanine green in the perioperative period to early diagnosis of hepatic failure. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational post-authorization study (EPA-SP) is performed to study de usefulness of indocyanine green. The study was approved by the Ethics and Clinical Research Committee of the University General Hospital of Ciudad Real. Surgical patients scheduled for liver surgery, who agreed to be included in the study and signed an informed consent, were included in the study over a two-year period, after having understood the study objectives and its possible complications. Measurements were performed with the LiMON® monitor prior to liver resection and on the first postoperative day to patients undergoing liver resection surgery and compared with gold standard.

Wireless Assessment of Respiratory and Circulatory Distress
Postoperative ComplicationsA high percentage of patients undergoing major abdominal surgery will develop a postoperative complication. Our hypothesis is that by observing postoperative patients with continuous wireless monitoring, it is possible to detect the correlation between deviating vital parameters and subsequent postoperative complications. A prospective observational study will take place on general surgical wards with the enrolment of 500 patients in two different hospitals. Physiological parameters will be recorded for 96 hours postoperative. Data is collected preoperative, peroperative and postoperative in up to 6 months for data analyzing.

Orthopaedic Implant Removal
Implant ComplicationComplication2 moreThe necessity of orthopedic implant removal is under intense discussion and even if it is performed as an elective procedure, the risk of complications is present. Aim of the study is to identify parameters responsible for an increased risk of early post-operative complications after elective aseptic orthopedic implant removal.

Surveillance of High-risk Early Postsurgical Patients for Real-time Detection of Complications
ComplicationPostoperativeThe aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that continuous wireless monitoring on the postsurgical ward will improve patient outcome, measured as disability-free survival at three months after surgery. Further, the investigators hypothesize that this tight control regimen decreases length of hospital stay and treatment costs in patients with complications.

Perioperative Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients Undergoing Major Acute Abdominal Surgery
Cardiovascular ComplicationComplication1 moreThe aim of the clinical study is: to examine the association between postoperative endothelial function, indirectly measured by reactive hyperemia index, and major adverse cardiovascular events including myocardial injury and cardiac death within 30, 90 and 365 days of acute abdominal surgery. to examine the association between postoperative endothelial function, indirectly measured by reactive hyperemia index, and non-cardiovascular complications including non-cardiac death within 30, 90 and 365 days of acute abdominal surgery. to examine the importance of the postoperative blood glucose level and the pulmonary function for postoperative complications and death within 30, 90 and 365 days of acute abdominal surgery. to examine the association between postoperative endothelial function, pulmonary function and blood glucose level the qualitative part of the study will examine the postoperative subjective symptoms including acute and chronic pain, quality of recovery and functional status, depressive thoughts and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Portal Flow Pulsatility as a Risk Factor for Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery
C.Surgical Procedure; CardiacAcute Kidney Injury3 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the possible association between portal vein flow pulsatility and acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery. Participants will undergo assessment of portal vein flow and intra-renal blood flow using bedside Doppler ultrasound before surgery and daily for three days after cardiac surgery.

Preoperative Diagnostic Tests for Pulmonary Risk Assessment in COPD
Lung DiseasesObstructive1 moreThis prospective study intends to investigate the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC) or in-hospital mortality in patients with COPD or at risk for COPD undergoing high-risk noncardiac major surgery and to identify relevant risk factors. This study aims to quantify and compare the diagnostic performance of preoperative functional tests, exercise capacity, clinical assessment tests and predictive scoring systems to predict PPC or in-hospital mortality in these patients.

Wireless Assessment of Respiratory and Circulatory Distress; A Pilot Study
Abdominal CancerPostoperative Complications2 morePostoperative observation of patients is based on the Early Warning Score (EWS). By using continuous wireless monitoring of vital parameters it may be possible to predict the risk of complications after abdominal cancer surgery. The object of this pilot study is to test the equipment and methods for the next phases. Patients will be monitored for 4 days postoperatively and data is analyzed retrospectively. Vital parameters are monitored with ECG, blood pressure monitor and pulseoximetry. In the analysis the investigators will compare the results from the continuous monitoring to the measurements made by the nurses and registered in the EWS. The primary outcomes for the pilot study are the frequency of measurements resulting in a single parameter score of 3 according to the EWS algorithm.

Total Intravenous Anesthesia and Inhalation Anesthesia
Postoperative ComplicationsThe aim of us is to define the incidence of postoperative complications and recovery time in view of two anesthesia procedures. During the period between 01.01.2016 and 01.01.2017, totally 583 patients were included in the study, who had oral and maxillofacial surgeries. Anesthesia types were determined as total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) and inhalation anesthesia (IA). Postoperative complications and recovery period were determined as tachycardia, bradycardia, hypertension, hypotension, recovery time, additional analgesia, nausea-vomiting. Both anesthesia procedures were compared in terms of these postoperative complications and recovery time.

eCRANIO Trial Study on Elective CRAniotomies: Postoperative Neurointensive Care, Imaging and Outcome...
CraniotomyPostoperative ComplicationsRegarding the postoperative care strategies following elective craniotomy procedures there is little evidence. Many neurosurgical departments prefer these patients to remain intubated and sedated for many hours postoperatively to minimize hemodynamic and respiratory distress in fear of early postoperative complications such as rebleeding or seizures. In this prospective observational study the investigators aim to show that early tracheal extubation following elective brain surgery is feasible and safe.