Effect of Foot Reflexology on Preeclampsia
Mild Pre-eclampsiathe aim of this study to investigate the effect of foot reflexology on mild preeclampsia during pregnancy

Chronic Hypertension and Acetyl Salicylic Acid in Pregnancy
Chronic Hypertension Complicating PregnancyPre-Eclampsia4 moreA randomized clinical trial to assess the efficiency of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) 150 mg/day started before 20 weeks of gestation in the prevention on maternal and fœtal complications in pregnant women with chronic hypertension.

Effects of Nitrate-rich Beetroot Juice in Pregnant Women With High Blood Pressure
PreeclampsiaHypertension5 moreBACKGROUND: Preeclampsia (PE) is a serious syndrome that affects 3-7% of all pregnant women. PE is characterized by hypertension and kidney problems after the 20th week of pregnancy and is associated with an increased risk of serious cardiovascular complications including death in both mother and fetus. The underlying disease mechanisms are not clear, but that there are changes in the vessels and their function is generally accepted. Today, there is a lack of medical treatment in the form of medicines. HYPOTHESIS: So-called oxidative stress and deficiency of the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO) play an important role in disease onset and complications in PE. WORK PLAN: This interdisciplinary project combines clinical and experimental studies to investigate the significance of oxidative stress and NO deficiency in PE. We have shown in previous studies that nitrate, which is found in high levels in lettuce and beets, can be converted to NO in the body. In a feasibility study, blood samples were taken from women with PE and healthy pregnant women. Analysis of these samples has shown that women with PE and their newborns have lower levels of nitrate and markers of NO in the blood. In a clinical study, the physiological effects (cardiovascular function, renal function, metabolic function) of an increased daily nitrate intake (in the form of a specially developed beetroot juice) are examined in patients with PE. Blood and urine samples are collected before and after beetroot intervention and during childbirth when umbilical cord and placenta samples are also collected. The samples are analyzed with biochemical analyzes with regard to e.g. oxidative stress and NO. IMPORTANCE: The project is expected to contribute new and important knowledge regarding the disease mechanisms, which may enable new treatment strategies in PE.

Preeclampsia And Nonsteroidal Drugs for Analgesia: a Randomized Non Inferiority Trial
Preeclampsia SeverePreeclampsia PostpartumA randomized non-inferiority trial of women with preeclampsia with severe features to determine if the addition of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is inferior or non-inferior to standard analgesic bundles in their impact on postpartum hypertension.

Preeclampsia Postpartum Antihypertensive Treatment
PreeclampsiaHypertension in PregnancyThe goal of this study is to compare whether antihypertensive treatment in the postpartum period decreases postpartum hypertension and its associated maternal morbidity, including risk of readmission and healthcare utilization in comparison with no treatment. Women with preeclampsia diagnosed during the antepartum, intrapartum or postpartum period will be randomized to either initiate antihypertensive treatment or standard of care. We hypothesize that postpartum antihypertensive treatment of patients with preeclampsia will decrease risk of hospital readmission, healthcare utilization and the number of severe range blood pressures at postpartum follow-up visits.

Comparative Effects of Jacobson's Relaxation Techniques and Stretching Exercises in Preeclampsia...
Pre-Eclampsia; Complicating PregnancyTo compare the effect of Jacobson's Relaxation Techniques and stretching exercises on Preeclampsia in pregnant women.

Management of Postpartum Preeclampsia
Postpartum PreeclampsiaThe aim of this study is to assess the effect of a lower treatment threshold for antihypertensive medication and tighter blood pressure control, using remote blood pressure monitoring, on reducing Emergency Room visits for our postpartum patients with hypertensive disease.

Proof-of-Concept Trial on Selective Removal of sFlt-1 in Pregnant Women With Preeclampsia Via Apheresis...
PreeclampsiaThis clinical investigation is a medical device trial to examine the safety and efficacy of TheraSorb sFlt-1 adsorber treatment of pregnant patients with preeclampsia.

Maternal Cardiac Output Response to Rescue Norepinephrine and Phenylephrine Boluses in Patients...
Hemodynamic InstabilityThe purpose of this study is to investigate the maternal cardiac output response to rescue norepinephrine and phenylephrine boluses for postspinal anesthesia hypotension in parturients with preeclampsia undergoing cesarean section.

Natural Cycle vs Programmed Cycle Frozen Embryo Transfer
InfertilityFrozen Embryo Transfer1 moreThe goal of this[ type of study: randomized controlled trial]is to compare Preeclampsia following Natural vs. Artificial Cycle in patients undergoing frozen embryo transfer. The main question[s] it aims to answer is • Does NC-FET decreases the incidence of preeclampsia in patients undergoing frozen embryo transfer as compared to AC-FET ? The main objective is to compare the proportion of preeclampsia in women with a viable pregnancy with natural cycle protocol to artificial cycle protocol when practicing frozen embryo transfer. Participants recruited will be divided into two ARM(1513 per arm). ARM 1 will undergo the Natural Cycle procedure of Embryo transfer, and ARM 2 will undergo the Artificial Cycle procedure of Embryo transfer. The primary outcome will be the proportion of preeclampsia. The duration of the study is around 2 year.