Tranexamic Acid as an Intervention in Abruptio Placenta
Vaginal BleedingProlonged PregnancyAbruptio placenta is one of the common causes of antepartum haemorrhage which is more common in the second half of pregnancy and causes a high maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality

Use of Single Versus Double Foley's Catheter in Pre-induction Cervical Ripening
Post DateInduction of LaborCervical ripening should be present before labor induction, which can generally be divided into two categories: pharmacological and mechanical

Dilapan-S®: A Multicenter US E-registry
Post Term PregnancyPremature Rupture of Membrane4 moreObjective of this registry is to collect a representative set of real world data on the use of Dilapan-S® for pre-induction cervical ripening in daily clinical practice. Upon completion of the registry, relevant collected data will be analyzed and published.

Middle Cerebral To Umbilical Artery Doppler Ratio And Amniotic Fluid Volume Measurement In Post-date...
PregnancyProlongedThe aim of this study is to assess the values of MCA PI / UA PI and MCA RI / UA RI ratios and amniotic fluid volume in predicting the adverse perinatal fetal outcome in uncomplicated postdate pregnancy

Outpatient Foley Catheter for Induction of Labor in Nulliparous for Prolonged Pregnancy
Induction of LabourProlonged Pregnancy15 to 20 % of nulliparous needs an induction at term. None study has evaluated Foley catheter induction at home versus expectative in this population

Foley Catheter Versus Vaginal Misoprostol for Cervical Ripening and Induction of Labor
PregnancyProlonged2 morePURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of balloon dilatation (Foley) with vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labor. METHOD: a randomized clinical assay has been performed with 160 women with indication of induction of labor, randomly divided in two groups, 80 for Foley catheter and 80 for misoprostol.

Reduction of Cesareans by Nitric Oxide (NO) Donors in Post Term Pregnancies
Prolonged PregnancyNulliparityThe purpose of this trial is to determine whether cervical ripening with isosorbide mononitrate reduce caesarean section in women with post term pregnancies.

The Use of Castor Oil as a Labor Initiator in Post-date Pregnancies
Prolonged PregnancyThe purpose of the study is to determine whether castor oil is effective in inducing labor.

Mechanical cervicAl ripeninG for Women With PrOlongedPregnancies
Prolonged PregnancyA pregnancy is considered ''prolonged'' from 41 weeks of gestation. Prolonged Pregnancies (PP) are associated with increased maternal morbidity: emergency caesarean, 3rd and 4th degree perineal lesions and postpartum haemorrhage. Foetuses are at increased risk of oligohydramnios, meconium-staining and Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) anomalies. Around 15% of all pregnancies are prolonged. A Cochrane review on induction of labour showed that a policy of labour induction at or beyond 41 weeks was associated with significantly fewer perinatal deaths. Thus the French College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists stated, "induction of labour can be proposed to patients between 41+0 and 41+6 weeks of gestation". In cases where labour is induced and cervix is unfavourable, cervical ripening is advised. Methods of cervical ripening include pharmacological (prostaglandins) and mechanical (Foley catheter or trans-cervical double balloon) methods. Those two methods were compared in the PROBAAT trial among women with term pregnancies (beyond 37+0). The rates of caesarean section with these two strategies were identical, however uterine hyper stimulation with FHR anomalies occurred less when cervical ripening was mechanical. Considering pharmacological cervical ripening is associated with more uterine hyper stimulation and more FHR anomalies, it may not be the most appropriate in cases of fragile foetuses that include cases of prolonged pregnancies. Considering prolonged pregnancies are associated with a risk of FHR anomalies and that cervical ripening with a pharmacological method is another factor which increases this risk: women with prolonged pregnancies could benefit from a more "gentle" cervical ripening. At present, no particular method is recommended in cases of cervical ripening and prolonged pregnancies. We hypothesise that, in cases of prolonged pregnancies, mechanical cervical ripening, with less uterine hyperstimulation and fewer FHR anomalies, could be more appropriate and could reduce the rate of caesarean section for suspicion of fetal distress.

Acupuncture Effect on the Rate of Maturation in Post Term Pregnancies.
Pregnancy Beyond 41 Week's GestationBrief Summary Short description of the protocol intended for the lay public. Include a brief statement of the study hypothesis. (Limit: 5000 characters) Example: The purpose of this study is to determine whether prednisone, methotrexate, and cyclophosphamide are effective in the treatment of rapidly progressive hearing loss in both ears due to autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED). The first purpose of this randomized study is to determine if five points of acupuncture : 4GI, 6RP, 34VB, 36E, 3F could improve the bishop score for prolonged pregnancies and decrease the rate of maturation. The protocol of our study consists of proposing to the pregnant women one or two acupuncture sessions the term's day and three days later. Once the consent is signed, women are randomly included in the experimental or placebo arm. In the experimental arm, midwives puncture five points : 4GI, 6 RP, 34VB, 36E, 3F on each side while in the placebo arm, they puncture just one point : 16 HM on each side. The maturation's rate between the two groups will be compared by a Fisher's exact test and analyzed in function parity (nulliparous or multiparous) and number of sessions (one or two) with a model of univariate and multivariate logistic regression.