
Active clinical trials for "Preleukemia"

Results 1461-1470 of 1544

Development of an in Vitro Hematopoietic Culture System and Application to Myelodysplastic Syndromes....

Hematopoietic Cell ProliferationMyelodysplastic Syndromes

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are myeloid hemopathies characterized by ineffective clonal haematopoiesis, peripheral cytopenias and a predisposition to the occurrence of acute myeloid leukemias. Their diagnosis involves a cytological evaluation of the medulla, while their prognosis, in addition to extrinsic factors depending on the patient himself (age, comorbidities), intrinsic factors. The cytological evaluation is subject to a certain subjectivity since qualitative and the diagnosis is sometimes difficult in the absence of marker of clonality. More and more studies emphasize the interest of flow cytometry (CMF) in the diagnosis of SMD: by looking for qualitative and / or quantitative aberrations of the expression of membrane markers, CMF allows to establish scores Diagnosis that we have put in place within the laboratory. However, these studies are based on a static model that studies the phenotypic characteristics of patients at a given time but does not really reflect ineffective hematopoiesis. A dynamic model for in vitro reproduction of hematopoiesis would be an innovative tool for the study of SMD. This project aims to develop and standardize a system of differentiation in liquid medium of hematopoietic stem cells (CSH) in mature cells by studying each stage of the differentiation in terms of proliferation, apoptosis and phenotypic expression. HSCs will be obtained by CD34 + sorting from the medullary sample at diagnosis: the investigator will study cell proliferation, apoptosis and the acquisition of surface markers, in order to identify the quantitative and qualitative abnormalities associated with the differentiation of haematopoietic progenitors Smart. This should make it possible to identify diagnostic and prognostic factors in terms of response to treatment, acutism and survival.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

A Study to Analyze the Occurrence of Transformation From Myelodysplastic Syndrome to Acute Myeloid...

Myelodysplastic SyndromesLeukemia2 more

To analyze the occurrence of transformation from myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) to acute myeloid leukemia (hereinafter referred to as transformation from MDS to AML) in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome with a deletion 5q cytogenetic abnormality (hereinafter referred to as del(5q)MDS) who received Revlimid® 5 mg Capsules (hereinafter referred to as Revlimid) and who are continuing or no longer continuing Revlimid treatment. Planned registration period This period started on the date of initial marketing of Revlimid and will end on the day when the appropriateness of enrollment is assessed for all del(5qMDS) patients in the all-case surveillance. Planned surveillance period This period started on the date of initial marketing of Revlimid and will end 3 years after the last enrolled patient begins receiving Revlimid.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

High Risk Myelodysplasia Treated by Azacytidine : Genetic and Epigenetic (MYRAGE)

High-risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes With Excess Blasts

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are the most frequent myeloid neoplasms in Western Countries.They mainly affect patients aged 65 years or older. This is a very heterogenous group of diseases, which prognosis is evaluated with International Prognosis Scoring System. High risk MDS present with high frequency of transformation into acute myeloid leukemia. Treatment of high risk MDS often is based on hypomethylating agents, such as 5'-azacytidine (Azacytidine), with a complete response in approximativel 20% of cases.. This treatment is based on 4-week cycles, with daily injection during the first week and rest during the 3 next weeks of the cycle. Azacytidine efficacy is commonly evaluated with clinical and biological parameters determined by the International Working Group 2006. These parameters are usually evaluated after at least 6 cycles of treatments. There is a response with Azacytidine treatment in 60% of cases, including 40% of partial responses and 20% of complete responses. In 40% of patients, there is no response, which means that the disases is stable or in progression under therapy. In this regard, early evaluation of treatment response is an issue. We want to improve our knowledge about early response criteria in Azacytidine-treated high-risk MDS, focusing on SMD with excess blasts, which represent 30 to 40% of total MDS. Then, the investigator team want to compare DNA methylation profile at diagnosis and after 3 cycles of Azacytidine treatment. Main objective : Identify DNA methylation profiles related to response to Azacytidine therapy, after only 3 cycles of treatment, in high risk MDS with excess blasts. Secondary objective : Identify at diagnosis DNA methylation profiles that are predicitive of response to Azacytidin, in high risk MDS with excess blasts.

Unknown status21 enrollment criteria

Evaluating Cell Damage in Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, or Fanconi...

LeukemiaMyelodysplastic Syndromes

RATIONALE: Studying samples of bone marrow from patients with cancer and from healthy volunteers in the laboratory may help doctors learn more about changes that occur in bone marrow stromal (connective tissue) cells. It may also help doctors understand the effects of alkylating agents on bone marrow stromal cells. PURPOSE: This laboratory study is evaluating stromal cells in patients with acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, or Fanconi anemia; in patients who were exposed to alkylating agents; and in healthy volunteers.

Completed21 enrollment criteria

B-Receptor Signaling in Cardiomyopathy

CarcinomasAmyloidosis37 more

We hope to determine the importance of different genes (including B receptors) in anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy. This has important benefits to patients exposed to anthracyclines, as this could help determine whether certain individuals have increased susceptibility to cardiac injury.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Serial Analysis of Chimerism in Patients With Refractory Cytopenia (RC) Transplanted With Reduced...

Refractory Cytopenia of ChildhoodReduced Intensity Conditioning (RIC)2 more

This is a prospective, non-randomized multi-center multi-national study to evaluate the chimerism measured by STR and SNP in patients with hypoplastic RC and normal karyotype transplanted with a preparative regimen of reduced intensity. Primary objectives: To study hematopoietic chimerism in whole blood and different cell population (CD14, CD15, CD 56, CD3, CD19) as well as in dendritic cells and regulatory T-cells after SCT with RIC in patients with RC To compare the results of chimerism obtained with standard STR PCR (sensitivity 1%) with those obtained with SNP PCR (sensitivity 0.1- 0.01%) Secondary objectives: To evaluate the relationship between mixed chimerism and hematological engraftment, OS and EFS To study the impact of mixed chimerism in plasmacytoid dendritic and regulatory T-cells on the incidence of acute and chronic GVHD

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Symptom-Related Cytokines in Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome Patients

Myelodysplastic SyndromeAcute Myeloblastic Leukemia1 more

Primary Objective: 1. To assess the self-reported symptoms and the plasma cytokine levels of AML/MDS patients pretransplantation and posttransplantation with allogeneic blood and marrow in order to identify changes in symptoms (or symptom clusters) and changes in cytokines that may be related to the conditioning regimen and/or to the development of GVHD during the 100 days posttransplant. Based on the current literature, both animal and human research, in this study we hypothesize that increases in TNF alpha to be associated with poor appetite, sleep disturbance and fatigue, but not with increases in pain, depression and numbness.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Early Diagnosis of Aspergillosis in Patients at High Risk of Fungal Infection Caused by Treatment...

Graft Versus Host DiseaseInfection3 more

RATIONALE: Studying ways to diagnose fungal infections early may help doctors plan the best treatment. PURPOSE: This clinical trial is studying laboratory tests to see how well they find aspergillosis early in patients at high risk of fungal infection caused by treatment for hematologic cancer or other disease.

Unknown status13 enrollment criteria

Study Comparing Piperacillin-tazobactam Versus Piperacillin-tazobactam Plus Glycopeptide in Neutropenic...

Hematological MalignancyLeukemia4 more

The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy and tolerance of piperacillin-tazobactam versus piperacillin-tazobactam plus glycopeptide as initial empiric antibiotic treatment for fever in neutropenic patients. Study of consecutive cohorts(2). First the patients will be included in the monotherapy branch until completing the predicted number of cases. When this happens, the Coordinating Center will communicate it to the participant centers and from then the patients will be included in the combined therapy.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Differential Diagnostic of Immune ThrombocytoPenia (ITP) and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)

Immune ThrombocytopeniaMyelodysplastic Syndromes

Current diagnostic criteria for Immune ThrombocytoPenia (ITP) are mainly based on the presence of low numbers of platelets, excluding other multiple causes of thrombocytopenia, including immunodeficiencies, constitutional or acquired thrombocytopenia, hypersplenism and clonal hematological disorders such as MDS, disorders lymphoproliferative and acute myeloid leukemia (AML), among others. The analysis complementary tests for the diagnosis of ITP include studies basic systematic hematology, together with autoimmune assays and microbiological tests, while the evaluation of bone marrow is limited to elderly patients and/or patients resistant to treatment. Previous research has described the development of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) in patients with a previous diagnosis of ITP, and even the presence of MDS associated with genetic background. Therefore, it is conceivable fact that a percentage of cases with clinical signs of ITP in the moment of appearance may actually correspond to the first stages of MDS development in which bone marrow cells are not systematically evaluated in the initial presentation. The anomalous immunophenotypic patterns between multiple compartments of bone marrow cells and peripherally blood (PB) platelets have been characterized through flow cytometry. The flow cytometry currently represents an important complementary tool for diagnosis of MDS that has shown great effectiveness and applicability in the differential diagnosis of non-clonal cytopenias against early MDS and for the detection of stages prior to MDS. Besides, the flow cytometry has made it possible to detect the presence of coexisting features related to MDS in patients with other malignancies hematologic conditions such as multiple myeloma, AML, and lymphocytic leukemia chronic. Therefore, the immunophenotypic analysis of the cells of the bone marrow of patients with ITP at the time of appearance would help to identify the cases that underlie clonal hematopoiesis MDS type. In the present study it is planned a broad characterization immunophenotyping of multiple compartments of bone marrow cells and PB platelets from patients with recently diagnosed ITP and investigate their morphological antecedents, in order to identify those patients who show compatible clonal hematopoietic patterns with MDS evident (or at risk of development), as candidates to receive most appropriate therapeutic methods.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

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