Clinical Study of Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Premature Ovarian...
Premature Ovarian InsufficiencyThis study was a single-center, randomized, controlled prospective study. Those who had premature ovarian failure and who had fertility requirements were enrolled in the study. To determine the efficacy and safety of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of patients with POI.

Clinical Observation on Kuntai Capsule in Treating Early-onset Ovarian Hypofunction
Primary Ovarian InsufficiencyTo evaluate the efficacy and safety of Kuntai capsule alone or combined with hormone therapy in improving ovarian function in POI patients (including subclinical stage).

Autologous PRP Infusion May Restore Ovarian Function and May Promote Folliculogenesis in POI Patients...
MenopausePremature5 moreAutologous PRP intra ovarian infusion may restore ovarian function, may promote folliculogenesis and may improve patients' hormonal profile in patients presenting with POI.

Ovarian PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injection for Follicular Activation
Premature Ovarian InsufficiencyInfertility4 moreThe primary objective is to investigate the efficacy, defined as an increase in oocyte numbers upon ovarian stimulation, and safety of a single intra-ovarian PRP injection vs. saline solution (NaCl) injection (Placebo) transvaginally or laparoscopically for follicular activation in patients with child wish and with low ovarian reserve/expected poor ovarian response planning to undergo IVF or ICSI using own eggs. Pain score as numerical rating score and validated quality of life questionnaire will be requested after the procedure. Longterm follow-up of all participants will be performed 1, 2 and 5 years after end of study.

Immunomodulatory Therapy in Women With Autoimmune Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
Autoimmune DiseasesPremature Ovarian InsufficiencyTitle: Effects of immunomodulatory therapy on gonadal function in women with autoimmune premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) Trial objectives and purpose: To study if rituximab therapy can improve ovarian response to gonadotropin stimulation and menstrual function in women with autoimmune POI. Treatment: Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation before and four months after an infusion of 1-gram rituximab (Mabthera®) twice with two weeks interval. Follow-up period 12 months after infusion. Primary outcome: Number of antral follicles and the size of the largest follicle in response to ovarian stimulation. Secondary outcomes: Reestablishment of spontaneous menstrual bleedings during the 12 months' study period Ovulation during the 12 months' study period Change in B-cell count, autoantibody indices and immunoglobulin levels (IgG) after treatment Safety outcomes: All adverse events. Of particular relevance are any hospital admissions, infections and allergic reactions. Study population: Fifteen women with autoimmune POI defined as absence of menstruation > 6 months and elevated serum level of follicle stimulation hormone > 40 International units (IU)/L. Inclusion criteria: Autoimmune POI defined as presence of autoantibodies against 21-hydroxylase (OH), side chain cleavage enzyme (SCC), 17-OH and/or neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NACHT) leucine-rich-repeat protein 5 (NALP5) or other relevant autoantibodies; 18-35 yrs of age; body mass index 19-30. Exclusion criteria: Hypersensitivity to rituximab; severe infection; severe immunosuppression; cardiac disease; cancer; benign tumours of the hypothalamus, pituitary, or ovary; ovarian enlargement or ovarian cyst; vaginal bleeding of unknown aetiology. Time plan: The study is expected to start the spring 2017. It is expected to be closed spring 2023.

Autologous Heterotopic Fresh Ovarian Graft in Woman With LACC Eligible for Pelvic Radiotherapy Treatment....
Locally Advanced Cervical CarcinomaPremature Ovarian FailurePelvic chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is an effective treatment for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer (LACC). However, CRT induces premature ovarian failure ceasing the production of ovarian hormones. This may lead to severe consequences to the patient's life quality, sexuality and overall healthy. An acceptable treatment to minimize the adverse effects caused by the lack of ovarian hormones is hormonal replacement but less than 40% of the patients younger than 50 years have access to this treatment. A second alternative treatment is ovarian transposing which is a surgical technique with variable success rate depending on how far the ovaries are from the radiotherapy field. A third, more promising, alternative is involves using autologous ovarian tissue as a graft in tissues far from the radiotherapy field. This treatment has the potential of maintaining the natural ovarian hormones production at a lower-cost and requiring a simpler procedure. The primary objective of this randomized phase 1-2 clinical trial is to validate the feasibility of ovarian tissue engraft into fatty tissue and its endocrine functionality.

Clinical Efficacy Analysis of Resveratrol in the Treatment of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
Primary Ovarian InsufficiencyResveratrol is a natural plant antitoxin widely found in grapes, mulberries, and other plants. Resveratrol mediates a variety of pharmacological effects, including antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic, and plays a protective and therapeutic role in the development of several ROS-related diseases, including POI/POF.

Autologous Ovarian Tissue Transplantation
Primary Ovarian InsufficiencyFemale InfertilityChemotherapy and radiation for cancer and other conditions can cause infertility. Several centers around the world are cryopreserving ovarian tissue from these patients though an experimental protocol, including the Fertility Preservation Program in Pittsburgh (protocol PRO08050491). The objective of this study is to study the efficacy and safety of autologous tissue transplantation in patients diagnosed with primary ovarian insufficiency after chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments.

Injections of Autologous PRP in Women With Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
Primary Ovarian InsufficiencyPremature MenopausePremature ovarian failure is a loss of normal function before age 40, leading to infertility and hypoestrogenism. This study will involve only adult women with a diagnosis of POI. Participants will receive injections of autologous PRP in one randomly selected ovary.

Effect of NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) on Diminished Ovarian Reserve (Including Premature Ovarian...
Diminished Ovarian ReservePremature Ovarian InsufficiencyThe purpose of the study is to understand the effect of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) on patients with diminished ovarian reserve (including premature ovarian insufficiency).